Actually I just want to act

Chapter 1444 Not Your Own Track

Chapter 1444 Not Your Own Track

Xu Zhuhua didn't know that the fruit company had set its sights on Shenzhou, but Fang Jiming knew it.

Even if there are no apples in this world, there are fruits. The functions of these two companies are similar.Therefore, Fang Jiming paid close attention to the situation of the fruit company from the very beginning.Especially from the patents applied by the fruit company in recent years, Fang Jiming has attracted people's attention. After collecting the patents, Fang Jiming clearly sees that the fruit company is doing the same thing as Shenzhou, that is, developing a real patent. smartphone.

After the Shenzhou press conference, Fang Jiming called Xu Zhuhua the next day and told him about it. "What, Fruit Company?!"

Xu Zhuhua was taken aback, he really hadn't paid attention to this company.

There is no way. Although the fruit company is a computer equipment manufacturer, its global share is really inconspicuous. No wonder Xu Zhuhua didn't pay attention.Not to mention, in the field of mobile phones, Guoguo didn't make mobile phones at all!But when Fang Jiming brought out the latest patents of the fruit company, Xu Zhuhua had no choice but to believe it.

No way, these patents lead to the same goal as China's.As a member of the mobile phone field, Xu Zhuhua could tell right away.

"Yes, Fruit Company." Fang Jiming was very melancholy, and he could tell that this was the Fruit Phone, which would be the future rival of Shenzhou Mobile.The most uncomfortable thing is that the technological content of Shenzhou mobile phones may not be as good as others.There is no way, the scientific and technological advantages that Bald Eagle has accumulated by harvesting talents from all over the world cannot be caught up by hard work and pioneering.

"Then we..."

Xu Zhuhua felt a little uneasy in his heart, not knowing what to do next.

Fang Jiming said with a smile: "Soldiers will block water and earth. We have never expected to be a company's track in this smartphone market."

This sentence reminded Xu Zhuhua.

Yes, don't think of your smartphone as your own backyard.

Because many technologies of mobile phones come from supply chain technologies.If you can do it, everyone can do it.Why did a certain rice do so well in the previous life, known as the price butcher in the industry?Does it really have this ability?No, Moumi just took a chance and used high-end chips to match low-end components, so it is known as the price butcher.

This is why some Mi mobile phones are okay, while others are broken immediately.

Because of the parts it uses, high, middle and low end are mixed.

At that time, due to the shortage of memory, a certain person had to mix it up, and a certain meter jumped out and said that a certain person had mixed it up. As everyone knows, the real mixed use is a big part of it!A certain Wei said that this is common in the industry, but unfortunately consumers don't believe it.No way, a certain meter said, run a score?This is also brought up by XX, why don't you accept it?
Fang Jiming knows, however, that the real high-end experience cannot be felt just by running the score.If you don't believe me, compare the so-called high-end flagship of XX with XX's high-end flagship, and you will understand where the gap lies.Even if the supply chain is the same, the supply chain's technology in hardware and software integration cannot be accumulated by accumulating materials.That's why Wei's flagship mobile phone can sell for six or seven thousand, but no one buys a certain Mi's for five thousand.

Consumers are not fools. They will know which one is easy to use.

The feeling of use cannot be quantified by data, let alone the running score software that can modify the data, it is not reliable at all.

The mobile phone industry is a high-tech industry.

If it was just a matter of accumulating materials, then Moumi would have dominated the mobile phone industry long ago.The reality is that with fewer and fewer low-end users, Moumi's situation is getting more and more difficult.You know, if you can do a job without technical content, others can do it, even better than you.

Look at the same type of OPPO and vivo, they have their own unique technology, and the sales are not bad!

Still, don't think that you are the only one on this track.

"I understand, even if you get the advantage of going first, it may not be an advantage?" Xu Zhuhua realized a little bit.

Fang Jiming nodded and said, "That's right, mobile phone technology is changing with each passing day, and a temporary lead is nothing at all. And the core technology is never a screen or a camera, but a chip, a system, and an algorithm. In a chip, Including radio frequency chips, operating chips, storage chips, storage chips... We can't do much with these technologies, but if we can control them, we should try our best to control them.

As for the system, this is our characteristic, we must persist in doing it, no matter what the outside world says, we will not be moved.If it is not compatible with Java in the future, then we will change to another software format to be compatible.In a word, the system is our characteristic and cannot be lost.

In terms of algorithm, it is mainly the algorithm of camera technology. If this is done well, it will have great advantages in shooting in the future.Not to mention, the same is true for the system algorithm, which can greatly mobilize resources and ensure the operation of the current page.Even mobile phones that are more than three years old can keep running smoothly..."

After Fang Jiming talked about his vision for the future of smartphones, Xu Zhuhua was relieved.

"Fang Dong, with this direction, we will know how to work hard!" Xu Zhuhua was overjoyed!

Fang Jiming thought for a while, and said seriously: "Before January next year, can the world's first real smartphone be made?"

Xu Zhuhua was a little embarrassed: "This...Fang Dong, you know, I can't guarantee this progress..."

"Tell me about the time." Fang Jiming was speechless, even if he knew, Xu Zhuhua couldn't be blamed for it.

Because from a technical point of view, the construction machine has been updated to the second generation, and Fang Jiming can use it more smoothly, but the problems in the supply chain have not been resolved for a long time.

You know, although this second-generation engineering machine costs a lot less, it still costs more than one hundred thousand.

Only rich people can afford such a mobile phone!Such a mobile phone is meaningless if it cannot form a large supply.

Xu Zhuhua gritted his teeth and said: "The supply chain said that they will be able to make the capacitive screen mature by the middle of 2007 at the latest. I think we can release new mobile phones in May of 2007."

Yes, everything is ready now, only the east wind.

New smartphones are actually waiting for the maturity of the supply chain.

After all, the production success rate of capacitive screens is still too low to meet commercial standards.In fact, this is the same as many high-tech technologies. Concepts and models have been around for a long time, because they are too expensive and do not meet the consumption level of the masses.For example, aluminum batteries with high energy density have already been produced in the laboratory.But a battery is more than 20 yuan, what products can afford it?Even electric cars can't afford it!

Of course, taking advantage of this time, it is also necessary to build a few more generations of engineering machines and test all the bugs.

Especially in terms of the system, there are still many things to change from the resistive screen to the capacitive screen. All these need to rewrite the code and retest.

"It's better as soon as possible..." Fang Jiming remembered that the first generation of Apple mobile phones in his previous life seemed to be released in January 2007?This is a pain in the ass. "I think the press conference can be developed before January next year."

(End of this chapter)

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