town wood

Chapter 342

Chapter 342

Shen Qian stood up and said it directly.

"Since Qin Fei is so considerate of us, then we will not be polite. We just need to use your power to connect Yin and Yang, kill evil spirits, and find out for us, or prevent the continuation of bizarre disappearances. .”

The ancient ruins are of course the key, but now the mysterious disappearance is the primary problem for the three major forces.

If this is not eliminated or prevented, it is really difficult for them to explore the ancient ruins with peace of mind.

They don't want their people to die out before entering the ancient ruins.

Shen Qian's words were already expected by Qin Fei. After Shen Qian told him about Xiemen's disappearance just now, Qin Fei felt that this would be an important reason to find him.

However, there is another problem facing Qin Fei now.

Everyone says that Mr. Hunmusi can connect yin and yang, cut off evil spirits, cut off the qi of yin and yang, and reverse the shape of yin and yang. It is said that Mr. Hunmusi is a god from the sky.

However, Qin Fei, who is Lord Hunmu, knows that even though he is called Lord Hunmus and holds a Hunmu in his hand, in fact, his understanding of Hunmu and the mastery of the power of Hunmusi are far from what is in front of him. These three people are too many.

In Qin Fei's hands, the mixed wood is just a sharp weapon of Wushuang, and it does have some magical effects, which makes Qin Fei feel that it is an evil tree.

However, Qin Fei really didn't know anything about breaking Yin and Yang and cutting off evil spirits.

Now that Huo Jinghong and the others put forward such a condition, it really meant to Qin Fei to rush the duck to the shelves.

But Qin Fei can't say that he is not good, because in this case, Qin Fei may be useless in front of these three people.

And a worthless Lord Hunmu, holding a sacred tree like Hunmu, is fatal.

Qin Fei knew that the reason why these three people put forward such a condition was that they really wanted Qin Fei to help solve the problem of the mysterious disappearance.

In fact, on the other hand, I also want to see Qin Fei's current ability, and want to see how far Qin Fei, the muddleheaded Sijun, has grown.

This cooperation is much more dangerous and difficult than Qin Fei imagined.

Hearing Shen Qian's words, Qin Fei showed full confidence and confidence, as if this was just a trivial matter to him.

"If it's true as you said, the disappearance is a crime committed by evil spirits, then I have no problem."

"But if you fabricate some lies to deceive me, and deliberately make weird things, then I have the right to stop our cooperation at any time, and promise me the benefits, not less."

They wanted to test Qin Fei's reality, so Qin Fei naturally wanted to give them a vaccination in advance, lest things would be revealed and they would not admit it.

Qin Fei didn't come to make friends with them, but to do business to share benefits.

Huo Jinghong was really displeased with Qin Fei's distrust. She has never been doubted so much since she grew up, and no one dared to doubt her like this. However, Qin Fei was repeatedly criticized by Qin Fei today. suspicion.

How to make her happy.

But this time Huo Jinghong didn't speak. In fact, she always had doubts in her heart, thinking whether this strange disappearance was caused by Yunhai Villa and Qingfeng Mountain.

Just in time, let's use Qin Fei's hand to test these two families.

If it's really evil, that's fine, but if it's really these two families who are playing tricks, then Huo Jinghong will not be polite at all.

Shen Qian has always had that kind-hearted look, and she speaks very smooth, like an old loach.

"Young friend Qin Fei, stop joking. This is related to the safety of our three families. We will never cheat on such a matter."

"I hereby assure you, if you find out that I, Yunhai Villa, cheated you, not only will I promise you a lot of benefits, but Yunhai Villa will also owe Qin Fei a big favor, how about it?"

These words are very beautiful and comfortable to listen to, but those who understand can hear the strangeness in it.

What Shen Qian said was that Yunhai Villa did not cheat, but he couldn't guarantee the other two.

Like Huo Jinghong, the three of them were not in the same mind, they were all wary of each other, and at the same time, they all wanted to use Qin Fei to test the truth of others.

It's fine if there are evil spirits, but if the other two families are really causing trouble, then they won't be as good as they are now.

Qin Fei could hear it, and naturally Huo Jinghong and Hua Qingyi could also hear it, but they both had the same idea in their hearts, so they didn't feel wrong about what they said.

Hua Qingyi, who had been silent all this time, spoke now.

"Qin Fei, based on our friendship, it seems that I don't need to say anything."

This Hua Qingyi has been silent all the time. It is Huo Jinghong and Shen Qian who are talking to Qin Fei, but they have never made themselves transparent and unimportant.

With Hua Qingyi's demeanor, it is impossible for people to turn a blind eye to her. On the contrary, it made Qin Fei pay attention to her all the time. The more he kept silent, the more he felt that Hua Qingyi was planning something secretly.

At this time, Hua Qingyi's simple words brought out her friendship with Qin Fei, not only to Qin Fei, but also to Huo Jinghong and Shen Qian beside him.

Let the two of them wonder, is it possible that Qin Fei and Hua Qingyi have an affair that is not known in private?

This makes them have to keep an eye on it.

Qin Fei smiled slightly. The three of them had their own ulterior motives. It seemed that the so-called alliance between them was not strong, which was a good thing for Qin Fei.

"Okay, since everyone is so sincere, then I have nothing to be hypocritical about. I don't like wasting time. Let's start now without further ado."

Seeing Qin Fei agreeing so happily, Huo Jinghong and the others looked at Qin Fei with a little change in their eyes.

Could it be that Qin Fei has grown to such an extent in a short period of time?
If Qin Fei is really able to connect yin and yang and kill demons and evil spirits, then Qin Fei, the Musijun, will really have more wings.

For them, this is not a huge bad thing, but it is definitely not a good thing either.

They wanted to use this kind of thing to test Qin Fei's depth and see how his state is. As long as Qin Fei hesitated or was unwilling, then they would have a measure in their hearts.

But now that Qin Fei was so happy, it made the three of them feel a little uncomfortable and uneasy.

Could it be that Qin Fei has become the real Lord Hunmu in such a short period of time?

The appearance of a real Junmu Sijun will have a great change and influence on the whole world, and it will also be a great threat and trouble to them.

Huo Jinghong and the others were suspecting that Qin Fei was actually complaining in his heart, but now that he was riding a tiger, he had to pretend to be fat even if he slapped his face swollen.

You can't be cowardly.

(End of this chapter)

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