I am Master Maoshan

Chapter 619 Master Zhang

Chapter 619 Master Zhang

"How about it, young man, let me just say that this road is not easy to travel." The taxi driver's surname is Zhang, and Master Zhang said with a smile when he saw Liu Jun being bumped.

"It's okay, it's okay." Liu Jun's face turned pale. The last time he was so bumpy, he still took a bullock cart. Master Zhang is a good driver, but this taxi is not good. I guess the car is not equipped with shock absorbers, but springs.

He was a little envious of Rose Xiuluo, he was going to do the task, Rose Xiuluo naturally had to follow, but her armor was too conspicuous, just when Liu Jun was in trouble, Rose Xiuluo sneaked into Liu Jun's good and evil orders, to tease The two little ghosts played.

Liu Jun was shocked at that time, can he still play like this?Now he is a little envious of Rose Shura, and he also wants to hide in it. This broken road is too bumpy.

"Haha, you people in the city are like this, you can't stand the bumps." After Master Zhang finished speaking, he paused, his expression suddenly a little sad. The transportation is inconvenient”

It is always right to build roads first if you want to get rich, but Liu Jun doesn't understand why Master Zhang is suddenly so sad.

As if seeing the doubt in Liu Jun's eyes, Master Zhang explained, "Actually, I am also from the Ghost King Village, but because the village is too evil, as soon as I get married, the bride will be snatched away by the Ghost King that night, so I am an adult now. Afterwards, my parents kicked me out, and even got married outside.”

"Have the two old men come out yet?" Liu Jun asked.

"No, the old man didn't want to move, couldn't call out, and scolded me. I can only send you to the entrance of the village after a while. My parents have to scold me when they see me." Master Zhang sighed, his tone I was a little worried. After all, although the ghost king only snatched relatives, but so many people disappeared, who knew if the ghost king would go down the mountain to snatch people directly.

"Don't worry, Master Zhang, you are such a good person, your uncle and aunt must also be good people, and good people are rewarded with good rewards," Liu Jun comforted.

Master Zhang forced a smile, said nothing more, and drove all the way to the entrance of Ghost King Village.

The three of Liu Jun, Moli and Liuli got out of the car and frowned. It wasn't that there was any ghost in this village, but the layout of the houses in the village.

A normal house has either a door in the middle or a door on the left.

And the houses here all open the door on the right, with the blue dragon on the left and the white tiger on the right. The white tiger is originally a fierce person with a strong evil spirit.

"The layout of this house seems to have some tricks?" Liu Jun pondered.

"Well, young man, you can actually see it?" Master Zhang looked at Liu Jun in surprise.

"Haha, I just understand a little superficially." Liu Jun rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"The layout of this house, I heard from the older generation that many years ago, there were many disasters and disasters here. At that time, there was a powerful evil thing that made trouble and was sealed by a Taoist chief. Later, the Taoist priest said that there is something to protect , he couldn't kill the evil thing, so he asked us to change the position of the door. Not to mention, after changing the position, it was indeed safe for a long time, and nothing happened," Master Zhang said.

Liu Jun thought about it carefully, and looked at Mo Li with the same thought in his eyes, this Taoist priest is a master.

Just now, Liu Jun and others got into a misunderstanding when they saw the layout of the house at first glance. Now that they think about it, this method is very correct, and the principle is similar to fighting poison with poison.

This place is very evil, people are easy to attract evil, and bring evil things home.

The evil spirit at the door of the home is serious, and evil things cannot be tolerated. In addition, the white tiger is originally the god of war and the god of killing.

Although the living will have bad luck, but in this place, it is good to be alive, regardless of his bad luck or not.

"The house in front is my house. Go there and say hello to the elder for me. I was easily scolded in the past. My phone number is on the business card. If you need to call me," Master Zhang turned and went back to the car.

Master Zhang suddenly saw two talismans placed in front of the co-pilot, where Liu Jun was sitting just now, and just picked it up to return to Liu Jun, when he looked up, he saw that Liu Jun and others had entered the village.

It was already past seven o'clock in the evening, and Liu Jun and others had already walked to the door of Master Zhang's parents' house and knocked lightly on the door.

Then I saw that the room where the lights were still on was suddenly dark, and the lights were turned off.

