Chapter 359 Tyrannosaurus Rex?
The southwest corner of the Mu continent is flat, with a relatively gentle continental shelf extending all the way to the sea.

Therefore, the Mu Continental Research Organization was temporarily established here. This time, the beautiful country obviously used a lot of manpower and material resources, and many precious instruments were directly transported by air to do a good job of underwater inspection.

"I think we can start from this point, and then drive the diving cabin down slowly. When the submarine volcano erupts, it may destroy the underground surface. Maybe in this area, we can find evidence of the existence of the Mu continent." Professor Tim Jeplin of the University of Hawaii points to a dot on a computer screen to illustrate his point.

Experts from all over the world are frowning, their minds are running fast, thinking about the possibility of this method.

Soon, a scholar from Western Europe also came out to express his views.

"Probably the most likely solution."

"With the current technology, in order to detect the seabed, you must have extremely developed submarine instruments, and this is obviously not possible for the time being."

He glanced at the scholars of China and the beautiful country.

Today, only two countries have the strength to dive more than 7000 meters and work on the seabed.

However, that is a national strategic weapon.

It's hard to convince them to do it.

Meiliguo resolved the request for various reasons. Huaxia originally wanted to help, but the instrument is currently in use and is in the process of completing other scientific research tasks.

So they can only use the second best.

Do not blindly pursue exploring the seabed.

Instead, they focused on the continental shelf of Guixu Island formed by the uplift of the crustal plate due to volcanic eruptions.

There may also be some traces in these places.

And less difficult to explore.

It's easy to do.

Katsumura Yota also expressed his views during the meeting and voted for it.

In the end, everyone voted and passed unanimously.

Shillong Point is the entry point chosen by everyone.

A 50.3-foot-long ship slowly launched into the water.

This is a submersible brought by the University of Hawaii.

Code-named M2, it was once dedicated to the rescue of submarines that were dived by the Navy and lost their operational capabilities.

It was developed out of the wreck of a nuclear-powered submarine - the nuclear-powered attack submarine Longtail Turtle in 1963.

It was then designed for rapid deployment in the event of a submarine wreck, and could be transported by truck, plane or ship, or it could be specially configured in an attack submarine called a "submarine mother ship".

M2 works at the wreck site, accompanied by a "mothership" or "mothership".After the dive, perform a sonar search and dock yourself with the hatch of the wrecked sub.24 people can be dispatched for rescue, and the operation can be rotated.

The ship has just been decommissioned.

Was accepted by the University of Hawaii.

The ship launched slowly and descended at a constant speed.

Everyone is waiting for the first detection results.

In the dark sea.

The M2 has dived to a depth of nearly 1 kilometer. They sank close to the continental shelf. At the same time, the ship was remodeled, and some things on the continental shelf can be seen in relatively high-definition.

It may be that not long after the volcanic eruption, the seabed was very calm, and there were almost no living things, and some of them were just floating in the sea, and there were no signs of life.

In the ship, personnel are being rotated.

They carefully scan each piece of land and do not let any piece of land go easily.

And the experts on land are also very nervous, looking forward to a good result.

10 hours after the dive.

The following news came out.

There was a buzzing over the harsh microphone voice.

"Report, M2 has made a major discovery, and the data is being transmitted."

A staff member shouted excitedly.

Lin Chen was also a little surprised, he didn't expect the result to be so soon, beyond his expectation.

He walked around and his eyes fell on the screen.

In the dark sea water.

There was a faint object, and under the command of the staff, the picture quality gradually became clearer.

After seeing this face clearly.

Everyone couldn't believe it.

The experts stared dumbfounded at the creature that appeared. A huge dinosaur?

And it turned out to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Tyrannosaurus rex, Tyrannosaurus rex, lived in the Maastricht period at the end of the Cretaceous period, about 6850 million to 6500 million years ago, the last period before the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event. One of the largest non-avian dinosaur species.

Fossils are distributed in the United States and Canada in North America. It is one of the latest dinosaurs to become extinct.

During the last 250 million years of the Cretaceous period (1.45 million to 6600 million years ago), according to a study published in Science last year.

There have been as many as 25 billion T. rex individuals on Earth—each generation lasts about 19 years, with an average population density of about one per 100 square kilometers.

Then, the total distribution range of Tyrannosaurus rex was estimated to be about 230 million square kilometers, the species survived for about 250 million years, and they calculated a population size of 2 per generation.

In total, the species has reproduced for about 12.7 generations, which means that there have been about 25 billion T. rex in history.

"Not right."

A paleontologist said hesitantly: "It seems to be different from previous studies."

"Just in May of this year. The skeleton of the world's largest Tyrannosaurus rex "Scotty" was exhibited in Saskatchewan, Canada. It was 5 meters long and weighed over 13 tons during its lifetime, which was 8.8 times heavier than the previously considered largest Tyrannosaurus rex. %."

"However, although the dinosaur in front of us has been damaged in some places, it is obviously longer than we thought."

"Its forelimbs, head, body shape, etc. are different from what we have seen."

"Can you zoom in a bit more?"

The following people reported: "There are only these for the time being, there is no other way."

Katsumura Yota thought secretly.

"This operation is mainly to explore the continent of Mu. Now this dinosaur has appeared. Is there any connection between the two?"

Just at this time.

There was a sound of surprise from below.

"It's not just one."

"There are many more."

The M2 submersible changed its direction and sank slightly. More dinosaurs appeared in front of people. They generally kept their skeletons, some with their heads up, and some with their heads down, with different expressions .

Obviously just some bones.

But after people have watched it, a kind of picture is inexplicably produced.

The dinosaurs stayed in one place leisurely and were busy with their own affairs.
Then, there was an accident.

An expert from the University of Hawaii frowned and said: "The geological layers here should be tens of thousands of years ago, and the extinction time of dinosaurs was about 10 million years ago. It is somewhat unusual for them to appear here."

Lin Chen dragged his chin, thinking about this question too.

Some people asked: "Could it be a coincidence?"

ps: Chapter 33 is in, but it hasn't come out yet.
(End of this chapter)

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