Actually I just want to act

Chapter 573 The hornet's nest!

Chapter 573 The hornet's nest!

Finally, the interview was over, and Liang Bin wiped off his sweat.

This Fang Ming is too powerful, and he will talk one after another. If he doesn't stop him in time, he will almost not be able to continue the chat.

No, even if it were to be broadcast, it would have to be edited extensively.

Liang Bin was afraid of Fang Jiming. This is CCTV, and it is a CCTV program. Is it appropriate for you to open up and say so!

However, what Liang Bin didn't expect was that this episode of the program was spread in the station. After watching it once, the station leader commented: "It's okay, open the cut, we can't hide it."

Liang Bin was the last to know. He said, "..." What's the matter?Are these people crazy, one dares to speak, the other dares to broadcast?
In fact, I don't blame Taiwan's leaders, it is the domestic films that are really under pressure.Regardless of the fact that imported Hollywood blockbusters can sell for more than [-] million yuan, domestic films are really hard to beat.If it weren't for Fang Jiming's sudden birth, the top ones on the domestic box office list would be Hollywood blockbusters.

This is also the result of China's restrictions on the introduction of Hollywood blockbusters.If the introduction is open, this list will basically be impossible to read.

The relevant departments are also anxious, not knowing how to deal with the impact of Hollywood.

After hearing the words of Fang Jiming, an "insider", they felt that this could not go on, so they boldly released this passage.

According to gossip, the leader in charge of You (Guangzhou) Customs (Dian) Department said in a chat that Dongfang Chinese Network’s approach is very good, and it can screen out scripts. After all, the eyes of the masses are discerning.

With such news, it immediately spread throughout the Beijing circle.In addition, after the broadcast of "Art Life", the entertainment industry across the country immediately fell silent.Those who are knowledgeable can see that this is because the leaders of the (Guangzhou) Customs (Dianguan) Department are dissatisfied with the status quo of domestic films. If there are no results, they may relax the restrictions and directly let Hollywood blockbusters enter the Chinese film market. Kill the Quartet.

The wolf finally came, and the entertainment industry was in awe.

However, the screenwriters were very grateful to each other, and also began to pay attention to Dongfang Chinese website.Dongfang Chinese website suddenly became more popular.Not for anything else, because more elite writers have entered the platform, and they have also brought many users who did not know Dongfang before.

The most important thing is that imitating the model of Dongfang Chinese Network, many literary websites have also begun to pay for it.

In fact, online literature appeared very early. No matter in his previous life or in this life, Fang Jiming has discovered that there are many online literature websites, which can be traced back to the birth of the first online novel in 1998.In the current stage of online literature, online novels such as fantasy, romance, fairy tales, etc. have been born.But these websites just have no profit model.

For a website to become bigger and stronger, the most important thing is not only users, but also means of monetization.Otherwise, you'll go out and fool around... Cough, cough, you don't have enough confidence when it comes to financing!

The emergence of Dongfang is like a shooting star piercing the long night, illuminating the profit path of online literature websites.

In fact, Dongfang is not the same as the online literature payment model in the previous life. It basically cancels the payment by chapter, but directly purchases the membership system, cooperates with page advertisements, and calculates it as the author's income.If you don’t want to do this, you can still charge for the full book. Users think the book is well written, so they can buy it for ten yuan, and they can read it no matter whether it is finished or not.Well, there is a risk. If the book becomes eunuch, the money will be wasted.

Therefore, the users of Dongfang are also very smart, and the unfinished books are free for members to read.The finished book does not support members to read, and can only be purchased for reading, and the whole book will be paid for ten yuan.

In conjunction with the fact that all books are free to read before they are on the shelves, the biggest advantage of this is that it expands the number of readers of scripts and novels.If you follow the routine of paying for chapters in your previous life, even if you pay a penny for a thousand words, you will have to pay hundreds of dollars to read a novel with millions of words. This is not something ordinary readers can afford.

Fang Mingming's model, combined with the free three-day model of popular books, has directly attracted a large number of users, even increased the number of paying users, expanded the influence of the novel, and guaranteed the author's income.

No wonder other Chinese websites are also imitating Dongfang Chinese website, because this model is reasonable.

When head creations are booming, the chances of good scripts and novels appearing are higher.

This was Fang Jiming's original intention.

However, some people are not happy.

In other words, Fang Jiming's talk has hit a hornet's nest!
The movie star Chen Lin who often plays the role of scholar, son-in-law, and civil servant, after watching "Art Life", his face turned blue and white, and scolded him in front of his manager: "What is Fang Jiming? I When filming, he didn't know where to cool off!"

The agent persuaded: "A Lin, don't be angry, he didn't name the name, he just expressed his own opinion. Besides, his movie has exceeded [-] million, isn't it a little bit drifting?"

The implication is that Fang Jiming has become a first-line movie star, and Chen Lin's status has already declined. If this word gets out, the two people who originally hoped to cooperate will break up in the air. ?
Chen Lin said angrily: "I just can't bear it. He knows nothing. If I can still play the role of a scholar, I won't? I can't get this type of job!"

This is the truth. As Chen Lin passed his thirties, he became greasy, and he no longer looked like a niche student.Coupled with poor body management, there is already a tendency to gain weight.Such an actor, what do you call him?If you don't change the direction of the play, can there still be a play to shoot!

So, Chen Lin had no choice but to change his play, not because he wanted to change, but because his appearance was not suitable!

The directors in the circle were also injured by Fang Jiming's mouth.

Xia Chengyun is one of them.

Speaking of Xia Chengyun, he is a relatively old-fashioned director who once made an award-winning literary film for a big-name Hong Kong star.This is Xia Chengyun's famous work. It has indeed caught up with the good script and good actors, and won a global box office of up to 2500 million US dollars in one fell swoop.Before Fang Jiming made "The Man From Earth", it was once a model for overseas distribution of Chinese films.

Before the new century, Xia Chengyun made a historical film, the scenes were grand, and the reviews were pretty good.However, due to the incomprehensible shooting and various historical mistakes, the box office collapsed and investors lost their money.After the new century, many films were made, but the investors lost all their money.

Xia Chengyun has a habit of changing the script, and on the set, he is used to revising the script a lot.Once it didn't fit his shot, Xia Chengyun would change the script without saying a word.

The results of it?His literary films often have ironic mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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