The paper I just wrote turned out to be true

Chapter 375 The Story of the Merman

Chapter 375 The Story of the Merman

"Our country has the most advanced technology and sufficient equipment for analysis. I advocate transporting these corpses to our country for analysis." A tall, middle-aged Caucasian man in a suit leaned on the table with both hands, loudly Said.

"The strength of our country should not be underestimated, so we should also be able to get a corpse."

"In this salvage operation, our country's submarines played a vital role, so it is not too much for us to ask for one."

"Let me declare that we have some research experience on mermans, and we have a dedicated research team to study them. If it is entrusted to us, the research progress will be greatly improved."


In the large meeting room.

Representatives from various countries put forward their demands, exchanged views and conducted friendly exchanges. The whole process was very friendly and lively.

While they were discussing.

Still within the same sea area.

A shark fished out from the sea.

A few more corpses were found in the original place. The corpses of these sharks were well preserved, and some even had smooth skin, which was very miraculous.

Something about sharks.

There have been similar rumors and myths all over the world.

Mermaids, with fishtails and human bodies, are called the supernatural beings of mermaids.

In Japanese folklore, there is also a mermaid-like monster called "Isohime".

Her lower body is fish-shaped, much like a mermaid, but her face is very different.The mouth is split to the ear, it has sharp teeth, and there are two antler-like things growing on its head. It is a very scary sea monster.

In Greek mythology there are sirens who are half fish and half man.She always appeared on the stormy sea, sang beautiful and moving songs on the shore, and seduced the sailors traveling to and from the sea, causing the boats they were driving to drive to the reefs on the shore involuntarily, smashing into pieces.

The image of the Western mermaid that people are familiar with is derived from the beautiful mermaid Lorelei that is often mentioned in German legends and poems.

She often appears on the banks of the Rhine when the sky is dark. With her cold and beautiful appearance and sad and moving singing, she confuses passing boatmen, distracts them and loses their direction, and finally sinks into the bottom of the river.

And in China's oldest natural history "Shan Hai Jing·Hainei Nan Jing", it is recorded: "Bolu, Li'er, Diaoti, and Beiqu are all Yushuinan."

[Li'er, 锼 is separated from its ear, so that it hangs down as a decoration, that is, Dan'er, in Zhuya Haizhu;]

[Carving title, tattooing nirvana on its face, the body of the painting is scales, that is, sharks. 】

Compare different mermaid images at home and abroad.

A singular point can be found.

In the descriptions of the ancient Chinese, the mermaids are kind and friendly, but in the shaping of foreign myths, they are on the evil side.

Looking at the corpses of these sharks in front of him.

Every expert has a common idea.

That's how miserable they are.

These mermaids had obvious injuries and should have been killed.

Each of them can't wait to conduct research, quietly waiting for the results of the meeting.

A group of experts from China are waiting on Guixu Island.

News will come out soon.

In order to avoid disputes among various countries, it was decided to build a special research institution on Guxi Island, and the whole world will share these researches, and at the same time look for more sharks nearby.

Congratulations to all the experts.

No matter what, it's your home field.

while waiting.

A group of experts began to discuss.

"I seem to have heard that sharks were found in the South China Sea before."

At this time, a scientist from Fujian nodded and said: "Yes, I have heard of it."

"Probably in the 80s, the footprints of mermaids were found in the South China Sea. It is said that fishermen caught the mermaid corpses and brought them back to the fishing village."

"Unfortunately, I heard that it was confiscated by unknown people and gave them diesel as compensation, so I don't know if it is true or not."

Everyone was a little pensive.

Another expert spoke.

"Dr. Vinograd of the Lenin Academy of Sciences in the former Soviet Union seems to have encountered it. At that time, it seemed that the British "Sun", Harbin's "New Evening News" and many other newspapers reported on the matter."

"I am deeply impressed by this. Our teacher told me this story when I was in school. It is said that in the 60s, a probe ship carrying scientists and military experts captured a child who could speak human language off the coast of Cuba. It is scaly, has gills, has a human-like head, and a fish-like tail."

"The little mermaid claimed that she came from the city of Atlantis, and also told the researchers that millions of years ago, the continent of Atlantis straddled Africa and South America, and then sank to the bottom of the sea... the people who survive now live on the bottom of the sea, The lifespan was 300 years old. Later, the little mermaid was sent to a secret research institution in the Black Sea for scientists to study in depth."

A young scholar was stunned for a moment, and complained: "I remember hearing this story on Unsolved Mysteries of the World, it's a bit fake!"

His path as a scholar was inspired by the unsolved mysteries of the world. As a result, after he entered the research, he found that most of them were fake and deceptive.

The other scholars smiled.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if it's true or not. Now this must be true."

"Yeah, in fact, the previous story may also be true, but they don't want us to know. Maybe someone secretly researched it. You can think about it. Many ancient people have described the South China Sea mermaid, especially those who grew up by the sea. My child, I have heard some rumors more or less, it cannot be groundless, it is very likely that I met for real."

Just at this time.

Everyone received a document at the same time.

Looking down, everyone immediately became alert. The unit that sent the documents was unusual. Ordinary people would never meet in a lifetime.

They had only heard of it occasionally before they came.

And now the mysterious department has sent them a report.

Everyone read it quickly.

This is a high-level file that is permanently kept secret, and the content of the file is the story about the sharks in the South China Sea.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at each other.

Just now everyone was still discussing the story of the Merman in the South China Sea, exploring whether what was discovered before is true.

Now this report clearly tells everyone that the South China Sea shark was indeed discovered back then.

And those secret visitors are the people above, they took the South Sea Merman away.

said in the file.

What they found was only half of the South Sea Merman's body, and it was a mummified corpse that had been dead for a long time, unlike what they found this time, the body was still full.

A scholar suddenly widened his eyes.


Because he discovered that the scholar who participated in the study of the mermaids in the South China Sea was actually the teacher who told him the story.

However, he clearly remembered.

At that time, the teacher said with a smile: "It's just a legend, it can't be true."

(End of this chapter)

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