Actually I just want to act

Chapter 688 Never Pin Your Victory on Your Opponent's Stupidity

Chapter 688 Never Pin Your Victory on Your Opponent's Stupidity
Meng Guangxi thought about it and accepted the suggestion.In fact, he has no idea, because this is the first time he wrote, directed and acted himself, who knows if it will be good or not!
Dongfang Chinese Network is such a channel, a channel to test whether the writing is good or not.

Because no matter what, after uploading to Dongfang Chinese Network, as long as the text conforms to the website regulations and does not violate the regulations, it can have a certain amount of exposure.These exposures are not operated by Dongfang Chinese Network. As long as it is confirmed that it is not the popularity of the brush, it means that the script is really well written and can be made into a film and television drama.

As long as it is made into a film and television drama and filmed according to the script, then there will be a natural audience base, and it is estimated that it will not be too bad.

Meng Guangxi naturally understood the meaning, but he was just worried.

Fang Jiming didn't bother to care about him. People who didn't even dare to release the script must have no confidence in themselves.I don’t even have confidence in myself, how can I make a good movie?
Now Fang Jiming is also thinking about the script.

After all, he had to think about what to do next.

Before he could figure out why, Jiang Xingrui's call came.

"Fang Dong, our opponent is here!"

Fang Jiming was taken aback: "WOO?"

"No, it's GG search!"

There seemed to be a little excitement in Jiang Xingrui's words.

Fang Jiming smiled bitterly: "Isn't this a long time ago? They developed the Chinese interface of their main website .com two years ago."

"It's different this time. GG has entered Wanwan, and the next step is to enter Hong Kong and Macau!" Jiang Xingrui was helpless, facing such a huge opponent, no matter who he was, he was a little panicked.You must know that GG has raised more than 50 billion US dollars, and it is a super-large Internet company that is close to listing and a global search business leader.Such an opponent entering the Chinese market is undoubtedly the biggest challenge for Baidu.

Fang Jiming thought for a while and said, "In my judgment, GG won't be able to enter China until next year. Among other things, it will take some time and energy for him to deploy in China, and although China's Internet market It’s not small, but the payment ratio is too low. If GG wants to come in, he has to consider whether he can make money?”

"It's true to say so, but if we don't do anything..."

Jiang Xingrui seemed a little unconfident. Compared with GG's search engine, Baidu's search engine still has a gap in algorithm.Although Baidu has been improving the algorithm of the search engine, it is still difficult to bypass GG's patents in terms of core technology.If you want to bypass it, you have to spend more time, money and energy to build an algorithm.

Fang Jiming didn't understand such a professional thing.

However, Fang Jiming has his own judgment: "GG is Yingjiang's Internet company after all. It has always been arrogant and arrogant, and will not abide by domestic laws and regulations. Therefore, we see him building tall buildings and seeing him feasting. Guests, just watch his building collapse. As for us, we need to be calm and develop according to the established pace."

Jiang Xingrui didn't know where Fang Jiming's confidence came from, but he still couldn't convince himself. "Fang Dong, then we still have to do something?"

"Has our advertising network started?" Fang Jiming asked.

"It's done, it's already profitable." Jiang Xingrui blurted out.

Fang Jiming said with a smile: "GG is on Yingjiang's side, doesn't it rely on advertising alliances to achieve high profits? Now that we have gone its way, how can it go? It still has to follow We compete? So what if it is a big global Internet company, in the Chinese market, it still has to honestly fight with us in this way, and we are not completely powerless.”

Jiang Xingrui said: "Then GG also has a map, our map can't compete with others!"

"What about our Post Bar? What about our Baidu Q&A? What about our Baidu Encyclopedia? These are our product competitiveness!" Fang Jiming said seriously, "As long as you are used to our 'family bucket' service , reduce page advertisements, and state that it is an advertisement under the advertisement link, then we will appear more standardized. After users get used to using our search, can they change course? Then GG has to follow our path!"

Jiang Xingrui didn't have that much confidence. After all, he came from a technical background and knew the technical gap with GG.

"Director Fang, the situation is still not optimistic."

Of course, Fang Jiming knew that the situation was not optimistic, but in his previous life, two years after Google officially entered China, Baidu still firmly held the top spot in the Chinese search engine market, with its market share rising from 2007% in 59.3 to 2008% in 62.9 .Compared with 2007, Google China's market share is also expanding, from 2007% in 23.4 to 2008% in 26.9.However, the market share of the third-ranked China Yahoo was eroded by its competitors, dropping from 2007% in 11 to 2008% in 5.9.

Therefore, Jiang Xingrui only saw the strength of his opponent, but he couldn't see that he had cultivated user habits and possessed hao123's navigation and drainage.

"Don't worry too much, even if we lose, we won't lose within a few years."

Fang Jiming said with a smile, "Besides, it's human beings who win, so why not us?"

Jiang Xingrui was also infected by his heroic words: "Fang Dong, do you have any clever plans?"

"No, what we have to do is to build up our internal strength. As I said in my internal speech before, in the cold winter of the Internet, it's up to whoever has a solid internal strength. Only by cultivating your internal strength can you play the moves you want in the future Fang Jiming speculated, "GG entered Wanwan, but it is just an outpost, and you can see it. However, GG's funds are also limited, and it has to go public before it can continue to expand, so leave it to We still have time. We must have a sense of urgency and continue to practice our internal skills so as not to fall behind."

Fang already knows that GG is still very powerful.I've seen it in my previous life, if Google didn't kill me, I wouldn't have to withdraw from the Chinese market.In 2009, Google's market share in China reached 33.2%.Baidu also increased its market share to 63.1%.It's just that what continues to erode is the traditional search overlord: China's Yahoo, from 2007% in 11 to 1.1%.At that time, several major portal websites still had corresponding search shares, but they were also gradually shrinking, and they were almost nowhere to be found.In terms of rising momentum, Google is very fierce.

Let's put it this way, Google's browser, input method, etc.; especially Google's Android system in the mobile phone field, has many times more users than Apple's IOS.I believe that through this springboard, it should not be difficult to overtake Baidu in a corner; especially for foreign trade users, and the industry segments that many foreign-funded enterprises are concerned about, Google is very dominant.

However, Google just made the mistake that eagle sauce will make-arrogance and prejudice, and finally killed itself and left the scene sadly.

Fang Jiming never pinned his victory on the opponent's stupidity, so he has already started to study the mobile phone system.This is the biggest secret weapon against GG!
(End of this chapter)

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