Actually I just want to act

Chapter 1457 Sales Miracle

Chapter 1457 Sales Miracle

Why do you take "The Tea Made by Grandpa" as the title song?

Many people don't understand, because in terms of audience, "Grandpa's Tea" is definitely much less popular than "Secret".It can be seen from various charts that everyone still likes love songs like "Sign", even though its rhythm is too fast, it is already close to rap.

Of course, "The Tea Made by Grandpa" also discovered a group of rap lovers, because these people didn't know that they liked such songs before.

Fang Jiming's intentions are obviously also here. He is cultivating the audience's music aesthetics, so that the audience can accept more diverse styles of music.

Many people in the industry began to criticize: "..."The Tea Made by Grandpa" is completely incomprehensible, the lyrics are vague, like a nursery rhyme! This is a disgrace to the Chinese music scene. I don’t know what kind of person can create it. Such a disgusting song! I miss the music scene in the 70s, when it was really pure, unlike now, all kinds of monsters and ghosts came out..."

Then, the blogger who posted the post was bombarded by Fang Jiming's fans, so that he almost died of anger, and finally had to close the comments.

Some fans scolded him for relying on his old age, some for not knowing what to say, some for being narrow-minded, and some for not understanding music at all... In fact, it is also very correct. Fang Jiming cheers for these lovely fans, even though he Did not say it outright.Because in foreign countries, rap has long been popular, and many people like such hard-paced lyrics because they are very catchy.

But in China, some so-called music critics can't even accept rap, and they don't know where they have any musical literacy, dare to be music critics?
Fang Jiming hated these brick-and-mortars trying to gain fame, but he couldn't end it himself.At most, it's just a trumpet, and then scold these bricks with rhythm.Well, Fang Jiming was still very cautious, and used the unique technology of the code farmer to apply an IP address, and the rhythm was very enjoyable.


Fang Jiming felt satisfied just after leading a wave of rhythm.

At this time, the secretary came over and saw the Weibo account on the LCD screen - "National first-class bar lifter", the corners of his mouth twitched a little, and he didn't know what to say. "Fang Dong, yesterday's box office data is out, "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qier" has already broken the box office record of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance"..."


Fang Jiming was a little surprised, he didn't expect to break the box office record so soon.

You know, Stephen Chow's movie that year only won the local box office of more than 3800 million Hong Kong dollars, ranking fourth.However, the first three movies were all released by Stephen Chow in the same year, such as "The Judge", "Happy Events in the Family" and "The Deer and Ding Tale 1 Tiandihui".As for No.5, it is also Stephen Chow's film, "The Deer and Ding Tale 2: Dragon Sect", in addition to "Play Back to School 2" and "Comics Veyron/New Fist of Fury 2", which also performed well at the box office.

Let's put it this way, in 1992, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, Stephen Chow dominated the screen for almost a whole year, and the total box office of 7 films in Hong Kong reached 2.68 million Hong Kong dollars.How powerful is this?Take the proportion of the total box office as an example. In that year, the total box office of Jackie Chan + Chow Yun-fat + Jet Li was only more than 2 million Hong Kong dollars, which really couldn't beat Stephen Chow.

In that year, the total box office of the films starring Stephen Chow reached 2.68 million Hong Kong dollars, accounting for more than 20% of the total box office in Hong Kong for the year; among them, "The Judge" and "A Happy Event" both broke the previous box office records in Hong Kong.What is the concept?In the previous life, the total box office of Chinese movies in 2021 reached 472.58 billion yuan, of which the box office of domestic movies was 399.27 billion yuan. The national movie box office champion in 2021 is the record-breaking "Changjin Lake", with a box office of 57.75 billion, accounting for 12.2% of the total national box office for the year.

In other words, such a brave "Changjin Lake", and a small part of the box office was obtained in 2022, it only accounted for more than 30% of the total box office of the year; and 2021 years ago, Stephen Chow alone contributed 2% of the total box office of Hong Kong movies.In his previous life, Wu Jing, who had the strongest ability to attract money at the box office in the film industry, starred in two movies in 72.5, "Changjin Lake" and "My Fathers and Me", with a total box office of 15 billion, which only accounted for [-]% of the total box office for the whole year. [-]% only.It's not like I don't know, but I only know how awesome Zhou Xingchi was back then!
But this "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qier" is not very eye-catching.

Because it was hidden under a lot of movies back then, everyone ignored Stephen Chow's acting skills.

But now it's different, Fang Jiming is screened alone, so everyone can see his acting skills better.Therefore, it is not news at all that "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qier" can break the box office record, it is just the speed of time.But Fang Jiming didn't expect that because of his appearance, the era of movie prosperity started earlier, and the record-breaking time came earlier.

"Good, good, everyone is doing well."

Fang Jiming smiled, and put the matter aside, "How is the album distribution going?"

The secretary said: "The goods are already in place."

Yes, this time Feng Wenyao got ruthless and stocked up 120 million tapes, and even produced 30 CDs.

There is no way, Fang Jiming's album was sold out last year, and the industry has already been terrified.

In the first month of the album, it sold a feat of 100 million copies, which is a record that the production volume cannot keep up with.As for the annual sales volume, Fang Jiming's album has exceeded 500 million copies.This is an extremely sharp statistic, almost equivalent to half of the Chinese music scene.

Because in 2005, according to incomplete statistics, the total sales volume of domestic albums was only over 300 million.

Fang Jiming's strength made everyone shut up.No wonder there are music critics who are sour and malicious, all because they have been robbed of their jobs!
This action gave Feng Wenyao great confidence, which is why he dared to stock nearly 200 million copies.

Because Fang Jiming and the concept of digital albums were not included in the statistics.

You know, Fang Jiming's digital album costs 2 yuan a song, and the whole album sells for 20 yuan, which is the same price as a CD.However, 20 copies were still sold online.Don't underestimate this statistic, it is still a record set in the Internet era where piracy is rampant.Well, Fang Jiming also set a precedent for watching MVs without paying money, which also led to the emergence of many prostitutes.

Anyway, Fang Jiming is already a legend in the music world.

This time he releases a new album, more people are watching, hoping that Fang Jiming will create another miracle.

However, Fang Jiming knew that this is something that cannot be met, because the quality of the "Fantasy" album is high, and Fang Jiming has not released an album for several years, which is why such a strong purchasing power has exploded.However, with the decline of physical albums and the death of tapes, such album sales are basically impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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