Actually I just want to act

Chapter 259 Balance

Chapter 259 Balance
The weather has already turned cold, and the autumn in Yanjing seems to be getting cold all of a sudden.

If Fang Jiming hadn't got enough clothes to keep out the cold, he would have been caught off guard.No wonder people in the north wear long johns, and they are called long johns.It is probably because the north is heated in winter, and autumn is the coldest time, so long johns are required.Of course, it may also be because it gets cold in autumn and you have to wear thick trousers, so the thick trousers are called long johns.

Regardless of the reason, if you don't wear long johns, you really can't stop the chill.

Rubbing his hands, Fang Jiming was waiting for Lin Qingyi.As long as you hark a little, you can see the white mist gushing out from the mouth.This kind of scene can only be seen in winter in the south.

"It's been a long time!"

Lin Qingyi seems to have untied the knot in her heart, and it may be that Fang Jiming always cared about her opinion towards her as before, so Lin Qingyi would not think about Fang Jiming's money anymore.If you have money, that's Fang Zhiming; if you don't have money, that's Fang Zhiming.

"Why are you wearing so little?" Fang Jiming suddenly thought of a possibility, and said with a smile, "Wear the thermal underwear I bought for you?"

The blushing Lin Qingyi nodded slightly, quite embarrassed.That's right, a boy giving a girl underwear, it's not very pleasant to say, even if the two are in a relationship, Lin Qingyi is very uncomfortable.But in order to maintain perfection in Fang Jiming's eyes and not want to wear bulky long johns, Lin Qingyi still wore thermal underwear.

Of course, it was also because all the girls in Lin Qingyi's dormitory wore them, so Lin Qingyi blushed and wore them.

In He Liyun's words: "Girls nowadays, who else wears long johns? If you save money, you have to buy thermal underwear, okay?"

Then asked Lin Qingyi if she had thermal underwear, Lin Qingyi could only nod.In order not to be surprised by her roommate, Lin Qingyi still wore it.

Fang Jiming was very considerate, and bought five pieces for her at once, which made Lin Qingyi feel worried.A piece of thermal underwear is expensive, let alone five pieces.Seeing Fang Jiming smiling, Lin Qingyi blushed and pinched his waist, but unfortunately the clothes were too thick and couldn't be pinched. "What are you laughing laughing!"

Fang Jiming said: "It's nothing, I just thought it would be funny for us to go out, one wears less and the other wears more."

Lin Qingyi looked at Fang Jiming as if wrapped in rice dumplings, and was also happy: "You know how to buy thermal underwear for me, why don't you buy it yourself?"

"I feel comfortable wearing long johns."

This sentence is absolutely true. Fang Jiming, who was from Guangdong Province in his previous life, actually doesn't pay much attention to his clothes.Practical and comfortable clothes are better than any expensive clothes.In Guangdong Province, those who wear vests, shorts and flip-flops may be billionaires, and this is not bragging.

Of course, Guangdong Province has its own reasons. In Guangdong Province, where the weather is sultry, it is natural to wear less clothes and be more comfortable.But in Yanjing, you have to wear more.

Although Fang Jiming was wrapped like a zongzi, the quality of the clothes was actually quite good.

"Then I'll go to class and try wearing long johns a few times." Lin Qingyi naturally took Fang Jiming's arm, and the two walked outside the school.

This was actually Fang Jiming whom Lin Qingyi took the initiative to ask. Fang Jiming didn't know where she was taking her, but Fang Jiming didn't ask.

As long as the person next to her is her, what does it matter where she goes?
After several bus and subway trips, I finally came to SJS Amusement Park.

"Fang Jiming children's shoes, would you like to go to the amusement park with me today?" Seeing Lin Qingyi's narrow expression, Fang Jiming also understood.

"Happy to serve my princess."

Fang Jiming made a knight's salute, Lin Qingyi covered her mouth and snickered.

At the ticket office, Fang Jiming was about to pay, but was stopped by Lin Qingyi: "I'll do it."

Fang Jiming was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that this silly girl didn't want him to keep paying. Although she didn't have much money, she still had to pay.It is estimated that this silly girl has saved up money for a long time to come out this time.Lin Qingyi, who bought the ticket, looked at Fang Jiming who was in a daze, and said with a smile, "What's the matter, shall we go in?"

Speaking, Lin Qingyi naturally took Fang Jiming's arm again.

Only then did Fang Zhiming understand that a girl who really cares about you will take the initiative to pay for you.Girls who don't care about you will only ask you blindly.After all, feelings are mutual, and what you give and what you get are out of proportion, and no one will really get a balance in their hearts.Therefore, it is difficult for boys to catch up with girls if they are too masculine.

Because girls are psychologically unbalanced!

This kind of imbalance is not that girls are not angry or something, but that they are uneasy about this macho boy.After all, she has been getting, but what she gave seems to be stopped by the boy.For a long time, there are two possibilities. One is that the girls are used to it naturally, spoiled by the boys, and they break up; , also broke up.

Therefore, evenly matched is the best balance in love.

After figuring this out, Fang Jiming was happy to let Lin Qingyi do the work.

Lin Qingyi, who had released her instinct, laughed happily in the amusement park.What was even happier was that Lin Qingyi found out that Fang Jiming actually had a fear of heights, and he didn't dare to ride roller coasters, pirate ships and so on. "Come on, it's fun."

Fang Jiming's face turned blue: "No, don't."

"Come on, it's fun. If you don't dare to look at it, just hold on to me..."

Well, Fang Jiming finally "compromised", so the screams resounded through the sky.

"Qingyi, where are you?"

On the roller coaster, Fang Jiming's legs were already weak and he closed his eyes.

"I'm here, next to you, don't be afraid, it's so fun, look, look, I'm going to sprint down the mountain!" Lin Qingyi laughed like a silver bell, but Fang Jiming was so nervous that his veins bulged.

Well, the most sensible person is afraid that everything will get out of control.

Fang Jiming was really scared. After leaving the roller coaster, Fang Jiming's face turned livid and he retched for a while.

Lin Qingyi patted him on the back tenderly, but still couldn't help smiling.Because Fang Jiming's legs were shaking uncontrollably.

"Are you feeling better? Would you like some water?" Lin Qingyi's mother's love began to flood, and at this time Fang Jiming really looked like a big boy, not that big boss.

Fang Jiming grabbed Lin Qingyi's hand very hard. "Don't come again, let's go play something less exciting?" After two more visits, Fang Jiming will hang in the playground.I don't know if it's a problem of the soul or a problem of fear. In his previous life, Fang Zhiming was afraid of heights, afraid of playing this kind of roller coaster or something.But the original owner seems to have been to the amusement park, but he is not afraid, but very happy.

Well, it's a real hammer, the psychology can affect the physiology!
"Okay, let's go to the carousel, shall we?"

Lin Qingyi smiled sweetly, and Fang Jiming's mood improved a lot: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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