Actually I just want to act

Chapter 286 Counterattack!

Chapter 286 Counterattack!

As for the antivirus engine, the server-level antivirus engine is the most powerful, there is no doubt about it.As long as the anti-virus software is powerful, no matter how powerful a hacker is, it will take time to break through.

Fang Jiming's instructions are very simple, if you have a stable foothold, fight back resolutely!

"What nonsense are hackers, nonsense. When did the Chinese become so bloodless? They dare not fight back when they are bullied? A hacker can't do it. Go to the Internet to call for the establishment of the China Honker Alliance and resolutely fight back!" Fang Jiming roared, " Bullying comes at you, and you still don’t fight back, you were sheep in your previous life, so obedient? Hit, hit me back, even if it’s a sheep, I have to horn him until he vomits blood!”

Li Dongpeng's blood has also come up. Is China still in the age of bullying?

"Okay, Fang Dong, just wait and see!"

Li Dongpeng also became ruthless.

The international version of Feixun QQ, etc., has captured nearly 3000 million users in total, which is already more than the number of people using QQ in China.This is thanks to Fang Jiming who came up with a concise version of QQ, otherwise, he would definitely not be able to do ISU.Now the actual number of active users of the international version of QQ has exceeded 1000 million, which seriously threatens the status of ISU and other instant messaging software. It is no wonder that some hackers want Feixun, and they are targeting the international version of Feixun QQ.That is to directly attack Xiangjiang's server, and it looks like it is well prepared.

After hanging up the phone, Li Dongpeng turned around and gave an order to all the programmers: all stop working, and fight back against the hackers with all their strength! ! !
"Fang Dong said, we were bullied, and we still don't know how to fight back, are we sheep?!"

Li Dongpeng is also a person with anger, yes, how can he not be angry at a young age?
In this way, all the engineers quit: "Fuck, fuck it!"

"Dou Na Mom, Yu Qu! (Knock inside, move him)!"

"Dou Leilou, accept his horoscope! (Knock in, erase his horoscope. Well, Cantonese is a bit difficult to understand.)"

"Those who commit crimes against China will be punished even if they are far away!"


Although these are fledgling programmers, who may have just learned a little bit of hacking knowledge, they don't lose.So, the whole Feixun went crazy.Not only Feixun, hao123, Baidu, and even the IT engineers who were transferred to China, all responded to Fang Jiming's call and joined the ranks of counterattacks.

Among them, hao123 has the strongest technology.How to put it, the engineers of hao123 have also accumulated a lot of experience.I have studied all kinds of viruses in this world, and then made an unformed virus database.When this antivirus engine was installed on the Xiangjiang server, the hackers immediately died down!
"Could Director Fang really have the ability to foretell? How did he know that hackers were attacking us?" Li Dongpeng was also secretly startled. If it hadn't been for the pre-developed firewall and anti-virus software, Feixun would have been paralyzed this time.

What Li Dongpeng didn't expect was that before Feixun started to promote the formation of the China Honker Alliance, Baidu set up a post bar, calling on capable IT engineers across the country to join the alliance and fight back against hackers. shameless act.

Not to mention, there are so many angry youths in China. Out of the ten programmers at this time, eleven are angry youths.So, call friends, but all Chinese programmers have joined in.For a while, Baidu Tieba became famous and suddenly became popular.

"Have you heard, there is a fight on the Internet!"

"Huh? Where did you fight?"

"It's on the Internet!"

"How do you fight on the Internet?! Online games?"

"Hey, it's much better than online games. If you lose, you won't be able to use QQ!"

"Grass mud horse, who dares to do this?"

"I heard that it was a gringo hacker. Feixun, Baidu, and hao123 have all issued a call to form a Honker Alliance!"

"I will join too!"

"Bah, with your virtue, you have to use one finger to talk about QQ. Are you capable of working as a programmer?"

"It's enough for me to have blood, don't talk about it, where is the main position?"

"I heard it was Baidu Tieba, Baidu searched for Hongke, and it came out."

"I'm going to contribute!"


In Baidu Tieba, there are already master-level programmers who have developed a set of crowd mode of overcoming the wall + containment + following the vines + massive data transmission, and launched an attack on the hackers.

"I found out that the real IP of the attack point is in Meilijian! Good guy, I covered up the IP address three times in total, and even pretended to be a trap!"

"Beautiful man, grass mud horse, kill it! In this way, we will go over in groups and blow up their government website. We elites will surround those hackers. By the way, the server on the ISU side will start attacking Yet?"

"They also have a very sophisticated firewall over there, we can't beat them."

"It's okay, Fang Dong left a very insidious virus before, let's spread the virus. As for us, we already have special anti-virus tools."

"Ah, what virus?"

"It seems to be a worm virus called 'Panda Burning Incense'."

"'Panda Burning Incense'?"

"Yeah, you can get infected by downloading a virus, and you can even open a fake webpage. It spreads quickly and is extremely destructive. Once you get infected, you can only reinstall the system, and all the data in it will be lost!"

"So sharp?"

"Hey, and Dong Fang still has a trump card."

"What trump card?"

"It's... the secret!"

"No, my blood is boiling. Hurry up and attack the beauty, especially the ISU. This time, the ISU must be planning behind it!"

"No hurry, let's make them exhausted first. Alas, Chinese programmers are so cute, they are charging forward. Who would have thought that our special forces are the real deadly. In this way, I will make a fake web page first .”

"Okay, I'll also do an email spread."

"Hey, use the group sending function to send a group to each mailbox. Just click to download, hey..."

"Wait, will this cause international disputes?"

"Don't worry, this virus is very small. There are many masters on the side of the beautiful jerk, and it may be cracked in a day. The most we can do is make some of the jerk jump out of anger, and it won't hurt the bones."

"That way I'm relieved."

"Honker elite group, attack!!!"


Fang Jiming never expected that the "Panda Burning Incense" virus he made back then would be used as an offensive weapon by the engineers of hao123!At the beginning, the purpose of "Panda Burning Incense" was clearly written, but it was actually to strengthen the antivirus engine's ability to detect and isolate worms.As long as the virus is isolated and completely deleted, then computer viruses are actually not so terrible.

In order to do a recognition test for the antivirus engine, Fang Jiming probably wrote more than 30 variants of "Panda Burning Incense" that he remembered.Later, the engineers of hao123 developed more than 50 variants according to various changes.It can be said that computer viruses such as worms are almost thoroughly studied.Now it is used as a weapon, but it is based on the engineer's belief that the virus is not "powerful" and "difficult".

But they didn't think about it, beautiful middle-aged people, don't know such a powerful worm virus!
Thus, a beautiful mistake began.

(End of this chapter)

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