The paper I just wrote turned out to be true

Chapter 383 Establishing a Research Group

Chapter 383 Establishing a Research Group
After listening to Lin Chen's narration.

A group of experts really broke the defense.

Their performances were different, some were suspicious, some were resentful, and the more aggressive ones regarded Lin Chen as a person who deceived the public.

In this process.

Lin Chen also discovered a very interesting thing. It was not a respected professor or a young and strong young scholar who took the lead in launching the attack, but the mainstay of the academic circle.

".Humans and chimpanzees have a common ancestor, the ancient ape. About 700 million years ago, we and the chimpanzee entered a different evolutionary process. The ancient ape passed through Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and Heidelbergian, and finally formed intelligence 20 years ago. people, that is, we modern people.”

"This is already a fact recognized by the world."

"There is sufficient evidence to show that human beings evolved step by step from ancient apes, and their brain capacity was also developed step by step"

"It's definitely not like you said, human beings are a mixture of bullshit alien civilizations and mermaids."

A middle-aged scholar was impassioned and criticized Lin Chen's statement.

What the middle-aged scholar said is a statement that is more agreeable.

The origin of human beings is roughly as follows:

About 100 million years ago, because of the erratic climate in Africa, many Homo erectus began to leave Africa and migrate around, thus producing the Heidelberger.

Appearing about 30-40 years ago, Heidelbergers evolved into Neanderthals in Europe, and in Africa, non-migrating groups evolved into Homo sapiens (modern humans).

Neanderthals are the closest to us Homo sapiens (modern humans) among all ancient humans. Their short and thick bodies allowed them to survive repeated ice ages. They lived by hunting and mainly lived On the edge of ice shelves in central Europe and Asia, scientists have discovered Neanderthal child fossils in caves dating back 10 years.

Homo sapiens, or we modern humans, were teetering on the brink of extinction 14 years ago, but humans rose from humble beginnings to eventually replace the other ancient human population that already existed, the Neanderthals.

For the first time, there is only one species of human being left on Earth.

Lin Chen noticed that some respected scholars also nodded slightly, agreeing with the views of the middle-aged scholar.

The leaders above seemed to have expected this situation a long time ago, they did not intervene, but waited for an answer.

Lin Chen was neither surprised nor happy, with a faint expression on his face, he said with a half-smile: "I have also learned similar knowledge in textbooks, so I know that in the academic world, Darwin's theory of evolution is more recognized, and the ancestors of human beings are African ancient ape, and even found a skeleton named Lucy."

The words "Leave aside the facts" almost blurted out, and immediately transformed into: "Aside from these evidences, there are different theories about the origin of human beings."

"Truth is often re-established from being overthrown."

"Human beings were created by a mixture of aliens and mermaids. This is the record found in the ancient laboratory from the past. I am just a translator to pass on the information. These still need to be judged by experts."

"Cough cough."

An old professor coughed and said slowly: "About the origin of human beings, there are three theories: the theory of creation, the theory of alien creation and the theory of evolution."

"Creationism believes that the origin of the universe, the origin of life, and the emergence of human beings were all created and designed by God or some supernatural power. Human beings are created by God in his own form."

"Alien Creation Theory believes that human beings were created by alien intelligent creatures or ancient astronauts in prehistoric times."

"The theory of evolution is a theory first proposed by Charles Darwin and gradually developed. It is believed that human beings originated from apes, and human beings developed step by step from primates through a long evolutionary process."

"Currently, Darwin's theory of evolution is accepted, but the other two theories are also scientific."

"Professor Lin, I would like to ask, when was the laboratory built on Homecoming Island?"

Don't wait for Lin Chen to answer.

Mr. Qin stood up on the side, holding a large amount of materials in his hand, and said: "We don't know the approximate time of construction, but according to the review of documents by Professor Lin and several other experts, the preliminary judgment is that the laboratory The construction time should be after Dayu's flood control, at least around 5000 years."

The experts and professors present frowned and thought.

The laboratory was built 5000 years ago, and the documents there are very convincing.

Various evidences appearing on Guixu Island, the Temple of the Hundred Schools of Philosophers, etc., have already explained its relationship with the Central Plains.

In addition, prehistoric civilizations existed in the world.

It's a fact that almost everyone knows.

There is a high probability that the people on Guixu Island are the survivors of prehistoric civilization, and the evidence they continued to write should be quite reliable.

Mr. Qin introduced some highly confidential information to several people.

This reduced the suspicion in their hearts.

Some are convinced by Lin Chen's statement.

Several respected old professors looked at each other and smiled wryly.

An indescribable feeling emerged in my heart.

I have studied for most of my life.

In the end, it was nothing.

Even so, they still had doubts in their hearts. They said that since there were merman corpses, they could study them carefully and investigate further.

Some young scholars had bright eyes, gearing up and eager to try. They listened to and asked many detailed questions.

For example, about the white energy liquid.

What is he?
How do genes work?
Compared with old professors, young scholars have more extensive interdisciplinary knowledge, and some are even biologists, and they are very interested in these.

More importantly.

They found themselves on a new track.

Generally speaking, for young scholars, it is quite tragic to enter a relatively unpopular and mature major, because the research is almost over.

What should be done has already been done.

The rest is just luck.

I hope to find some fossils that have not been dug up, and then stitch and repair them.

Now they see hope.

A place that has never been excavated.

Just so excited.

And you can touch all kinds of things that you can't touch.

Lin Chen was taken aback by their enthusiasm.

Seeing the behavior of the young scholars, the mouth corners of several old professors twitched, their moods were very complicated.

Finally, several leaders decided to set up a special research group to conduct research in this area.

A scholar asked a question.

"Leader, will this matter be made public?"

 Written by a new author. The result is much better than mine.

(End of this chapter)

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