town wood

Chapter 101 Ghost Tree

Chapter 101 Ghost Tree
Qin Fei really doesn't like this kind of mysterious and profound feeling, it's too much effort, it's better to be straightforward.

There are countless rare species here. Even Qin Fei, who is completely ignorant of trees, feels that it is a miracle that these trees can survive when they see some trees.

Although I don't know how so many trees with great differences between the north and the south and the east and west grew under the same land and climate, I have to say that the trees here are real.

Qin Fei was about to finish the good word in his heart when he was attracted by a tree in front of him.

Frowning deeply, is this a tree?

There were no leaves and no flowers, and the whole tree presented an extremely distorted appearance, as if a big fleshy bug was twisting its body in pain.

The black and yellow bark gives people a feeling of vomiting. The patterns are vertical and horizontal, twisted and deformed, and the picture that appears seems familiar.

After Qin Fei took a closer look, he was immediately startled.

Isn't the twisted appearance on the tree trunk the curse of the grimace on his back!
Not to say that they are extremely similar, but exactly the same.

The curse on Qin Fei's back was only temporarily controlled and did not really grow, while the twisted tree in front of him was a fully mature picture.

Looking at the distorted appearance that looked like a ghost tree in the underworld, Qin Fei felt uneasy. In a daze, he seemed to see himself turning into such a distorted and terrifying appearance.

Finally, it becomes a tree.

"What do you think it looks like?"

Hua Qingyi's voice suddenly appeared, and at some point she had already stood beside Qin Fei, but Qin Fei didn't notice it.

Although he was taken aback, Qin Fei remained calm.

"I feel like a human being."

When Qin Fei saw the distorted appearance, grimaces, and stretched branches and branches, he felt that a person was struggling in pain.

"He is just a person."

Just a person?

Instead, like a person.

Hua Qingyi looked at the twisted and terrifying ghost tree without any emotion in her eyes, as if such a ghost tree was here and had no effect on her.

It looked like a tree, but in fact, before that, he was really a person, and he was a poor person who was cursed like Qin Fei.

The curse on Qin Fei's body is called Huashen.

The name sounds good, but it is a dreaded magical curse.

Anyone who has been cursed, if he has not been eradicated, then the curse of transforming gods will turn this person into such a terrifying ghost tree.

Turning a person into a tree sounds like a fantasy, but it is precisely because of this that it is even more frightening.

"Are you scared now?"

Hua Qingyi looked at Qin Fei, those autumnal eyes seemed to penetrate Qin Fei's heart and hit his soul directly.

"I'm afraid, and I'm afraid to death."

Although Qin Fei said he was afraid, his tone and appearance did not show the slightest sign of fear.

"Maybe you think that you, as Lord Hunmusi, are not afraid of the world's evil arts, but the current you have not grown up at all."

"You have the name of Lord Hunmusi, but you don't have the strength of Mr. Hunmusi. If you want to not be afraid of the world's curse and sorcery, you still can't do it."

Hua Qingyi felt that Qin Fei was so fearless because of his status as the lord of the gangster and the evilness of the gangster in his hands.

Hunmu is known as the number one evil in the world, no matter how evil the magic is in the world, how can it be more evil than Hunmu?

Qin Fei still had an expression of indifference, as if any curse or ghost tree had nothing to do with him.

"Actually, I didn't lie. I was indeed afraid, and I was very afraid."

"However, what's the use of being afraid? If I'm afraid, the curse can be eradicated. I'm sure I'll be so scared that I can't come out of the bathroom."

"If seeing that I am afraid, the person who cast the curse can let me go and help me eradicate the curse, then I will be afraid to thank his eight generations of ancestors."

"But no."

"Since fear can't change any status quo, why should I show fear on my face? What difference does it make if I'm afraid or not."

Hua Qingyi smiled faintly, but this Qin Fei could see clearly.

"What do you think I brought you here for?"

"You definitely don't want to go on a date with me." Seeing Hua Qingyi's warning eyes, Qin Fei quickly smirked, "Just kidding."

Qin Fei looked at the ghost tree in front of him, with light in his eyes, "Let's make a deal."

Hua Qingyi nodded inwardly, talking to smart people is straightforward.

"I won't take your mixed tree. I don't want to touch that kind of evil tree before I am absolutely sure. The purpose of my coming to you is to let you do something for me."

"what's up?"

"I haven't thought of it yet, I'll tell you when I think about it."

Qin Fei chuckled, this abacus is really loud enough.

It was said to be a condition of exchange, but in fact Qin Fei was asked to write a bad check, and Hua Qingyi filled in the matters on it casually.

While it may seem like one thing, it can be anything.

"Before I agree to the conditions, shouldn't you show some sincerity and prove that you can help me lift the curse, otherwise, how can I trust you?"

Qin Fei didn't agree, but he didn't say no.

"That person is in my manor now, as long as you nod, I will capture him immediately and lift the curse for you."

Hua Qingyi looked very sincere.

But in this case, Qin Fei felt that this woman was dishonest.

This is obviously true.

On the surface, it seems that as long as Qin Fei agrees, the curse can be eradicated, but it means that the man is in the manor.

If you don't agree, I can put him to death at any time, so that no one can break Qin Fei's curse.

This is a negotiation, but also a threat.

"I don't believe you, show me."

Hua Qingyi was unwilling, "That's all I said, and you understand the conditions. If you don't want to become the ghost tree in front of you, you should know that you don't have many choices."

Do not want to meet, do not distinguish between true and false.

Just relying on your few words, let me make a bad promise. Qin Fei will naturally not accept such a condition.

Perhaps Hua Qingyi's words were true, but Qin Fei was unwilling to accept Hua Qingyi's conditions until the end when there was no way out.

Qin Fei didn't say whether he would agree, but looked at the ghost tree in front of him and changed the subject, "Do you think it's scary?"

"I'm not afraid of the poison of the human heart, but a mere tree, why should I be afraid of it?"

The next moment, a wooden sword pierced into the ghost tree, and right in front of Hua Qingyi, the twisted ghost tree quickly shriveled and shrank, and finally became a piece of dead wood, decayed very quickly, and turned into ashes.

The spooky and terrifying atmosphere is perfect.

Qin Fei smiled, full of disdain.

"Whatever the curse of transforming gods, no matter how tree-like it becomes, no matter how distorted it becomes, it will not be able to change its essence after all."

"A person will not become a tree, and a tree cannot replace a person."

After finishing speaking, Qin Fei put away the mixed wood, turned around and left without stopping any longer.

Fearing life and death and not being afraid of curses, he will not agree to Hua Qingyi's conditions. He still has time and a glimmer of hope.

(End of this chapter)

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