Actually I just want to act

Chapter 429 Stay for a few more years, just look at him

Chapter 429 Stay for a few more years, just look at him

Fang Jiming thought for a while and said: "From the bottom of my heart, I think starting a business is good, because my Internet companies are all advertising. If there are more companies, I can earn more advertising fees. But From a rational point of view, I do not recommend inexperienced people to start a business, at least you must have basic management knowledge, otherwise, no matter how good the idea is, it will easily fail.”

Zhou Yuhong said hastily: "So Fang knows how you succeeded? Everyone knows that when you first started your business, you were still a high school student?"

Yes, people nowadays like to hear entrepreneurial stories, and can't wait to become the protagonist.

Fang Jiming said with a smile: "I'm lucky. I'm also actively studying now. Even though I'm in Nortel, the books I read the most are human resource management, management, MBA and so on. Even I I plan to enroll in Yanda’s short-term MBA training class during the summer vacation and attend lectures. The bigger the company, the more I feel that my talents are insufficient.”

Dr. Ren said: "Fang Jiming's attitude is very good. Many entrepreneurs have actually taken advantage of the spring breeze of development. To put it bluntly, it is the age of recklessness. As long as you dare to venture and do it, you may succeed. But with the development of society, the system perfection, the further one goes, the more knowledge is needed.”

Professor Lu also said: "Yes, this is the value of knowledge."

Zhou Yuhong said, "Fang Jiming, you have a company called Shenzhou Electronics. I heard that the talents recruited there are all graduate students?"

"If you want to do research and development, it's really impossible without these highly educated talents. Look at me, I don't know anything about electronics, so I have to hire them to do research and development." Fang Jiming said seriously, "Shenzhou has not yet built a factory building, but it has taken An abandoned factory building is being remodeled, but our laboratory is the highest level. I can guarantee that 10% of Shenzhou’s annual profits will be invested in research and development.”

Professor Lu said: "This is not easy! Now many high-tech companies cannot do this!"

Fang Jiming shook his head and said, "No, there is a Chinese company that did it."

Dr. Ren asked curiously, "Which company?"

"It's not very well-known in China. It's called Hanfeng. I admire Hanfeng's Mr. Song very much. He is truly far-sighted. He has invested 10% of his profits in research and development since five years ago. Now Hanfeng's communication equipment has accounted for Two-thirds of the country's products have gone abroad and exported to the whole world, and it has also attracted dissatisfaction from foreign companies of the same type, saying that Hanfeng is engaged in dumping. To be honest, the success of Hanfeng actually explains the problem. Gao In the technology industry, we should not blindly pursue profits, but instead pursue technology. When the technology is good, crooked nuts can only recognize it by pinching their noses.

Just like China's MP3, because it pioneered the built-in lithium battery, many foreign dealers came to their door, hoping to sell it as an agent, and the profit was very considerable.There is also a USB flash drive. Although the price has fallen now, the money for MP3 research and development in Shenzhou is all earned from the USB flash drive.In the next step, Shenzhou has already contacted several enterprises producing USB flash drives at home and abroad, established a USB flash drive patent alliance, and launched legal charges against the USB flash drive manufacturers that did not pay patent licensing fees.After all, the U disk patent is in our hands, and the patent fee is not high, only 3%, which is lower than the international practice of 5%. "

"Patents are also a manifestation of the value of knowledge." Professor Lu said.

Zhou Yuhong smiled and said: "Knowledge is priceless. Everyone knows that Fang Jiming is not only talented in entrepreneurship, but also in art. Can you tell me what it is like to win the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin International Film Festival this time?" feel?"

Fang Jiming thought for a while before he said: "To be honest, I never thought I could win the Golden Bear Award. Because I arrived in Berlin several days in advance, and then I watched a lot of movies, and found that everyone's filming was very good. Very good. I am a newcomer, and there are many flaws in the film, but the jury still gave me the award, which is the greatest affirmation for me."

Zhou Yuhong added: "I've also noticed that there are two factions on the Internet now, one says "This Man From Earth" is a masterpiece, and the other says "This Man From Earth" is boring."

"It's normal." Fang Jiming said, "After all, movies can't be soft sister coins. Everyone likes them. I have a saying that I like very much. I would like to share it with you: 'There are people in the world who slander me, bully me, humiliate me, and laugh at me. I, despise me, despise me, hate me, lie to me, how to deal with it? Said: Just endure him, let him, let him, avoid him, endure him, respect him, ignore him, stay for a few more years, you will To see him.'"


The audience laughed. A considerable part of them are educated and can hear the meaning of the words.

Fang Jiming said with a smile: "Some people like my movie, I think it's good. And I think, for a public figure, it's true if there are praises and criticisms. If they all praise, then it's not true."

Professor Lu said: "I have also noticed that domestic Ruixin, Jinshang and other anti-virus software companies are condemning your 360 company. Is it because 360 ​​security guards and anti-virus software have broken industry rules?"

"There are no industry rules. I think the so-called industry rules are set by themselves. It can be said that it is just a convention. You may not know that there are so many computer viruses. Some bad anti-virus software companies sell anti-virus software. , the program I just wrote poisons the user's computer. You can't kill the poison, you can only reinstall the system, and the data is gone. This is forcing you to use anti-virus software, they make money. 360 security guards are different Yes, it's free, although there are some ads, but it's also a means of profit. Only when antivirus software is free, viruses will decrease."

Fang Jiming told the truth, anyway, whether CCTV broadcasts or not is its business.

"Did those scoldings not affect you?" Dr. Ren asked, "You are still so young, and facing so much criticism, won't your mentality change?"

"I don't think I did anything wrong, so they just scold me. The more they scold me, it means I'm still a bit famous. If I think so, I should be happy." Fang Jiming said.

Zhou Yuhong smiled and said, "Since Ming's mentality is very good, no wonder the business can be successful. But according to my experience, if there are many people scolding, I will work hard to do better, so that those people are speechless and scolding is useless." It's better to scold."

Fang Jiming shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily the case. I like to think in reverse. In fact, black fans have a deeper affection for you. If one day you lose your reputation, it's not your fans who will be most disappointed, but these black fans, because No one scolded them anymore! If there are too many black fans and black celebrities, there will be feelings for black fans."

Professor Lu laughed loudly and said, "Fang Jiming's thinking is really different from ordinary people. It makes sense. In fact, I scolded you too, because I used a USB flash drive from Shenzhou, but the storage capacity was too small and the price was too expensive. too expensive!"

 Today is the New Year's Eve. I wish you all a happy new year, peace and joy, and all the best!
(End of this chapter)

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