Actually I just want to act

Chapter 415 The repeater machine was successfully developed!

Chapter 415 The repeater machine was successfully developed!
Just when Fang Jiming and the others were preparing to board the plane the next day, Fang Jiming received a call from Xu Zhuhua. "Fang Dong, Lost Star has already held a press conference, saying that they have broken the WMA format!"


Fang Zhiming was not surprised at all. You must know that the research and development strength of the mourning star is leveraged. After all, there are two things that Bangziguo can't escape in his life. One is paying taxes, and the other is mourning the star.It can be seen that the control of the Sangxing consortium in Bangzi Kingdom is simply amazing.With such a giant, Fang Jiming thought it would be easy for them to develop an MP3 player.

Of course, research and development is not equal to production, even if it is to produce MP3s with built-in lithium batteries, it will take half a year.This half year is a development opportunity for China.Even if Lost Star comes to seize the market half a year later, Shenzhou has already gained a foothold.Gaining popularity is the most urgent thing for Shenzhou.

Because brand building does not happen overnight, we must seize all opportunities to attract more customers.

It is very simple, a brand you have heard of, a brand you have never heard of, when you choose, which one will you choose?I must have heard it!
This is why some advertisements are so annoying, and some businesses still play such brainwashing advertisements tirelessly.The purpose of these merchants is that when you have a need, you can think of them for the first time.Well, for example, the brainwashing advertisements for Melatonin in the previous life, such as Hongmao Medicinal Wine... To put it bluntly, health care products are the most used methods of this kind.

But Shenzhou must not do this, because it is too annoying.

The smartest way is to speak out the power of the product directly like Backgammon in the previous life.People who want to buy it will definitely buy it when they see it.For example, repeater, point-reader, learning machine...these can be advertised!Yes, those who make a fortune silently must invest a lot of advertising in the first place to grab customers.By the time the colleagues wake up, it is already too late.

This is also a good way to build awareness, after all, there is nothing more intuitive than advertising.

In the later stage, it can also name variety shows that young people like to watch, which can further increase popularity.

Whether it was Backgammon in the previous life, OPPO, or vivo, they all followed the strategy of advertising + townships, and developed some sinking markets that were not valued by their peers, and finally made a lot of money.Fang Jiming feels that he should also take this path, but the difference is that he wants to create a high-end style, not a "earth" corporate personality.

"We still have an advantage, hurry up and get MP3 into the foreign market." Fang Jiming said, "Don't worry about the dead star, the MP3 market is not saturated yet, no matter how powerful the dead star is, it won't be able to grab the market all at once. But our disadvantage is that the rollout is too slow, and Lost Star already has global channels.”

Xu Zhuhua also understood this: "Then what should we do?"

"It's very simple. Win customers with a low price strategy." Fang Jiming said seriously, "Wangxing will definitely not lose money. Their cost is higher than ours, so we have room to cut prices. But we can't rely on low prices in exchange for the market , stick to your own pricing.”

Xu Zhuhua was stunned for a moment: "Then what if it can't be sold?"

Fang Jiming said: "No, there must be a market, and we must have confidence in our products. After all, our R&D strength is not inferior to that of Sangxing!" In China, it may be still first-class.But compared to Lost Star, it's still not enough to watch.

After all, the R&D department of Lost Star has more than thousands of people, and Fang Jiming is very clear about the power gap.

But the funeral star is the consortium of the Bangzi Kingdom after all, and Shenzhou is just a rising star.No matter how important scientific research is, it cannot be all invested in R&D—it is not as good as others!However, China does have an advantage in the development of MP3.The next step is to expand the advantage.

Xu Zhuhua also knew the truth and pretended not to hear it. "Now, some North American distributors have come to negotiate. But they are not well-known, and I'm a little unsure whether to supply them."

Fang Jiming thought for a while and said, "Don't look for the most powerful dealer, just find a middle-level one, otherwise the channels will not be opened."

Xu Zhuhua said: "Then Fang Dong, you mean you don't agree?"

"If you promise, you can agree. Sign the contract. How many states will be sold in the beautiful country, and how many sales will a product have." Fang Jiming said seriously, "As long as they are willing to sign the contract and accept the compensation terms, we will give So what about them? Of course, when signing the contract, remember to find a lawyer who is familiar with Meilijian’s law to keep an eye on the contract and ask the other party to provide identification, company certificates, etc. To meet the qualification standards, we must prove that we have the ability to pay compensation. A contract will be signed."

Xu Zhuhua said with a wry smile: "Then no one is willing to sign a distribution contract with us."

"Then let's charge in advance. We don't want too many distributors in Meilijian. If you give us $500 million, we will give you $1000 million in goods. If they dare to pay, we will dare to deliver the goods. Who is it not to sell to?" Fang Jiming said casually.

Xu Zhuhua nodded: "This method is good, Fang Dong is really amazing!"

Fang Jiming said: "But this is just the distribution rights of MP3. If they are not willing to pay so much money, they can reduce the distribution area. Big states cost millions of dollars, and small states cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. You can do it yourself." .”

"Okay, Fang Dong. By the way, the research and development of the repeater has been successful. It can directly record and repeat for more than half an hour, which is unique in the industry. But the cost is also high. I suggest only producing 180 seconds and 500 seconds. Still Yes, the exterior design of the repeater has been released, do you want to show it to you?" Xu Zhuhua asked.

"I'm going to fly back to China soon, please send me an email. In fact, as long as the design fits the style and color of young people, then it's fine. For example, it can be designed in pink, light blue, light yellow, dark black, long as the color is right and it’s a little smaller, sales won’t be a problem!”

Fang Jiming is very clear that with China's accession to the WTO, that is to say, the so-called resumption of customs and accession to the WTO, the domestic emphasis on English has reached a new level.At this time, the most popular is the repeater.This product will be available for five years.At that time, it's time for point reading machines and learning machines to show their talents.

Repeater machines do not need to be advertised, but point readers and learning machines must be advertised.

In the whole world, women's money and children's money are the best earners, especially parents who want their children to become successful, they have great expectations for their children to learn English well.Partial students, many parents do not understand English, so they can only buy tools for their children.The repeater is very good, because it is designed for learning English.

As for the point reader, it's not bad either.It is a learning machine, Fang Jiming thinks that some puzzle games can be set in it.Of course, you can also download some learning materials through a dedicated website.The game is set up because it can attract children to buy.Even, you can listen to songs and watch videos... Fang Jiming reckoned that if parents bought this learning machine, they would be pissed to death.

(End of this chapter)

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