The paper I just wrote turned out to be true

Chapter 101 The Polynesians Coming Across the Sea

Chapter 101 The Polynesians Coming Across the Sea

The lingering warmth of the 2017 Spring Festival Gala has not yet dissipated.

Shen Teng's sketch "A Son-in-Law and Half a Son" is a topic of conversation in the streets and alleys.

The golden sentence in the skit "Guests from afar stay here" has become a hot word on the Internet.

At this time, a piece of news instantly detonated all hot spots.

【Five Polynesians came to China in a canoe】

The major news websites instantly caught the new hot spot.

It also led to a lot less audience complaining about the Spring Festival Gala.

Most people are commenting on this matter.

[What happened here, how did I hear that it was ancestor hunting! 】

[Polynesians are people who ran out of our mainland, we have the same origin]

[Damn, is the news so explosive? 】

[Why didn’t I know before, brothers, is there any evidence and papers? 】

[Yes, I recommend you a powerful boss, I am completely convinced now, Lin Chen, I sent Master Lin, the third paper he wrote before was to prove that Polynesians are descendants of Liangzhu. 】

[Yes, if you read more of Master Lin’s papers, you will find a completely different world. Others say that I will treat it as a civil science, but what he said is 100% true. The first two papers predicted Indians, and the third paper proved Polynesians, the fourth article unearthed a new historical figure in history, I will kneel down for him, hahaha, I will be his junior next year. 】

After being so publicized by everyone, some people who had heard a little bit ran to Lin Chen's meager account.

[Which big boss posted a few papers by big boss Lin Chen, and CNKI paid for it, but I can't download it. 】

【Thesis of Master Qiulin】

Well-meaning fans saved several papers written by Lin Chen in the network disk, and sent a link to share.

As a result, more people began to read Lin Chen's paper.

[It's over, it's over, just now my girlfriend read Master Lin's thesis and insisted on breaking up with me, she said she wanted to marry Master Lin, it's too strong]

[My urine is yellow, I'll urinate first, wake up, where is your girlfriend from. 】

Lin Chen was also taken aback by the crowd of netizens.

Everyone is talented, and they speak nicely.

It's all praise.

However, there are also some incongruous words mixed in here.

[Paper, um, I finished reading it, it’s really amazing, let me tell you one thing, he and I are in the same place, from now on, I will definitely work hard, and prepare to arrest Master Lin at any time, this is a hang up , the prophecy is correct every time, is it reborn]

[Damn, what a boss, catch and dissect. 】

【Cry loudly, Master Lin, go all the way!】

Lin Chen was speechless
I didn't expect my fans to have relevant departments.

However, he did not expect it.

The way it came true this time was too unexpected.

Several Polynesians, carrying wooden boats, came to the Chinese mainland by virtue of the original mode of crossing the sea.

It's so bullshit.

At night, the news really broadcast the relevant news.

"Five Polynesian descendants, including doctor of anthropology and historian Ilia, imitated their ancestors, set up canoes, followed the route that their ancestors migrated to the Pacific Ocean, and sailed in reverse with the help of monsoons and ocean currents. Set sail from Xidi, passed Cook Islands, Niue, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and the Philippines along the way, and landed in Huaxia Fujian Province."

The official certification brought things to a climax.

In the news, Wang Bingling held a microphone and interviewed several guests who came to China from afar.

I only saw Yi Liya communicating in proficient Chinese.

He was describing the difficult journey and showing the food they ate - sashimi.

【The sad thing is that foreigners found their roots and came to China, and some people shout every day that they are not Chinese】

[Mandarin is better than me "crying"]

[He said that it feels like going home, and I will automatically fill in the leader's "much better"]

【Lone Raft Ocean】

[I watched a science and education film, this nation is a bit awesome! !The first man to conquer the sea]

[It is said that these people are the original inhabitants of Asia, and the East Asians, the ancestors of the Han people, were originally hunters from Siberia. 】

[They were first discovered by European and American voyagers back then. Because the residents of the Pacific island countries eat seafood, drink coconut water and bask in the sun all the year round, they are all tall, tall and deep-faced. Europeans think that they must be descendants of white people, which leads to this mistake. For a long time, it has influenced the anthropological division of the Pacific Islanders in the academic circles. It was not until the rise of modern genetic science that they were discovered to be people from East Asia.]

Lin Chen also received various messages.

He is most concerned about the Pacific Rim civilization group.

[Professor Zhang: According to the gossip, they seem to have some cultural relics with them]

[Professor Ni: What cultural relics? 】

[Professor Zhang: I don’t know, it’s said to be a newly excavated thing, and it seems to have a certain relationship with Liangzhu]

[Professor Ni: Seeing that they are not small, they may bring some new breakthroughs]

[Professor Zhang; I will communicate with the other party tomorrow, and I will inform you of any news at that time [呲牙]]

A group of people replied: likes, comparisons, thumbs up and so on.

Lin Chen's eyes flickered, the cultural relics must be related to Liangzhu.

Can accidents happen to the papers I wrote?
[China is the ancestor of the Indians, the degree of proof is 30/100]

[Reward: Huaxia Ancestor Temperament bonus and then bonus, gain elder-like temperament]

what's going on.

What does it have to do with the Indians, suddenly rose 5.00%.

He did not write other papers.

Could it be related to the fact that the third thesis came true.

Or is the problem with the artifacts they carry?

Lin Chen was confused.

The way it comes true is uncontrollable.

Even he doesn't know what's there.

It seems that this cultural relic is really unusual.

But what the hell is the reward?

Chinese ancestor temperament bonus and bonus?
It was done like that last time.

Nothing will happen this time.

Physiological desire is a daily surge.

Wait, this seems to have something to do with the yoga photos posted by Qin Xiangyi.

Also, it was hard for him to control the urge to go fishing in the river every day.

This time the name sounds even more unreliable.

Fathers are like mountains.

Those elders are like mountains.
Does everyone see themselves as if they saw their elders?

The day after Yi Lia and others arrived, they visited Quanzhou Overseas Transportation History Museum, Quanzhou Kaiyuan Temple and other places.

They continue to sigh with emotion, and there are many similarities between the two sides.

Finally, a desire to have a private conversation was expressed.

Both sides have been prepared before.

So, it started soon.

Inside the office.

Yi Liya and others took out the cultural relics they brought.

Among them, Professor Zhang who came to the meeting swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"how can that be?"

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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