Actually I just want to act

Chapter 604 Album Promotion

Chapter 604 Album Promotion
Following the promotion of the title song released by the radio station The Sound of Music in China, "Tornado" just like the title of the song swept across the country like a tornado.

20 years later, everyone may not imagine that the first wave of album promotion at this conference actually started from the radio.

That's right, the radio station here is still the mainstream media, and the cars running all over the street are loyal listeners of the radio station.There are also old men holding semiconductors in the park, and old women listening to Peking Opera in the yard... These are the main audiences of the radio station.There are quite a few young people, after all, the way to listen to music is to listen to English tape recorders besides tapes.

No, Fang Jiming also deliberately asked Shenzhou to add a radio function to the repeater, just to increase actual sales.

Sure enough, the Shenzhou repeater is selling better than similar products.

Ahem, this also gave birth to a large number of loyal radio listeners, standing in front of the radio station, and heard the release of Fang Jiming's title song "Tornado".

As a result, Fang Jiming harvested a large number of fans.

"Ah, this song is so good, I must buy this album!"

Not only adults think so, but even many middle school students think so.They don't have a lot of pocket money, but they can save it. It is not a problem to buy a legal tape, which is only 15 yuan.Not to mention, there are Fang Jiming's posters and original lyrics in the original tape.If you are lucky, there will be Fang Jiming's autograph!

So, very strangely, the tune of "Tornado" began to be popular on campuses across the country the next day.

As for the lyrics?

No way, many people just listened to the general idea.

"I heard that last night, Green Diamond of QQ Music was able to listen to "Tornado" for free!"

"No way, it's so good!"

"What's so good, QQ Music Green Diamond costs 10 yuan a month, but the genuine tape costs 15 yuan!"

"Yeah, although I can download it, I can buy an MP3, which costs a few hundred dollars. I don't have the money, so I'll wait for the album to be released on November 11rd. I don't know if the audio store has it?"

"I think, although Fang Jiming is very famous in movies, he is still a rookie in music, so he probably doesn't have much stock, right?"

"Then we will be miserable. Our city is a third-tier city. How many tapes can we distribute?"

"It's okay, knowing that sales are booming, we will definitely speed up production."


This kind of drama is happening in middle schools all over the country.

Fang Jiming's "unique" singing style made everyone feel refreshed, as if they had discovered a new world.This kind of R&B singing is really rare in China, let alone one with such a high maturity.

However, some musicians in the mainstream music circle commented: "Fang Jiming's new song is simply incomprehensible, and all kinds of music knowledge are used incorrectly. Obviously, this R&B style is not suitable for Chinese music tastes!"

Of course, this kind of musician who has no right to speak, fans think he is farting.

People all over the country think it sounds good, and even the number of green diamonds on QQ Music has increased by 30%. Do you think it sounds bad to me? !
However, Fang Jiming didn't know that he had made such a big commotion, and he was still rushing to shoot.

Yang Chengjun, chairman of Haifu Records, called him to tell him about the release of the new album.

"Fang Dong, your new song is very popular!"

Only then did Yang Chengjun understand how sensitive Fang Jiming was to music.The R&B style that everyone is not optimistic about is abruptly misunderstood by Fang Jiming.This kind of strike across levels made Yang Chengjun understand for the first time what a "genius" is.

Cough, if Fang Jiming knew that Yang Chengjun praised him so much, he would definitely be embarrassed.Fang Zhiming knew his own affairs, he was "cheating" after all!
"New song? What new song?"

Fang Zhiming obviously forgot the date.

"Just "Tornado", your new album!"

Yang Chengjun said strangely, "Fang Dong, you must have forgotten that "Tornado" was first broadcast on the national radio station at nine o'clock last night, right?"

Fang Jiming really forgot, but he still covered it up a bit: "Haha, Director Yang, how could I have forgotten what you said... It's just that I didn't realize it for a while. Speaking of 50 tapes, already Ready to pour?"

Yang Chengjun said: "Well, the distribution has already started."

Fang Jiming was actually dissatisfied with the distribution speed of these genuine manufacturers, which was too slow compared to pirate manufacturers.You know, pirates can copy on the same day, make tapes in three days, and then distribute the goods all over the country within five days. This kind of efficiency is beyond the reach of genuine copies.

Or how to put it, the genuine tapes are forced to have no living space by the pirated tapes!

Fang Jiming said: "Actually, I want to say, if you are bold enough to produce another 50 tapes, you can still sell them out, do you believe it?"

Yang Chengjun's face was full of black lines, and he said on the phone: "Fang Dong, let's be steady? Although "Tornado" is very popular, it's already in the album... Ahem, you should know about yourself, right?"

Fang Jiming smiled and said: "It seems that Director Yang still doesn't believe me, well, then you remember to increase production in time according to market reaction."

Yang Chengjun responded. Actually, he was still surprised. Since Fang Jiming didn't focus on music, why did he still make an album?Even if it's playing tickets, you should care about it, right?Besides, Fang Zhiming, who is rich and self-willed, even has more courage than others.You know, there were not twenty singers who sold more than 50 tapes last year.

Fang Jiming dared to play like this as a "newcomer", Yang Chengjun didn't know what to say.

"By the way, Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV want our "Tornado" MV to come over, and they say it's an entertainment column to help promote it..." Yang Chengjun told Fang Jiming the news.

Fang Jiming smiled and said: "Give it to them, half of it is fine, so as not to leak it first. Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV are broadcasting "The Young Man of Heaven", and the ratings are already number one in the country. Of course they want to curry favor with me."

"Fang Dong, do you want to do an offline promotion or something?"

Yang Chengjun asked, many new singers like this set.

Fang Jiming smiled and said, "Is there anyone who doesn't know me now? Besides, now even the TV station has offered to promote me, so why should I do it myself?"

Yang Chengjun wanted to speak several times, but he still didn't say it.He is not like Fang Zhiming, Fang Zhiming's family has a big business, and he is not afraid of losing money.But as for Yang Chengjun, the recording industry is shrinking day by day, and Yang Chengjun is almost balding, so why not worry?If Fang Jiming is willing to promote it, it will greatly boost the sales of the album.

"Okay, then I won't bother you."

Yang Chengjun hung up the phone with mixed feelings.

With the promotion of the radio and TV stations, Fang Jiming's first solo album of the same name has a basic sales volume, which makes him a lot less stressed.Even if there is 50 "inventory" that is difficult to digest, if you sell it slowly, you can still clear the warehouse. "In the beginning, selling 10 tapes is a victory!"

(End of this chapter)

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