I am Master Maoshan

Chapter 599 Evil has evil retribution

Chapter 599 Evil has evil retribution
Ten minutes later, the tumor on Malan's neck had disappeared, and Mo Li took a herbal patch and stuck it on.

"Put this porcelain bottle away. It contains pills. Take it once a week, one pill at a time." After Mo Li finished speaking, he walked to the side, squatted down, and observed Liuli's three toads.

The three toads lined up and vomited spatteringly. What they vomited were the tumors they had just sucked, blood, minced meat, and so on, which were indescribable.

Jiang Ling threw up on the spot, and Xiang Hao's face turned green, and he couldn't take it anymore.

Li Bai is a bit stronger, after all, he has seen many disgusting ghosts in the cemetery, but when he saw Mo Li squatting beside him, observing the three toads with great interest, he couldn't help giving a thumbs up, too strong, no The loss is my sister-in-law.

"Xiao Li, did you study this yourself?" Mo Li turned his head and asked.

"That's right, I'm amazing." Liuli looked proud.

"Strong, fight poison with poison"

Everyone chatted for a while before Ma Lan regained consciousness on his neck. He stretched out his hand and touched his neck in disbelief. There was only a slightly raised herbal patch, and the heavy tumor had disappeared.

"Thank you, benefactor." Malan knelt on the ground with a "plop", and Liuli hurriedly turned around and pulled him up.

Ma Lan looked at Liuli with gratitude and surprise. She was a woman who often did farm work, and her strength was no worse than that of a man. This little girl pulled her up easily.

"Okay, Sister Ma, there is no need to fix these vulgar rituals. We have done so much to let you know that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that there is no retribution, it's not time yet," Liu Jun said, and went to Wanbaowan Lu's mouth pursed, implying something.

Ma Lan was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood that Liu Jun could fight a group by himself, and these two little girls could cure her own cancer. This group of people are all capable, and they must know something.

"Then eldest sister is welcome, the eldest sister's house is next to this house, that small house, you must come over before you leave, and let the eldest sister treat you well."

Liu Jun nodded, turned around and walked towards the B&B, Li Bai and others quickly followed.

"Brother Liu, how do you know that the brother and sister's bad news is coming soon?" Li Bai asked.

Xiang Hao and Jiang Ling also looked curious. The current Xiang Hao admires Liu Jun and others. A good person and a good deed give another good person.

He didn't know that Liu Jun also felt very distressed when he gave the money.

"I said, where did you learn it? This old lady has such a big grievance. It looks like she died suddenly. She has a lot of grievances, and she was put on display as an exhibit and charged tickets. It's no wonder she didn't cheat the corpse," Liu Jun said angrily.

"That's not right, the old lady won't be so quick to cheat the corpse." Li Bai scratched his head with a puzzled expression.

Liu Jun didn't bother to talk about it this time, and Liuli laughed and said, "Idiot, didn't you see that when Brother Liu beat someone, the first person was kicked on the coffin by Brother Liu? Is that person bleeding? That blood flowed on the coffin "

"I understand, the resentment is soaring, and the blood is evil, the old lady will cheat the corpse in a short time, but this way Brother Liu doesn't have to recite the cause and effect?"

"There will be cause and effect, so the ghost baby is already there. The old lady kills her own unfilial child and the ghost baby won't care, but killing others will not work." Liu Jun sighed, it was too difficult to lead an apprentice, and there were all kinds of problems.

The astonishment in Xiang Hao's eyes was even greater. Brother Liu actually had a baby ghost, and he was still able to control it.

He has heard that if something happens to a ghost baby, it will be a ghost at first, and if you are lucky, it will not be a problem to evolve into a ghost king. It is really too strong.

The group returned to the B&B and rested all night. Before they woke up the next morning, the sound of firecrackers outside and the sound of gongs, drums and suona came into their ears.

Liu Jun got up sleepily, the others had already woken up and had breakfast downstairs, knowing that Liu Jun woke up full of energy, no one called him.

"What's the situation outside, the old lady is going to have a funeral today?" Liu Jun asked.

