Actually I just want to act

Chapter 691 Seems like everyone is trying to take advantage of me

Chapter 691 Seems like everyone is trying to take advantage of me

"...You don't need a heavy hammer to beat the drum. Fang Dong said that mobile phone chips must be conquered. Without self-developed chips, our mobile phones will not have market competitiveness! What's more, the chip industry is related to the competition of the country's high-tech industry. We There must be a sense of historical responsibility. So everyone, please!"

Xu Zhuhua gave a mobilization speech at the Shenzhou Laboratory. It is a lie that the scientific researchers in the laboratory are not excited.

For one thing, the wages given by Shenzhou are already high enough, even if they are not comparable to large foreign scientific research institutions, they are already considered first-class in China.Second, knowing the significance of what they are doing, researchers are more enthusiastic.Yes, as long as the scientific researchers who are still working in China, they still have a raging fire in their hearts.It's not that they don't know that the treatment abroad may be better, but they still choose to stay at home and help the motherland develop.

Among these people, only a few are from Huaqing Yanda University, and most of them are graduate students and doctoral students from other 985 and 211 universities.

They don't have a mentor, because the mentor himself crosses the river by feeling the stones.

They have no reference, because foreign technology is completely blocked.

They did not surpass the minds of geniuses, they struggled day and night.

Just to truly create a Chinese chip, a Chinese chip that belongs to the mobile phone industry!
Xu Zhuhua is actually very excited, who doesn't want to make a career at the best age?Or such a meaningful cause?But Xu Zhuhua is a rational person, this is the most painful thing.Because people always want to take the most convenient way, because they subconsciously don't want to suffer.But only through suffering can we know that some paths must be taken.

China at the moment does not realize what it feels like to be behind others in the semiconductor industry and be controlled by others.

In other words, the lesson is not deep enough.

Even though the most advanced lithography machines are still banned from China, many Chinese people don’t realize that because they can still buy the most advanced chips, and low value-added processes such as mobile phone and computer assembly are implemented in China. This seems to be no problem, but in fact the problem has been buried very deep. Among other things, the price of mobile phones alone is more expensive in China than in foreign countries!

Not for anything else, just because there are no high-end chips here in China, chip suppliers can raise prices without limit, whether you want it or not.

Excluding the exchange rate issue, mobile phones in China are indeed more expensive than those in Europe and the United States.

But if China Drum has produced mobile phone chips, and the performance is okay, then you look at those chip suppliers?I can't wait to drop the price of cabbage immediately, and kill you completely!Foreign companies are like this. What they want is a technological monopoly so that they can squeeze the wool of the world.But China is different. As long as China enters the industry, the era of foreign companies' huge profits will be declared over.

From industrial equipment to communication equipment, foreign companies have long guarded against China like thieves.Because they have been doing exclusive business for so many years, foreign companies know too well that only by obtaining the industry's pricing power can they happily squeeze wool.But as soon as China came, it turned the table over. Can people not bear hatred!

But China also needs to develop and let the people live a better life. Why do you take the ladder away and not let others go to the second floor when you Western countries have reached the stage of development?
It doesn't make sense, right!

It's as if the boss and employees in a company are always in opposite interests. The boss always wants to pay the employees less wages, while the employees eagerly hope to increase their wages.Western countries think that they are the most powerful in the world, controlling the lifeline of the economy.But developing countries certainly do not want to remain poor forever.But there are only so many resources in the world, if you have more, others will have less.

There is a reason why Western countries hate China for immortality, because China's demographic dividend is too strong, and it has become the world's factory in no time.As a result, a large number of companies in Western countries have gone bankrupt, closed down, transferred their business, and withdrawn their production lines... just lingering like this, can you not hate China?
But when it comes to the Chinese market, they are extremely greedy, wishing to scour all of them at once.

Take high-tech products as an example. In the 90s, when the wages of workers were only about 100 yuan, a computer imported from a foreign country dared to sell for more than 2 yuan!You see, this is not an obvious robbery, just to bully you that China has no ability to produce computers!Of course, later, as China also established its own computer manufacturers, the prices of imported computers were reduced accordingly.

Anyone who has it is not as good as yourself!

This is a sentence that Fang Jiming often tells Xu Zhuhua, and Xu Zhuhua also deeply agrees.

But Xu Zhuhua still couldn't figure it out, why did he not go the way of putting computer chips, but had to go the way of mobile phone chips?

"Ah Chirp!!!"

When Fang Jiming was registering at school, he sneezed for no reason.

"Who is nagging me?"

Fang Jiming rubbed his nose, unexpectedly there was an extra tissue in front of him.

At first glance, oh, it's Yang Shiyu.


Fang Jiming was not polite, took the pack of tissues, took out one, and wiped his nose.

Suddenly, Fang Jiming realized something: "Today..."

That's right, today's weather is gray, like a fog!
However, Fang Jiming knew that it was not fog, but haze!
"After two lifetimes, have you finally felt the smog in Yanjing?"

Fang Jiming suddenly felt overwhelmed with responsibility, he had to expose this matter!But, he can't come forward, he has to find a doctor to come forward.Only when an authoritative doctor comes forward can the masses and the government be convinced to shut down high-polluting and energy-intensive enterprises and return Yanjing to a blue sky.

But Fang Jiming also knew that even before he was reborn, Yanjing still had smog from time to time, which was difficult to cure.Environmental governance is an eternal development issue.

"What are you thinking, Director Fang?"

When Yang Shiyu's soft voice came, Fang Jiming shuddered.

This little girl really knows how to use her advantage!
Fang Jiming looked at her helplessly, and said, "It's nothing, have you registered?"

"Well, as soon as I turned around, I saw Fang Daoyou..."

Before Yang Shiyu finished speaking, Fang Jiming said: "After the registration, you should hone your acting skills quickly, your acting skills are still too tender!" When she had the chance to speak, she went straight ahead and was in the registration queue.

Yang Shiyu didn't know what to think, she gritted her teeth, and finally had no choice but to leave the registration site.

"This little girl..."

Fang Jiming knew very well what the other party was thinking.Actually, I can't blame her, she just wants to get what she wants.But Fang Zhiming, ever since he became rich, he has been very wary of these people.This may be the problem of rich people, everyone seems to want to take advantage of themselves.It can also be seen that Lin Qingyi's incomparable, she chose Fang Jiming without knowing it at all.As for Fang Jiming, he did not disappoint her love.

(End of this chapter)

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