The paper I just wrote turned out to be true

Chapter 377 Those Things That Year!

Chapter 377 Those Things That Year!
The two walked and talked.

"About the late 50s, with the further changes in the international situation and the assistance from the big northern countries, my country's industrial strength had a significant improvement. In order to solve the shortage of mineral resources and prevent the destruction of major industrial facilities."

Lin Chen listened carefully to Mr. Qin's words, and he didn't say anything before inviting him here, he just said that he had something important to help.

Mr. Qin didn't get straight to the point, but talked about the past, which surprised Lin Chen, and he listened curiously.

"Therefore, there were several secret operations at that time. You had several troops secretly dispatched to the west, the Kunlun Mountains and the XZ Plateau. It went very smoothly at the beginning, until later."

Mr. Qin's words were low and eloquent.

Lin Chen felt like he was listening to a novel.

"problem occurs?"


Mr. Qin paused and said, "A UFO has been found."

His speaking speed is very slow, but every word is very sure.


Lin Chen raised his eyebrows and asked back.

"Yes, the real UFO, that is, what everyone calls a UFO, that UFO is very huge, with a diameter of more than 100 meters, but it is already in dilapidated condition. At the beginning, people didn't regard it as a It is not an alien flying object, but it is used as a detection aircraft of the Medi Kingdom, and it wants to detect the reality of our country."

Lin Chen nodded. Given the situation back then, there was such a possibility.

"and then?"

"Later, the soldiers found a large number of dead bodies around the flying object, and these dead bodies were extremely strange."

Mr. Qin gave up and didn't continue talking. At this time, the two of them had arrived in front of a huge building. Mr. Qin opened the door and made an invitation gesture.

Lin Chen strode forward.

He also did not expect that the development would be so fast. The whole building was in the shape of a mountain, about 10 meters high, and it was not inferior to the buildings in the big cities in the inland.

in a short period of time.

Doing well enough.

Mr. Qin took Lin Chen up to the 4th floor, and stopped at the door of 412. After passing the fingerprint identification and pupil identification, he pushed open the heavy door and said, "Everything you want to know is inside."

Lin Chen frowned.

"Mysterious and weird."

The space in the room was not large, and as the two entered, the lights turned on, revealing their true colors.

In an instant.

Lin Chen felt like he had entered the morgue.

In the very center of the room, there are two beds. The beds are covered with two layers of white cloth. The beds are uneven, and there is obviously something underneath.

"These two bodies were just airlifted from China, and they were also found on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau."

Mr. Qin strode forward and lifted the two layers of cloth above, revealing his true face.

Lin Chen's eyes fell on the two corpses, and his pupils changed slightly.

These are two mummified bodies.


But they don't seem to be human.

The upper body of the corpse is life, and the lower body is a "leg", to be precise, it is a tail.

The entire tail occupies about 3/5 of the body.

And it looks better than the upper body.

"We also found traces of mermaids in the place where we captured dinosaurs. We should have brought them back for research at this point in time, but our research on mermaids has started a long time ago."

"I have just come into contact with these materials."

"I am not in charge of this aspect. It has been kept secret, and the level of secrecy is at the top."

Lin Chen looked at the shark and said, "Are there any research results?"

Mr. Qin said: "Yes."

"Not too much, though."

"In the past, the technology was not developed, and there were not many research results. We know that in the past ten years, we have extracted the genes of the sharks and conducted research. It turned out that there are a large number of genes related to humans in the genes of the sharks. can express almost the same traits."

"However, there were also genes that were not related."

"And those genes that are not related are more expressed in fish organisms."

Lin Chen pondered for a moment and said: "According to what you mean, if you combine human gene fragments and fish gene fragments together, it happens to be the mermaid gene."

Mr. Qin shook his head and said: "This statement is a bit simple. There are still many problems in it. It is not a simple additive relationship. I have done similar research to modify the monkey's gene to express it, but in the end it did not achieve results."

"I don't know too well."

"This needs to be consulted with relevant experts."

Lin Chen hummed.

"Then was there anything found on the UFO at that time? Such as advanced technology."

Mr. Qin smiled wryly and said: "When it was first discovered, people paid more attention to it. They conducted research many times, but found nothing. Later, they stopped researching. Unfortunately, because of some things, they were destroyed in the end."


Lin Chen was a little speechless.


He took a deep breath and looked at the two mummies.

"Researching these things is not my specialty, what do you want me to do?"

Mr. Qin said: "Actually, I still have a story."

Lin Chen: "Say!"

"Do you remember the incident in Antarctica?"

"The mysterious UFO incident?"


"of course I remember."

Lin Chen was deeply impressed by this incident. After all, he just wrote a paper to demonstrate that Antarctica has existed since ancient times. As a result, a UFO incident occurred later, which led to the development of the whole incident beyond imagination.

It made the whole world tense up.

Many countries even used warplanes.

It all ended up being disabled and destroyed.

That can be regarded as the Waterloo of all countries.

At that time, in the face of the mysterious UFO, Huaxia's plane also faced it, but the UFO did not damage Huaxia's plane, and even changed the direction of flight very "obediently".

Until now, the Internet is still flooded with a lot of information, and some Western elements wantonly propagandize that it is all caused by domestic ghosts, otherwise how could such a thing happen.

This is self-written and performed domestically.

Later, they were stunned and changed their rhetoric.

It is said that domestic collusion with alien forces.

After thinking about it, this is even more outrageous.

It wasn't until many incidents later that people gradually believed that there might be some relationship between UFO and Huaxia, and the relationship between the two probably existed since ancient times.

Prehistoric text symbols, arks that appeared around the world, and various events seem to verify this point.

However, all this.

Only Lin Chen knows.

It's all the reason why I wrote my thesis.

If you have not written a thesis yourself.

Perhaps none of this is possible.

Everything that happened now often made him feel absurd, but it was very real.

do not care.

A dissertation is mandatory.

What the world has become is not his concern.

(End of this chapter)

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