The paper I just wrote turned out to be true

Chapter 173 The original version of the story

Chapter 173 The original version of the story

Spain, an old church.

Countless vehicles drove by the door.

Some worshipers whispered and discussed.

"What happened to alarm the bishop?"

"It seems to be caused by Noah's Ark discovered by Huaxia."

"Hiss, it's not one."

Many big figures who are usually invisible have come here one after another.

At the door, there were already several priests waiting.

They are not overly polite.

Because everyone's face is serious, without the kindness shown on TV.

Miff's hands were a little sweaty.

She still saw so many big people this time.

Seeing a priest's signal, Miff hurriedly led in front.

She walked in the front and only heard the words ". Noah Genesis. Huaxia" intermittently.

After walking to the church, Miff didn't leave, she stood cautiously aside.

Then I saw the priest knelt down and knocked lightly on the floor a few times.

Then, only a creaking sound was heard.

She followed her gaze and saw that there was something under the floor that she usually cleaned.

Mifu's eyes flickered, and the priest took out a book from the square box piously.

A very old looking book.

"This is the oldest version we have here, and it was written by Queen Isabel I herself."

Mifu opened her mouth slightly, Isabel I?
Her history is not good, but she also knows this queen.

During her reign, Spain went to glory and opened a magnificent era of great navigation.

Up to now, there are more than 600 years.

This book turned out to be a book from 600 years ago.

The person who came took the book and said, "It's an emergency. We need to requisition this book for a period of time. We will exchange it in seven days."

The priest hesitated, but seeing the bishop's wink, he had no choice but to agree.

Similar scenes don't just happen in one place.

fan di gang.

Many experts gathered here.

In a huge palace, long tables are piled high with books of various editions.

A man is holding a book with "Genesis" written on the cover.

"When Noah lived to be six hundred years old, on February 2th, all the springs of the vast abyss were ruptured, and the sluice gates of the sky were opened."

"The heavy rain fell on February 2 in the civil calendar, and it fell on the ground continuously for forty days and nights."

“The flood flooded the land for 150 days.  …The water receded from the ground and gradually descended. After 150 days, the water receded a lot.”

"After almost two and a half months (73 days), on "October 10" in the civil calendar (June in the Gregorian calendar), the top of the mountain was exposed."

"Three months (90 days) later, in "the year of Noah's six hundred and first year, [civil calendar] January 1," Noah opened the lid of the ark, "and saw that the ground was dry."



They were studying various versions of the Noah's Ark story.

Hope to get some clues from it.

And on the other side.

Experts from several countries are also conducting seminars.

"That's not Noah's Ark at all."

"The size of the ark is clearly written in the book."


"The total volume of the ark is 40000 cubic meters, and the bottom warehouse area is 8900 square meters."

".And these are fundamentally incompatible with the Ark discovered now. The Ark discovered by Huaxia is far larger than the record."

"What's more, many of the above evidences show that it is different from what we have recorded."

A gentle professor pushed his glasses and said lightly: "These stories are passed down from generation to generation, and it is inevitable that there will be a mistake. It is a very normal thing."

"I firmly believe that it is Noah's Ark."

"Professor Kenlan."

He raised his tone and said: "Now is not the time to argue whether it is yes or no. This is a very serious matter, and it is a task entrusted to us."

"It is Noah's Ark, and it can only be Noah's Ark."

Ying country.

"How's the situation?"

A blonde woman walked into the mysterious office area and asked.

"Now, we have launched cooperation and exchanges with other countries. Fan di gang has sent news that they have collected nearly 188 editions of books, which can be traced back to around 1000 AD at the earliest. story."

"What progress has been made in other areas?"

The blond woman turned her head away.

She has a big body and wears high heels, so she is almost looking at the man in front of her.

Mibach paused for a moment and said: "We are working hard"


"Are there any new discoveries?"

Mibach shook his head and said with a wry smile: "We have been investigating for 4 consecutive days and hardly slept."

"Before the ark was opened again, there was a sudden sound. It may be because it has not communicated with the outside air all year round. The huge impact caused the combined effect of air pressure and sound. This may be the only discovery. The unknown creatures and pictures cannot be explained for the time being."

A light flashed in the blonde woman's eyes.

"Investigations continue and, where appropriate, all necessary measures may be used."

Mibach's eyes lit up, and he said, "Don't worry, we will get there."

He understood.

If they can't find any results, they can use it as a reference.

Although their intelligence system has become a sieve.

However, there are still some family backgrounds.

In turn, sneak attack on their own son's father, they can do it.

"Lin Chen, take a look at these words, which oracle bone inscriptions are similar to them?"

Professor Wu handed over a piece of paper with several graphs on it.

Lin Chen is exploring the mysterious slate with Professor Wu and other domestic writing masters.

So far, some progress has been made.

Lin Chen glanced at it and immediately pointed it out.

Professor Wu nodded and said, "I think so too."

He took it back, patted the document with the back of his hand, and said with emotion: "As expected of an oracle bone inscription genius, you can save us a lot of things. It is estimated that in two or three days, we will be able to initially crack the secret of this stone slab." .”

Lin Chen said: "I hope the above records are valuable things."

Professor Wu said confidently: "Don't worry, it should be useful."

"When this stone slab was discovered, it was hidden in a remote corner. Obviously, it was deliberately hidden on the ship at that time."

"Maybe, what is recorded is something that is not allowed to be recorded." Professor Wu said quietly.

Lin Chen thought it was reasonable.

Because, given the circumstances at the time, it was impossible to record some useless information.

Some things about eating, drinking and lazing are not worth recording.

Perhaps, the secret to cracking the Ark lies on this stele.

ps: Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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