"Yes, I went out to inquire early in the morning. I said that after we left last night, the old lady's coffin kept making strange noises, and it was left in the yard. The Taoist said that the sun at noon is the most poisonous, and burial at noon is the best. So after a while, they should carry the old lady to the burial." Xiang Hao looked like a younger brother, saw Liu Jun coming down, hurriedly got up to set the table and chopsticks for Liu Jun, pulled away the chair, and explained.

Liu Jun nodded, and didn't care too much. Judging by his posture, Xiang Hao should be begging him for something.

"Brother Liu, is it really okay to be buried at noon?" Li Bai asked.

"Normal burial can be done at noon, but the old lady can't do it. She has such a lot of resentment. She is buried at noon. With the help of the yin energy at noon when the yin and yang alternate, the old lady is likely to kill during the burial." Liu Jun took A fritter stuck in his mouth and muttered,
Fortunately, Li Bai and the others understood, and Xiang Hao seemed to have learned a little more.

After breakfast, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning. Xiang Hao's nose was bruised and his face was swollen because of the beating yesterday, so he didn't want to go shopping. A few people played cards in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

But neither Liu Jun nor Li Bai won, and Liuli, who can't play cards, can easily play poorly if he doesn't know how to play cards. With a computer-like brain and Liuli's luck, he is simply invincible.

After a while, apart from Liuli, several other people, including Liu Jun, had notes all over their faces.

Liu Jun took a deep breath, it's so meow, it's because I didn't want to play for money, or I lost my pants.

At this time, the sound of gongs, drums and suona came again from outside the window, and Liu Jun was overjoyed, "Old iron, it's raining in time."

"Let's go, let's go out to watch the excitement" Liu Jun threw the cards away, peeled off the note all over his face, got up and walked out, there was no place to put his face on if he lost again.

Liuli still has a lot to say, but it's important to watch the excitement.

The voice came from Wanbao's house at the street corner, Liu Jun and the others did not move forward, but stood quietly at the door of the B&B.

There is only one road from Wanbao Wanlu brothers and sisters' house to here, and they must pass through here.

Sure enough, the sound got closer and closer, and after a while, a large group of people appeared.

Walking in the front was Wan Bao, holding the portrait of the old lady, crying so sadly, next to him was Wan Lu, who cried harder than his brother, couldn't stand up, and had to be helped by a few middle-aged women beside her. with.

If you haven't experienced the scene where the brothers and sisters sold tickets to the old lady last night, you might think that the brothers and sisters are so filial.

"Oscar Best Actor, it's a pity that these two don't touch porcelain to make money. With this snot and tears, which car owner can't give a little money?" Liu Jun expressed admiration.

"Brother Liu, nothing happened?" Li Bai asked suspiciously.

"It will happen sooner or later, these two unfilial sons will be taken in by their mother sooner or later," Xiang Hao said through gritted teeth.

"It won't be sooner or later." Liu Jun shook his head and murmured towards the coffin, "If you send it directly to cremation, there is still a glimmer of life, but these two people don't know how to repent, and they poured black dog blood on the coffin, just look at it." There are people who collect money along the way, too vile, I won’t make it through tonight.”

This is both a village and a scenic spot. There are many tourists, and there are naturally many onlookers. The brothers and sisters can also play, and the old people are buried. It's a kind of traditional custom.

The brothers and sisters directly arranged for a few children to collect money in circles with trays, which was the same as collecting money in roadside juggling performances. The difference was that the juggling was replaced by an old lady's burial.

"Brother Liu, how do you know that the coffin was splashed with blood?" Xiang Hao asked curiously.

"Are you deaf? The stench can be smelled tens of meters away. After walking away, it won't take long to come to us. Go back to have lunch first." After Liu Jun finished speaking, he led the way to the hotel Walk.

When Wan Bao and the others passed Liu Jun's side just now, Liu Jun noticed with sharp eyes that the resentment on the coffin had turned into a mass of strong evil spirit.

The burly men who carried the coffin, those who were beaten down by Liu Jun yesterday, had the fire on their shoulders suppressed, flickering.

That's why Liu Jun concluded that something would happen in a short time.

Sure enough, Liu Jun and the others were planning to go out for a stroll after dinner, when Wan Bao walked out with a few of his subordinates in mourning.

(End of this chapter)

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