"Fellow, open the door, we are here to send warmth." Liu Jun's brain twitched and he shouted.

Mo Li and Liu Li looked at him with weird expressions, Liu Jun touched his nose in embarrassment, "Uncle and Aunt, open the door, we are Zhang Feng's friends"

Liu Jun remembered Master Zhang's name on the business card, and hurriedly shouted again.

This time there was finally some sound, and the lights in the room came on, but no one opened the door yet, but I could feel that someone was watching them from the crack of the door.

Liu Jun tried his best to show a kind smile, "Master, we are really Zhang Feng's friends, would you open the door?"

After a while, it was not until Mo Li stood in front that a "squeak" was heard, and the wooden door was suddenly opened.

A gray-haired old man appeared behind the door, holding a sickle in his hand, with a vigilant expression on his face.

"Are you my son's friend?"

"Yes, yes, he drove us here, but he said that you two elders would not let him enter the village, and would drive him away as soon as he entered the village. He was afraid of being scolded, so he didn't come in."

Liu Jun quickly explained, but just after the explanation, the old man became even more angry, and directly scolded, "This bastard, don't you know that the village is not safe? If you don't let him in, he will let you in. You are still so young." , how can you come here?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't stop at the entrance of the village, keep walking, call that bastard, let him pick you up." The old man drove Liu Jun and the others out.

The old man's words were quite blunt, but the meaning was indeed for Liu Jun and his group's benefit, otherwise he wouldn't have kicked them out.

"Wait, sir, what Zhang Feng, Master Zhang actually went to Kyoto to invite us on purpose"

"What do you mean?" The old man looked at Liu Jun suspiciously.

"The literal meaning is that we are actually Taoist priests who specialize in catching ghosts and subduing demons. Master Zhang asked us to come and help."

"You can't catch this ghost, leave quickly." Unexpectedly, the old man refused again without hesitation.

"Master, let's try, try." Liu Jun stretched out his hand to block the door. The old man tried hard for a long time, but he couldn't push it or close it, so he had to give up.

"You young people just like to take risks, what about catching ghosts and subduing demons, you are so young, what can you do?" The old man chattered endlessly, but he didn't chase Liu Jun and the others away. have no choice.

"My wife, these three young people said that they were invited by our son to catch ghosts and subdue demons." The old man explained as soon as he opened the door, a gray-haired old lady stood behind the door with a cane.

"What, this bastard thing, tricked a few young people to come in and die." The old lady poked her crutches on the ground with a "slap" sound, scolding exactly like the old man, poor Master Zhang, just got scolded twice for no reason.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, we are really here to catch ghosts and subdue demons, if you don't believe me, if you are capable, look at it." Liu Jun stretched out his hand and pressed between the eyebrows of the old man and the old lady.

The old man and the old lady blinked, their eyes were clear, and then they saw two little ghosts sitting on the shoulders of the smiling young man in front of him, one on each side.

"Uh..." The old lady fainted from fright, and the old man hurriedly supported her.

Liu Jun's smile froze on his face, Wan Duzi, this time he got into trouble.

Fortunately, the old lady just passed out for a while, and there was nothing serious about it.

"Ma'am, I was wrong, I'm sorry." The old lady was lying on the Kang, and Liu Jun stood beside her, apologizing respectfully.

"It's okay, young man, Madam believes that you are really capable, but how did you catch that ghost king? He has a lot of little ghosts under him." Fortunately, the old lady didn't care about Liu Jun's little ghost scaring her, she just cared about Liu Jun. How to find the ghost king.

"I don't have a clue yet. The reason why I knocked on the door to find your elder brother is to learn more about the situation," Liu Jun explained.

The old lady and the old man looked at each other, and the old man hesitated for a moment, "Let me tell you, young man, we have never seen the real body of the ghost king, but the little ghost who carried the sedan chair under him."

"Back then we had a scholar here. He was childhood sweetheart with a girl from the neighbor's house. The scholar went to the capital to rush for the exam and won the first prize, but the girl was not lucky. We were robbed by a group of bandits here and wanted to take that girl away. Miss He begged the people around him to help him, but in those days, if anyone dared to confront the bandits, the villagers would not be able to save that girl."

(End of this chapter)

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