Actually I just want to act

Chapter 585 A movie that ordinary audiences can't understand is useless

Chapter 585 A movie that ordinary audiences can't understand is useless
Fang Jiming thought about it, and it seemed that this was really the case.

In his previous life, Lao Mouzi, who had won numerous international honors, was a frequent guest at the Golden Rooster Awards.

From this perspective, Fang Jiming is really hopeful of winning the grand prize?
Fang Jiming, who didn't care, said casually: "That's okay, I'll go. Huang Dong, do you want to attend together?"

"Forget it, I'm just an investor, not a worker." Huang Licheng laughed.

Fang Jiming suddenly realized: "Dong Huang, did you get any news?"

Huang Licheng was like a fox who had succeeded. He grinned on the phone and said, "Where is there any inside information? You think too much, Director Fang, so be it, I'm busy here."

Fang Jiming was a little strange when he heard the busy tone.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for Huang Licheng to cheat him.Or to put it directly, Huang Licheng and him have a cooperative relationship of interests, and Huang Licheng has no reason to have trouble with money.Therefore, Fang Jiming is not afraid of anything going wrong.The strangest thing about him is that the Golden Rooster Award has changed? !

You know, the Golden Rooster Awards in the previous life have always been "unconventional". In the end, when fans said that the Golden Rooster Awards were not good, the Golden Rooster Awards were under pressure and considered awarding awards to movies with relatively high box office.

Fang Jiming also knows that the Golden Rooster Award in this life is a piss.They want to imitate the Oscars, but also want to imitate the three major film festivals of Europa, but they have lost their own principles.

"what happened?"

Lin Qingyi asked from the side, she felt something was wrong with Fang Jiming.

Fang Jiming smiled wryly and said, "I was thinking, if you don't go to the awards ceremony, it would be rude, and you might even be labeled as 'arrogant' and 'high-spirited'. If you go, it means you care a lot. , In fact, I don't care at all." This is how hard it is for a star to be a human being, without a super high emotional intelligence, it is still difficult to mix in the entertainment industry.

For example, in the previous life, a female star who was set up by an upright person dared to say anything outside, but in the end, she was banned because of her lack of virtue.This is a character flaw. Is she really so brainless?Not exactly, but it's true that EQ isn't high.

Emotional intelligence is high, and the testimonials after winning the award can be eloquent.

Emotional intelligence is not high, if you are moved to tears, it will be too contrived, and people will say you are too arrogant if you are expressionless...

Anyway, as long as you are not pleasing to the eye, whatever you do is wrong.

Lin Qingyi comforted him and said, "It's okay, you can do whatever you want, and they can't influence you."

Fang Jiming thought about it, and it was true.

It's just the Golden Rooster Awards, it's okay if many celebrities don't go.

I just want to enhance the influence of domestic films, and awards belonging to domestic films must be held.Anyway, Fang Jiming just went.

"I'd better go. It's not about the awards, but I just want to see if the domestic movies can't afford it." Fang Jiming said helplessly.

In a previous life, a self-proclaimed big-name director said that the reason why there are so many rubbish movies in China is because some rubbish audiences are praising them. If no one watches rubbish movies, no one will be willing to make these rubbish movies.Fang Jiming felt that these words were farting. Doesn't Europa make bad movies?Hollywood doesn't make bad movies?People grab a lot!

It can be said that Hollywood's bad movies are also very famous, but they are not profitable, so why do they still exist?

Bad movies are beyond the control of human beings. Unless it is for laundering money, how can a director be willing to make a bad movie?What kind of ideal director doesn't think that the movies he makes are good movies?

The key is that the audience's aesthetics is king.

What's the use of a movie no matter how high-end it is, if ordinary audiences can't understand it?

Just like what Guo Degang said in his previous life, it is really difficult to achieve both refined and popular tastes.If you want to be elegant, you are doomed to have fewer audiences.If you want to be vulgar, you will definitely be scolded.

Like Kunqu Opera, is there anything more elegant than Kunqu Opera in the world?No more, there are three or four allusions in a libretto, and you have to hold a dictionary to understand it. Ordinary people are willing to read it?As for cross talk, it is a culture developed at the grassroots. If you look at the mainstream cross talk performed by some mainstream cross talk actors, everyone agrees that it is good, but they just can’t sell tickets.Only those who speak traditional cross talk, those who are close to the language of ordinary people, talk about short cross talk from parents, live a very nourishing life.

That's the case, the cross talks in the previous life were all thriving.

And in this life, cross talk is basically over.

For the same reason, if you call the audience rubbish, you don't look at what rubbish you filmed!
The audience buys tickets with real money, which is to support the movie with money.If the movie is not good, who is full enough to spend money to find guilt?No normal person would do such a thing!
The eyes of beasts are bright with blood... Cough cough, the eyes of the masses are sharp, whether your movie is good or not, the audience knows it well!In other words, the audience is voting with their feet, which is the most real!
This is also the reason why Fang Jiming believes in box office.

There may be good movies that don't have a good box office, but that's because of various reasons, such as no big stars, no publicity and so on.However, for a bad movie, even if it has a box office, it is not much higher, and its reputation is still very bad.Even if you get good box office results for a while, when you direct and make movies again, the audience will not watch it.

The spontaneity and hysteresis of the market are very realistic.

The reason why there are so many bad domestic movies is not because of the audience, but because the director doesn't understand the audience's mind at all, and only thinks about the movie according to his own thinking, which can only be a fart.There are also many bad movies in Hollywood, but good movies are also produced, and the proportion is not low. This is the gap.

Let’s compare Xiangjiang’s films in the 90s and [-]s to see which one was not born out of citizen culture?Art comes from life and is higher than life.If you are separated from the masses and life, how can you know what the masses think?
Therefore, there are many bad domestic films, not because the audience is rubbish, but because the director is rubbish, and he can't choose the script.It's like shooting another utopian world, which is extremely separated from real life.

Lin Qingyi snickered and said, "Are you going to be the savior of domestic films?"

Fang Jiming spread his hands: "How can I have such great ability, I want you to save me."

"Bah, not serious." Lin Qingyi blushed, because Fang Jiming had already put his arms around her waist, and pulled Lin Qingyi into his arms, and the two of them were in a very intimate state.

"Domestic films are not really hopeless, but the market is not regulated. As long as the market is regulated and good movies make money, it will definitely form a virtuous circle." Fang Jiming seems to assert that the development will indeed be as he said like that.For example, in the previous life, after the Chinese film market suffered from countless bad films, the desire for good films was steadily increasing.Some bad movies, with bad reputation and poor box office, are often only released for a few days. Where is it like now, even bad movies can be arranged according to the relationship, and the movies are very good.

(End of this chapter)

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