Actually I just want to act

Chapter 1419 "Foresight"

Chapter 1419 "Foresight"

Fang Jiming was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect the firepower to be concentrated on him.

However, Fang Jiming had no reason to be stage frightened.

Therefore, Fang Jiming picked up the microphone and said naturally: "Let me introduce some ideas. I think the country's informatization development strategy is very far-sighted. I personally think that this strategic document has already covered All aspects of information technology development.

It is very clear in it that informatization is the general trend of the development of the world today and an important force to promote economic and social changes.Vigorously promoting informatization is a strategic measure covering the overall situation of my country's modernization drive.

From a personal point of view, the state wants us Internet companies to make full use of information technology, develop and utilize information resources, promote information exchange and knowledge sharing, improve the quality of economic growth, and promote economic and social development and transformation.

To make full use of information technology, I think there is a lot to do.Because from the current point of view, we have not fully utilized information, because information technology has not yet done its best.At this point, I personally advocate the establishment of big data.What is big data?It is the huge amount of data based on the Internet. The scale of the data involved is too large to be captured, managed, processed, and organized within a reasonable period of time through mainstream software tools to help enterprises make more positive business decisions.I think that big data will be the mainstream of development in the future, and this big data can be cooperated and exchanged between companies.

The second is to develop and utilize information resources.How to develop, how to use, this is what we need to study.You may not be clear, I am a technology fan, and I have high expectations for technology.Therefore, in terms of developing and utilizing information resources, I think server redundancy is a huge waste.So, how to use server resources?I think cloud computing is a general direction.What is cloud computing?According to the research of Feixun and Baidu, I think cloud computing is a kind of distributed computing. The huge data computing processing program is decomposed into countless small programs through the network "cloud" server, and then, through a system composed of multiple servers. These applets are processed and analyzed to get the results and return them to the user.

The third is to promote information exchange and knowledge sharing.In my opinion, this is a huge Internet gold mine.Sharing does not mean that no money is required, we need to clarify this point.Promoting information exchange, I think, has a lot to do with improving the quality of economic growth.On this basis, I think the Internet of Everything will be a direction.That is to say, through the Internet, factories, commodities, channels...all are connected with the Internet to form a controllable network.In it, a supply chain is naturally formed.

As for knowledge sharing, it is paid knowledge content.This Dongfang Chinese website has been working on it all the time, and if there are other models, we can discuss them together.

The last point is to promote the transformation of economic and social development, which is a big proposition.Transformation, how to transform?In my opinion, it must be low-end manufacturing, transforming towards mid-to-high-end manufacturing; PC-based Internet, transforming to mobile Internet.From here, we will find that the high-tech industry related to the mobile Internet will be the mainstream of future development.

The Internet is different from other industries. It requires not only hardware, but also software.And if we only develop software and don't pay attention to hardware, we will be crippled and unable to walk fast.Therefore, the era of all-round development is coming. We cannot do all of them, but as long as we have a reasonable division of labor and each person is responsible for one or more aspects, we are expected to break through these sophisticated technologies.Whether it is the algorithm on the software or the manufacturing on the hardware.In the future, artificial intelligence will be a sophisticated technology based on algorithms, while chips will be a sophisticated technology manufactured on hardware.

However, none of these techniques are easy.If we don't start the deployment now, we will fall behind other countries.

To put it bluntly, the first industrial revolution was the steam engine, the second industrial revolution was the electrical age and the internal combustion engine, and the third industrial revolution was the Internet.And the fourth industrial revolution, I think it is the mobile Internet.We have missed two industrial revolutions, and the third industrial revolution is also a latecomer.If we fail to grasp the fourth industrial revolution, then national rejuvenation and national rejuvenation will be out of the question.

After all, the Internet is involved in various fields, such as science and technology, education, culture, medical care, social security, and environmental protection.If we don't seize the opportunity, if we fall behind one step, we will fall behind step by step.

That's all I said, hope to share with you. "

Fang Jiming had just finished speaking, and everyone applauded.

Yes, there are too many dry goods.

They all felt that if they were Fang Jiming, they would definitely not be able to say these words.

There is no way, there are countless opportunities and money hidden in every sentence, who would refuse such an opportunity?
Even Li Xiuqin applauded sincerely.

In all fairness, Li Xiuqin felt that he couldn't do what Fang Jiming did, and he was willing to share the gaps in his chest without mentioning them.

In fact, Fang Jiming is also sure that they can't do much, and the company under his name has already started to lay out, not only leading the country, but even leading the world.Unless there is a genius to smooth out the time gap, otherwise, everyone's starting line is different, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

The most important thing is that the survival of domestic Internet companies is a big problem, so how can they invest real money in research and development of a project that will be profitable in the future?
So, easier said than done, that's it.

Of course, some listed companies are very excited because they can't find the direction, but Fang Jiming pointed out the direction for them.

"Fang Dong, I have a question..."

Cheng Dongquan raised his hand, and he asked directly: "If it is a portal website, how should it be transformed? You also know that under the impact of Weibo and self-media, portal websites will inevitably decline."

Fang Jiming smiled bitterly and said, "I'll just talk about my opinion. There is no way to solve the problem! However, for a project with no potential, the best way is to open up a new money-making project. I said it before Yes, having an idea is only the most basic step. To run a business well, finding a profit model is the most important and core issue. And the profit model needs to be explored by yourself, and you don’t dare to rely on others to tell you experience. Is it a letter?"

Cheng Dongquan was silent, he knew Fang Jiming was telling the truth.

However, this is only a bit of truth and it should be said.How to make money, even brothers may not be able to tell, why tell you an outsider?
Everyone seemed to realize something, but Fang Jiming didn't care about what he realized.

After that, Fang Jiming kept his mouth shut and only listened to other people's speeches.

(End of this chapter)

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