Actually I just want to act

Chapter 682 Adapting a sketch?

Chapter 682 Adapting a sketch?

"Huh, I'm really tired!"

Fang Jiming frowned at Pan Rui and Wang Li's management skills, and he could rest assured that the general direction should be controlled by himself.

Although Pan Rui and Wang Li are the second generation of rich people, they have been exposed to the way of business since they were young.But to be honest, they don't have any business talents, and their management level is too bad.Fortunately, Fang Jiming let them let go of the management, otherwise, the more they care about it, the faster the company will collapse.

The winter vacation ended before the Lantern Festival, Fang Jiming and Lin Qingyi flew back to Yanjing.

However, the box office miracle of "The Whole Person Expert" continues.

"Swordsman of the Five Sacred Mountains" failed after five days due to word-of-mouth problems.The Spring Festival file has become the exclusive performance of "The Whole Person Expert", but the Spring Festival holiday has also passed, and the box office has experienced a sharp decline.If so, the box office of "The Manipulator" has already exceeded 1000 million!

Especially on February 2th, when the third day of the Lunar New Year coincided with Western Valentine's Day, it raised the single-day box office record to 14 million in one fell swoop!
According to the box office curve, this is the highest box office of domestic films in the first two weeks in recent years, and "The Whole Man" has only been released for less than [-] days. If this box office level is maintained in the future, it may really break the domestic box office. Record.

The most desperate thing is that Guangming Media helped to apply for a half-month postponement of the film screening. As long as the box office does not pull the hips, then "The Whole Person Expert" will continue to stay in the cinema for the next month.

On the other side of Runbao Films, it seems that they have resigned themselves to their fate, and only want to recover the cost.

However, judging from the box office curve, "Swordsman of the Five Sacred Mountains" has performed well.This is a non-war crime. Who made them want to be tough? The Spring Festival is full of comedies and family movies!Martial arts movies, find a summer vacation to release, the box office may be even higher, after all, there is no such rival as "Practitioner".

One wrong move, and the whole game is lost.

Because the mainstream movie circle wanted to pull Fang Jiming off the horse, but he didn't expect to pull Fang Jiming first, and his face was slapped.

No, the mainstream film industry is wailing, since it is clear that there is no rule of law, it is simply a monster at the box office!Even word-of-mouth, it can only be said that the connotation of the black family is not enough, and the plot is old-fashioned.But don't think about it, people put new wine in old bottles, and they can be so popular, why can't "Swordsman of the Five Sacred Mountains" not work?
Li Runbin found Xia Chengyun, looked at the huge box office comparison, and asked Xia Chengyun if he had any ideas.

"I think our box office is not bad. It broke 1000 million in the first three days, and now it has accumulated to 500 million. Although there are fewer films, the attendance rate is still there." Xia Chengyun was also a little ashamed, completely gone The previous tough tone.In fact, after losing the box office on the first day, Xia Chengyun couldn't hold his head up.

Before the movie was released, his chest was pounding loudly, and his tone was so awesome.

After the movie was released, Xia Chengyun began to reason.

Li Runbin wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

"It's no problem for the film to pay back, and the next few million will be delayed. This is enough to prove that the Spring Festival file is indeed a good time."

Li Runbin said seriously, "I mean, how about we also make comedies?"

Xia Chengyun opened his mouth and didn't speak for a while.

Isn't this a strong man who locks a man... Oh no, is it difficult for a strong man!Xia Chengyun is good at dramas, if you ask him to make comedies, isn't that fatal?Therefore, Xia Chengyun smiled wryly and said, "Director Li, don't you think highly of me?"

Li Runbin frowned: "It's difficult to shoot comedies?"

Xia Chengyun was speechless.

In fact, it is not difficult to make a comedy, but it is very difficult to make a comedy that the audience likes.In fact, in the 90s, domestic films also tried comedy films, but because the actors had no way to understand comedy, the director's positioning of comedy was vague, and finally came out with four different images.Forcibly scratching the audience does not count, and the plot has collapsed.

If a movie is like this, it’s fine. Almost all comedies in the 90s ended in tragedies. Naturally, no director would dare to touch comedies anymore. It is also said that domestic audiences don’t like to watch comedies.But Fang Jiming's success just shows one thing, not that audiences don't like to watch comedies, but that they shoot too rubbish.

Xia Chengyun also knew his situation, so he shook his head: "I can't take pictures."

"It's not okay to imitate and shoot?"

Li Runbin was still asking with some hope.

"Unless the screenwriter has already set the script, if I shoot step by step, maybe it will work." Xia Chengyun still didn't finish his sentence.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that, except for the audience who often watch movies, if you want to attract passers-by to the movie theater, it must be a comedy.Because only comedies are suitable for all ages and families.But comedies are too difficult, because making people laugh is the hardest thing.

Making fun is the hardest thing, but making fun is the most profitable thing.

Look at the popular Spring Festival Gala every year, aren't they all sketch actors!
"Well, I have an idea, how about expanding the skits of the Spring Festival Gala and making them into movies?" Li Runbin had been planning this plan for a long time.What he didn't know was that in Fang Jiming's previous life, there was such a successful combination - Happy Twist.

Yes, this is how Happy Twist expanded the sketch into a movie, and it basically sold well.There is also Zhao's class, which also operates in the same way.

It can be seen that the adaptation of sketches into movies has natural advantages.

However, there are also disadvantages, that is, the extension of the sketch is a bit narrow, so it is not easy to adapt and expand.If the adaptation is not good, the original taste of the sketch will be lost, and it will also cause negative word-of-mouth, which is not worth the candle.

Xia Chengyun was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect such a way, and after thinking about it, it seemed reasonable.

"Then Li Dong has a goal of adapting?"

Facing Xia Chengyun's question, Li Runbin smiled mysteriously, and said: "I contacted Liu Kaige, and I think he wrote the sketch "Rural Events" this year, which can be adapted into a movie."

"That's the main theme!"

Xia Chengyun was taken aback, "Can this work?"

Indeed, "Rural Major Events" actually said that some leaders were going to go to the village for inspection. In order to cope with the inspection, the village had a ridiculous incident. In the end, the leader caught the handle, learned about the situation, and withdrew the village book, remember things.This is a skit based on facts, and the specifics are no longer available. It is said that there is such a village book and secretary in every place.

"Let's play around the edges, instead of shooting the main theme, and replace the leader with the company leader. Because we want to put the project in the village, we have to come and inspect it." Li Runbin expressed his thoughts.

In fact, Li Runbin's thinking was wrong. The skits he performed in the Spring Festival Gala will definitely make a movie.Not only can it be shot, but the box office will be good!

Don't underestimate the main theme movie, as long as the audience's patriotism is aroused, this movie will definitely sell well!

You know, Fang Jiming's highest-grossing domestic movie in his previous life was the theme movie - "Wolf Warrior 2"!The box office of 56 billion has not been surpassed by other movies for several years. It is conceivable how broad the audience is for this theme movie.According to Fang Jiming's personal experience, even the middle-aged and elderly people around him who usually don't go to the cinema have gone to the cinema, which shows the influence of "Wolf Warrior 2".

Li Runbin's self-conceived adaptation just gave up the most rare advantage of sketches!
(End of this chapter)

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