Actually I just want to act

Chapter 222 Blueprint

Chapter 222 Blueprint
In Fang Jiming's view, movies have only one attribute, which is not artistic, but communicative.If it is separated from this attribute, what is the meaning of the movie?Art is nothing more than adding color on the basis of communication. It doesn't matter whether it is there or not.Therefore, Fang Jiming never thinks that he is an artist after making a movie.

In Guo Degang's words, art is art, art is ability, and art is selling ability.Only when the two are combined, is the real art, otherwise you think your artistic level is very high, but the audience does not recognize it, do you think your ability is high or not?
Besides, artists, are artists self-proclaimed?It was praised by the audience, those who proclaimed themselves to be deceitful people!
Speaking of this, it is actually very clear that art that is divorced from the general public is not art at all.You can be high-spirited, you can admire yourself alone, or you can just shoot for people who "understand you".But the general public likes to watch down-to-earth movies, you can't pull people into the cinema, can you?If people don't watch or appreciate such movies, these "artists" will tremble with anger, thinking that people don't understand art.

Is it true that the masses do not understand art?

Are these "artists" really taking good pictures?
Everyone knows that the eyes of the masses are discerning.Your movie is not good, and no one will watch it if you beg your grandpa to sue your grandma. People feel that they are wronged for spending the money on tickets.But if your movie is good and word of mouth spreads, it's a dark horse.It is a pity that there are still film investors who have not understood this truth, thinking that celebrities must be good, and small fresh meat will definitely be able to attract box office.

It is undeniable that a large number of fans can indeed support some basic disks.However, it is only the basic disk.If there is no quality, it can only burst like "Fortress of So-and-so".

What is movie quality?

In layman's terms, this is the selling point of the movie.In other words, the movie you made is shown to the audience, and the audience thinks the ticket is worth the money.For example, in an action movie, is the fighting exciting and the plot smooth?Romance movie, the plot is not bloody, there is something new, can it resonate with the audience?Isn't the costume movie great in visual effects and good in plot?Comedy, isn't it funny and logical?Can the main theme film use heroes to arouse national pride?Do hero films really capture the feeling of heroes?Does the police film have a sense of reality and depth?

Have you seen that these films, no matter what genre, require a good plot.This is actually different from art movies.Art films all pursue exquisite pictures, and can even sacrifice the plot for the picture.From Fang Jiming's point of view, this is all about committing suicide.Of the art films that sell well, which one doesn't have a brilliant plot?

The plot is the core of the core of the movie. Other special effects, artistic sense, jokes, action, depth...all are based on the core.

However, many people know it and will not do it.If you do it, you can't do it well.That's why movies are so difficult, because it's really not easy to coordinate a crew well, and it tests the director's skill too much.

Fang Jiming finished his homework, threw it aside and ignored it.Anyway, there will be no character creation class tomorrow.

After finishing his homework, the lights were about to turn off, and Fang Jiming remembered to text Lin Qingyi back.But he couldn't think of what to reply, so after thinking for a while, he sent a text message: "Good night, I'll come and find you tomorrow."

After the text message was sent, Lin Qingyi, who was about to fall asleep waiting for the text message from Fang Zhiming, suddenly regained her energy.

"What does he mean by coming to me? Do you want to confess to me? Or..."

Well, when Lin Qingyi thought about it, she even thought of holding hands and other plots, so she couldn't help but chuckled.

"Miss, go to sleep, don't smirk, class is full tomorrow." He Liyun turned over on the bed and reminded her.

Lin Qingyi was also dumbfounded: "The class is full?"

"Go and check the schedule. There are two classes in the morning, one for one and a half hours; two classes in the afternoon, one for one hour. Isn't this a full class?" Tomorrow I will have dark circles."

Lin Qingyi still held back and didn't text Fang Jiming back.

In addition to the reservedness of women, Lin Qingyi also thought, if Fang Jiming came over, let him wait.This is the performance of inexperience. The boys are starting to take the bait. You have to give more positive feedback instead of refusing to communicate, or even doing some tests, which will push a relationship further away.


"Today, let's play a stage play through the blueprint."

Small class teaching started, unfortunately, Fang Jiming and Yi Mengxi were in a small class.In the same small class, there are four other students.

The class was attended by a young teacher named Xu Kaile.

"The script has been sent to you, discuss it yourself, I'll give you 10 minutes to prepare." Xu Kaile is a free-range teacher, because he feels that there should be no formulas in performances, just be natural.He even admired the innovative performances of the students.As long as it is logical, Xu Kaile even encourages it.

In fact, this teaching concept is quite different in Nortel.Because of this reason, Xu Kaile was not very well received by the school.

And Fang Jiming remembered that this Xu Kaile was the examiner of his school's first exam.Perhaps it was also because of Xu Kaile that Fang Jiming's "innovative" performance was scored high by Xu Kaile.This high score was actually to be dropped, but it was precisely because of this that Fang Jiming was able to enter the re-examination.But if the examiner is changed, Fang Jiming will be dismissed.

After getting the script, Fang Jiming read it carefully.

This stage play is a sketch.There are not many people, and three people can perform.In other words, their small class will be divided into two groups to perform.

"I'm in a team with Shan Mengfei and Chen Yi, let's go with you."

Before Fang Jiming finished reading the blueprint, Yi Mengxi had already taken the lead in dividing the team into groups.

Shan Mengfei is the girl who took the first exam with Fang Jiming. Fang Jiming also thinks that she is very good. There are so many candidates, how can he pass almost all the people he meets for the first time?Lin Chenhao is like this, and so is Shan Mengfei.

What's even more powerful is that the remaining two classmates are people Fang Jiming knows.

One is Chen Lu and the other is Yuan Feiyu.

Chen Lu had worked with Fang Jiming before, and they worked together to kill the pretentious little star Gao Chengwen during the retest.And Yuan Feiyu met during the third test, a self-acquaintance.

"I have no objection." Yuan Feiyu winked at Fang Jiming.The meaning couldn't be more clear, Yuan Feiyu just thought that Fang Jiming's acting skills are good, and see if he can learn something.

Yes, having seen Fang Jiming's strength, Yuan Feiyu naturally didn't think Fang Jiming would be much worse.

(End of this chapter)

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