The paper I just wrote turned out to be true

Chapter 395 The meeting is interrupted!

Chapter 395 The meeting is interrupted!

"This is a genetic fragment of an alien."

This sentence echoed in everyone's mind.

Human beings are jointly created by aliens and merman enemies, and mermans have already appeared, and the core problem is aliens.

Many traces of aliens have been found.

I don't know what it looks like, what characteristics it has.

Not to mention its genetic fragments.

As a result, all of a sudden.

A man claims to have deciphered the genes of aliens.

The first knee-jerk reaction is disbelief.

It's a ridiculous thing to do.

All the experts looked at Lin Chen in unison, all kinds of suspicious expressions and gazes.

Even Lin Chen has done many things.

It was also hard for them to imagine that Lin Chen would be able to decipher the genetic fragments of aliens.

Nie Yuanhua, who presided over the work, was also stunned.

A notice was sent suddenly just now, Lin Chen had something to report, but he didn't expect that what he reported was the gene fragment of an alien.

He is a figure in the industry.

It's impossible to think about it with your own knowledge base.

However, when his eyes fell on Lin Chen's resolute cheek, Lin Chen's past events flashed across his mind.

"He doesn't seem to have ever opened his mouth."

"Could it be true?"

A foreign leader noticed that the atmosphere was a bit weird, and he quickly asked the experts beside him in a low voice, asking why Lin Chen was so shocked when he said he had found the alien gene fragment.

He just listened to the report.

Some experts have said that the mermaid gene and the alien gene make up the human gene.

Already earned 2/3.

Wouldn't it be okay to continue to push backwards?

The expert said in a low voice: "Under normal circumstances, if you want to know the gene fragment of a creature, you must have the real body of the creature, and then use a series of technical means to detect the genetic composition."

"Now he uses human gene fragments and mermaid gene fragments, and the combination of the two has reversed the introduction of aliens. It is easier to say, and it is not practical at all."

In 1990, more than 6 scientists from the United States, Britain, Japan, France, Germany, and China participated in the Human Gene Sequencing Project. The project was completed in 2000, and the scientists released the first human gene sequencing map in 2003. However, this sequencing map is not complete, and the remaining 2004% has not been sequenced.

So many scientists, after many years of strength, completed the sequencing of the human gene.

This is an extremely large project.

After preliminary testing of the merman's gene, they found that the number of merman's gene fragments is far greater than that of humans, and the entire sequencing plan has not been completed.

Combine the two.

Lin Chen's words are a little unbelievable.

After listening to the expert's explanation, the leader also nodded, and pondered: "From this point of view, gene sequencing alone will take several years."

"He can't do it."

The small movements and demeanor of everyone on the field naturally fell into Lin Chen's eyes.

In the face of public doubts.

Instead of talking, he started showing it on the computer.

After several experts saw the content on the screen, their pupils suddenly dilated, showing incredulous expressions.

Other experts have discovered this.

Quickly asked what happened.

"This is all the fragments of human genes."

An expert retracted his gaze, a little excited, and explained to the surrounding experts.

"In the human gene sequencing many years ago, 8% of the gene fragments were not detected."

"The free 8 percent consists of highly repetitive DNA sequences, long sequences of which are marked N, meaning "unknown base."

"In order to completely unravel the mystery of human gene fragments, we have established a research institution called T-2-Tconsortium, whose task is to complete 100% gene sequencing."

The name of the institution translated into Chinese is "Telomere to Telomere Alliance".

Eric Green, MD, once said: "A genome without fragments is as incomplete as a paragraph without sentences."

And this spare 8% also makes all relevant scientists continue to explore it.

The Alliance is here to crack the remaining mysteries.

"We are trying to decipher it now. Most of the work has been completed, and there are still a few gene fragments left, which can completely complete the entire human gene sequence."

The expert raised his head, looked at the content displayed on the screen, and said word by word.

"Lin Chen, he has completed all the sequencing."

After hearing this.

People were completely dumbfounded.

What was more shocking than them was the people who participated in the alliance. In order to complete this work, they put in a lot of hard work, adopted the latest detection technology, and found suitable cells with difficulty. They read from the cell line of CHM13. DNA gene, easier than before.

Now, they haven't done their job yet.

Lin Chen has already taken out the result.

Every expert who participated in the project concentrated his attention, with sharp eyes, quickly inspected, found the part he was responsible for, and matched them one by one.

"That's right!"

"Exactly the same!"

and their test results are the same.

In other words, Lin Chen's words may not be empty words.

After thinking about this.

They gasped.

Experts from the project team quickly asked Lin Chen, how did he detect it?
Lin Chen replied "truthfully" that the new gene was used, the nano-gene human technology was used for detection, and the project was completed in cooperation with other experts.

Their expressions were a little sluggish.

As experts in this field, they can distinguish the truth from the false in Lin Chen's words.

Lin Chen's method is very correct.

Even in some details, it is better than theirs, and it takes less energy! !
This is completely convinced.

Other experts also began to come to their senses. In this way, Lin Chen has real skills. He has completed the human sequencing. Then what he said just now... has a high probability of being true?

They felt that there had never been a similar situation in their lives. One news after another shocked them, and their minds became a little confused.

Some experts thought of one thing.

If it is possible to reverse the alien gene.

That can directly prove that human beings are created by a mixture of aliens and mermaids.

Some old experts subconsciously licked their lips.

Before I knew it, more than half an hour had passed.

Lin Chen's narration came to an end.

Professor Honasan Petroipa stood up and said, "I think the meeting should be temporarily suspended."

Then, he looked around.

The words are very firm.

"We want Professor Lin Chen's results."

As soon as this remark fell, he immediately got the support of other experts.

"Yes, it's better to stop temporarily. It's not too late to continue driving after inspection."

Many experts agree.

After seeing this scene, Nie Yuanhua quickly contacted the person in charge.

About 4 minutes passed.

He said: "Temporarily suspend the meeting."

(End of this chapter)

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