Actually I just want to act

Chapter 327 Mainstream Music Circle

Chapter 327 Mainstream Music Circle

Of course, many listeners don't pay attention to who wrote the lyrics and composer, but only pay attention to who sang the song.

But as long as Fang Jiming is famous, so what?

Please write a handwritten article to guide the direction of the wind. It doesn't cost much, right?
For example, Jay Chou wrote a song for Eason Chan. As a fan of Jay Chou, do you want to listen to it?Well, yes, the song is "Knock Out".

For the same reason, Qiao Zian also had this idea.It's good that Fang Jiming is famous, he benefits.Even if Fang Zhiming is not well-known, the quality of those six songs will still allow him to stabilize his current position and even move towards a super star.

Therefore, Qiao Zi'an is a good deal no matter what.

It's just that Huang Yuda was a little upset in his heart, thinking that Qiao Zi'an helped Fang Zhiming become famous, but now Qiao Zi'an didn't get any benefits.

Or how can most brokers be short-sighted?

At this moment, Qiao Zian's cell phone rang.

"Hello, Pan Kunhu?"

Qiao Zi'an knew that this was a "senior" in his 40s, who just made his debut more than ten years earlier than Qiao Zi'an, and belonged to the kind of singer who relied on classic songs to earn his living.On weekdays, I like relying on the old to sell the old, relying on my own power in the music world, and pointing fingers at newcomers.

Qiao Zi'an actually didn't want to deal with Pan Kunhu at all, but he always called and answered.

"Qiao Zian, have you noticed that Yanjing has a newcomer?"

Pan Kunhu said loudly, "Isn't this newcomer too unruly?"

Qiao Zi installed stupidly: "What kind of newcomer, did Yanjing singer release an album?"

"Don't tell me you don't know, you haven't heard the song "The Thief of Time"?" Pan Kunhu looked very angry, and his tone became a lot heavier.

Qiao Zi reassured that it was so. "I heard it. It's a pretty good song. I think the lyrics and composition are good, but the singer is a little bit off."

This is the truth, Fang Jiming's singing skills are indeed not outstanding.

Pan Kunhu regained his spirits immediately: "That's right, this kind of singer is a disgrace!"

Qiao Zian frowned and said, "Singing can be practiced, isn't it okay for you to say that?"

Pan Kunhu sneered and said, "Not good? I still want to eat him. Doesn't he know that I just released an album of nostalgic hits? He's releasing a song now. Isn't this singing against me?"

Qiao Zi'an understood that what is an album of nostalgic hits is actually a package of his famous songs, and then two or three new songs. If it can't be made into an album, it will be bundled and sold.In other words, it is fried cold rice.

Originally, fried cold rice is quite delicious, and it can make money.Maybe with the famous song or something, it can also make the new song popular.

It's all right now, since this wave of offensive was revealed above the booth, Pan Kunhu's album of nostalgic hits was immediately cut in half.

After all, it's hardly news that bootleg tapes are killing legitimate albums.

Qiao Zian sneered and said, "I think it's because you're not angry, they didn't even release the album."

Pan Kunhu naturally knew that he was messing around, but he didn't care: "He didn't release an album, but his pirated tape got stuck on me. I just want to ask you, do you support me in cracking down on pirated copies?"

Qiao Zi'an was amused in his heart, and it was not because his own interests were damaged when he said it so righteously.

Of course, Qiao Zian still has to make a gesture: "Cracking down on piracy is everyone's responsibility! I am a singer, so I naturally support the fight against piracy."

This is actually an ambiguous answer, because Qiao Zi'an only supports the fight against piracy, not Pan Kunhu's fight against piracy.The meanings of the two are very different!

With such a statement, Pan Kunhu was satisfied in his heart: "Okay, I know you are a good brother."

Qiao Zi'an felt sick when he heard that, who the hell, open the dyeing workshop for three points of color, and climb up the an insult to the word!

"Is there anything else?" Qiao Zi'an said coldly.

Pan Kunhu was happy, and did not hear the impatience behind Qiao Zi'an's tone, and said, "It's nothing... By the way, when will your new album be released?"

"I don't know, I haven't finished it yet." Qiao Zian deliberately said in order to anger him: "I've been busy with concerts recently, and I don't have time to make an album." Concerts don't necessarily make money, but Qiao Zian's current concert Tickets are hard to come by and definitely make money.

When Pan Kunhu heard this, he was stunned for a while before saying, "Oh, it's all right, thanks..."

Huang Yuda was listening, watching Qiao Zian hang up the phone, and sneered, "This villain."

"Forget it, I'm a senior, almost fifty." Qiao Zi'an sneered, "It's not easy to earn some pension."

When Huang Yuda thought that Pan Kunhu's album was killed by Fang Jiming's pirated tapes and CDs, he was overjoyed: "This kid, he was killed by a newcomer, can't he face it?"

Qiao Zian said seriously: "It's not just him, some famous singers are also influential."

"So, the mainstream music circle will exclude him?" Huang Yuda seemed to understand something.

This is actually a must, must, and certain thing.But anyone who became famous at a young age, or even won the championship in one fell swoop, was not recognized in the circle at the beginning.Because the price of your fame is to damage the interests of other people who are already famous.For example, Jay Chou back then was rejected by the mainstream music circle, and even some famous singers directly despised the songs he wrote: "Is this considered a song?"

Not only Jay Chou, but also Stephen Chow. In the end, it was with "Shaolin Soccer" that he realized his dream of winning the Academy Awards.

Guo Degang's contribution to cross talk is obvious to all, but Jiang Kun and other mainstream cross talk circles just suppress, suppress, and suppress again.Guo Degang once quoted Su Qin's words: "If I have two hectares of land in Luoyang, I can wear the seal of the six kingdoms?"

It can be seen that genius is always excluded.Because you have taken advantage of others.Only the conflict of interests is the most fruitless.

Qiao Zian said lightly: "Do you still remember what Pan Kunhu said about me when I debuted?"

"Praise and blame in secret?"

Huang Yuda remembered, "When he was interviewed by the TV station, he said, "Your song is pretty good, but your singing skills are still flawed. As a rock singer, you seem a bit reluctant..."

Qiao Zian sneered and said, "Sounds very pertinent, right? But in fact, that's suppression."

Huang Yuda suddenly found it funny: "If that kid really becomes famous in the future, becomes a singer-songwriter, writes songs for other people, but doesn't write songs for Pan Kunhu, what will happen?"

"Maybe Pan Kunhu's methods will be even more vile?" Qiao Zi'an said, "It's all very vile now. If pirated editions can be played, they will be gone long ago. He must be the joint cultural department at this time, and the pirated editions on the market have begun. hit."

Huang Yuda sighed and said, "It will have some effect, but Fang Jiming's song will probably become even more popular. Because rare things are more expensive..."

Qiao Zi'an said with a smile: "I really want to see the expression on Pan Kunhu's face when he lifts a rock and smashes himself in the foot..."

The two looked at each other and smiled, thinking that the scene must be very, very interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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