Actually I just want to act

Chapter 296 MP3 Finalized!

Chapter 296 MP3 Finalized!
Fang Jiming felt that he was torturing himself.

If other rich people were as rich as him, they would have enjoyed it long ago.

And what about him?
Still worrying about lack of money.

"Why does the richer the money, the less money it has?"

Looking at the financial report sent by Xu Xinyun, Fang Jiming could even pull out a few hairs.If this continues, he will go crazy.

At this time, Fang Jiming's cell phone rang.

"Hello? Baby, what's the matter?"

Fang Jiming's voice suddenly became very gentle, as if all troubles had been thrown away.

However, Lin Qingyi still noticed the pretended tenderness. "Are you very abnormal recently?"

Fang Jiming suddenly let go of all the pretense, and then said wearily: "It's nothing, just a little tired. Don't worry, it will be fine after this time is over."

"...Is it a business matter?"

Lin Qingyi asked cautiously, "I saw a report today saying that the Internet winter is coming, and the income of many well-known domestic websites has dropped sharply. Some listed Internet companies have experienced a sharp drop in stock market value. Even many Internet companies have closed down. It's too scary. And your company seems to be an Internet company?"

Fang Jiming thought about it, and it was true.

Except for Shenzhou, his companies are all from Internet companies.

Although China has not been greatly affected by this Internet winter, it still has an impact.Especially in terms of financing, it is simply stuck!This is how Baidu lost its angel round of financing.According to Jiang Xingrui, several venture capitalists, investment banks, and investment foundations have already noticed Baidu, and one or two are even in negotiation.However, under the tragedy of Internet companies in Meilijian stock market, these investment banks and venture capitalists have long since heard of the news and fled.

It is precisely because of the loss of the angel round of financing that Baidu has had such a hard time, and it can even be said that it has bloody footprints every step of the way.

"It's okay, I have other ways. Although Baidu is temporarily in difficulty, the difficulty is temporary." Fang Jiming said with confidence.

That's right, Baidu was able to survive the cold winter of the Internet in the previous life, so there's no reason why Fang Zhiming couldn't?Besides, the Internet winter that is breaking out now is much lighter than in the previous life.Except for ISU's heavy losses, few truly famous Internet companies have fallen.Even ISU can recover quickly.The ones that really fell are all hot chicken Internet companies, all of which rely on bragging to inflate their market value.

Lin Qingyi still didn't quite believe it. She gritted her teeth and said, "I still have a little New Year's money savings, about 1 yuan..."

"Silly girl, how could I use your money? Besides, 1 yuan is not worth much." Fang Jiming said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll let you take care of the books. It’s not as serious as you think. Well, overall, several companies are still profitable. But looking at it separately, there are still two companies that are not profitable.”

Lin Qingyi said, "Then what should I do?"

"Tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, let's develop slowly." Fang Jiming is also helpless, "Now that the angel round of financing has not been obtained, it seems very difficult."

"Then what should we do?" Lin Qingyi was a little anxious.

Fang Jiming teased, "Why, have you already assumed the role of the proprietress?"

Lin Qingyi couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm nervous about you!"

"How about this, you go to Baidu to do a part-time job every week to familiarize yourself with the company environment?" Fang Jiming said with a smile, "It's better to do your homework in advance, so that you don't become a boss in the future and don't even understand the financial statements. "

Lin Qingyi said, "Huh? Do you really want to go there?"

"Try it, I also asked the cashier to give you a daily salary. Well, the daily salary is [-], let's say it is a work-study program of Yanda University. I will say hello to the company. If you have nothing to do, you can go to study. Practice it. Didn’t you study information management? You can also develop a software from there, and maybe you can help me sell it.”

Facing Fang Jiming's suggestion, Lin Qingyi thought carefully for a while, and then said, "I'll ask my roommates, do they support me in taking a part-time job?"

"This is not a part-time job. You can go there when you have time. It's fine." Fang Jiming smiled, "My company is your practice base."

It would be a lie if Lin Qingyi wasn't moved, and said, "Then I'll agree first."

"Well, have you eaten? You have to eat on time. I feel sorry for losing a pound." Fang Jiming said exaggeratedly.

Lin Qingyi said angrily: "I'm still a catty thinner. It's fine if I don't get fed up by you. I won't tell you anymore, big pig's hooves, bye, don't worry, if it's really not possible, ask Gu Hongye's family to borrow some money go."

Needless to say, Fang Jiming was quite moved when he heard this idea.But he thought, it didn't seem necessary.

Because, when it comes to borrowing money, the only possibility is that the bank will not lend.

"I see, you don't have to worry about me too much. I'm just tired from filming recently, and the company will not have any major problems." Fang Jiming is very confident.

"Then you should pay attention to rest and put on more clothes when it's cold."

"Ah, you too."


After hanging up the phone, Fang Jiming realized that Gu Hongye hadn't looked for him for a long time.

"Could it be that he threw his friend over the wall because he had a girlfriend? This kid who values ​​sex over friends..."

Fang Jiming complained, and the phone rang again.Pick up the phone and press the answer button: "Fang Dong, MP3 has been produced as an engineering machine. After the test, all the effects are good! Especially the keys, the number of key presses has reached 50 times!"

It's Xu Zhuhua!

Fang Jiming was also refreshed, he knew that the most profitable business was coming.

"Okay, is it finalized?" Fang Jiming asked, because there must be some differences between the product engineering machine and the mass-produced model.Because there is a gap between design and reality.

"It's finalized, just wait for your word, and we will produce it immediately!" Xu Zhuhua's tone was very excited.

Fang Jiming patted his thigh: "Okay, before the Spring Festival, I need to see at least 3 Shenzhou brand MP[-]s on the market!"

Xu Zhuhua said on the phone: "Yes, Director Fang, I promise to complete the task!"

"Huineng, isn't it slowing down?" Fang Jiming was still a little worried. Before the new year, the production capacity was quite tight.

Xu Zhuhua said: "No, because Huineng's production line is newly assembled, not many customers can trust it, so it is cheaper for us."

"That's good, put the villain first and then the gentleman, first let the colleagues in the legal department sign the contract in detail, and then execute the contract." Fang Jiming said, "There must be no mistakes in the contract!" Yes Ah, the reputation of Nanshan Pizza Hut in my previous life cannot be ruined by Fang Jiming!
"Don't worry, Director Fang, there is absolutely no problem with the contract." Xu Zhuhua patted his chest and assured, "It is the research and development of the repeater. It is difficult for us to develop a point reader..."

Fang Jiming thought for a while and said: "This may be a problem of the combination of software and hardware. In a word, try more, and how much money is not a problem. The key is the product, which must be developed. You pay too much attention to hardware development, and you have to recruit Some software technical talents, especially those in the system, we will also do the system in the future, how can we do without a talent pool? As long as they are talents, no matter how much money they have, they can be hired by me!"

"Understood, Fang Dong!"

With such a boss, Xu Zhuhua felt full of energy all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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