I am Master Maoshan

Chapter 287 My Master

Chapter 287 My Master
"There is no way to go on like this, I will open the way, you two cover me"

Liu Jun stood at the front holding the sword, and Mo Li and Wang Tiezhu were responsible for protecting his side and back.

At the beginning, it was very smooth, no ghost soldier could stop it, but slowly, Liu Jun and the others discovered something was wrong.

Just now there were densely packed ghost soldiers around, but now there are only a few ghost soldiers left to stop them, and everyone else retreated.

Just when Liu Jun and the others were wondering, they saw the ghost soldiers unanimously pulling out a crossbow.

"I'm so meow, it's not good." Liu Jun and the others wanted to evacuate, and the ghost soldiers surrounded them in an instant. They were not afraid of death, and they were determined to pull Liu Jun and the others to become hedgehogs.

At this critical moment, a loud roar resounded throughout the cave, and all the ghost soldiers stopped and looked in one direction at the same time.

Liu Jun and the others were no exception. They saw the headless general standing at the entrance of the cave where Liu Jun came out, supported by the third sister Hong.

"It's over, it's cold now" These tens of thousands of ghost soldiers are difficult enough, the boss of the ghost soldiers is still alive, and there are ghost soldiers in command, is it okay?
"Ahem, this is the master, can you not see the sword in the master's hand?"

From the looks of it, Liu Jun's blow didn't have any effect, the headless general was probably seriously injured, but what he said made Liu Jun wonder if he had broken the guy's brain.

What surprised Liu Jun and the others was that tens of thousands of ghost soldiers around them put down their weapons, knelt down on one knee, and said in unison, "My lord"

How loud are the voices of tens of thousands of ghost soldiers, let's put it this way, the ceiling of the cave is shaking with sand.

What is this?The three of us subdued the enemy's tens of thousands of ghost soldiers, plus a headless general?
"Back down" Following the order of the headless general, all the ghost soldiers retreated to their original positions, returning to the expressionless sculpture-like appearance at the beginning.

"My lord, come with me." The headless general turned around and walked back after speaking, as if predicting that Liu Jun would not run away.

"Follow a hammer and run." Liu Jun ran away like a jerk, he didn't care who was in charge or not, he was just a human being, a pure human being, if he had to be called another name, then please call him Master Ghostbuster.

Of course, these ghosts, including the headless general, are out of his reach. He really can't beat them, and it doesn't matter who they catch.

Aaron got his friend's soul, and earned an extra unknown big sword, so he took it as soon as it was good. If he didn't run away at this time, it would be better to wait. Liu Jun was greedy for money, but also afraid of death.

Wang Tiezhu dragged Liu Jun, who was almost completely out of strength like mud, and ran quickly to the entrance of the cave. Mo Li followed closely, looking behind him vigilantly.

The Headless General and the others naturally knew that Liu Jun had run away, but they were not angry and did not order to pursue him.

"General, this guy has escaped." Hong Sanmei didn't see Liu Jun being beaten, she was very unhappy.

"He is our lord, how dare you call him this guy?" The Headless General grabbed Third Sister Hong by the neck and lifted her up.The majestic red-clothed ghost has no power to resist.

"General, general, I was wrong, my lord, my lord has already left." Hong Sanmei was almost knocked out of her wits by the headless general.

The general snorted coldly. Although he couldn't see the headless general, Third Sister Hong could feel the general's killing intent.

"Go, follow the Lord from a distance, don't be discovered by the Lord, report any situation at any time, I will go to Lord Wu An"

After saying this, the headless general turned around and entered the previous palace, while the third sister Hong got up from the ground and went out to the entrance of the cave.

And Wang Tiezhu, Liu Jun and the others who ran out of the cave happened to meet Yu Mo, Miss Li Xuenv and the others who came to support them.

Especially Fatty, when he saw Brother Liu collapsed like this, he became anxious on the spot, screaming and rushing down to take revenge, but was grabbed by Wang Tiezhu.

"Tie Zhu, are you still a brother? Brother Liu is hurt like this, and you are still dragging me. I want to go down and avenge Brother Liu."

"Go down, there is a ghost general who is stronger than me, and there are tens of thousands of ghost soldiers." Wang Tiezhu glanced at the fat man, let go of his hand, and said lightly.

"Then what, I think we should send Brother Liu back first, and have a long-term plan," the fat man said awkwardly.

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, I'll just take it off, fat man, go down and take the lead." Liu Jun looked at the fat man with a half-smile, and showed him that he could, but couldn't hold back anymore.

Back at the villa, Liu Jun sat on the sofa, not knowing what he was thinking, and the others didn't know what happened, only that the atmosphere was a bit weird.

Wang Tiezhu opened the silence first, only Liu Jun and Mo Li knew what he meant.

"Your identity should be unusual, that headless general, the possibility of admitting mistakes is very small"

"No matter what, I am human, and I can only be human. At most, I can be regarded as a master ghost hunter who loves money." Liu Jun was silent for a while, then raised his head and said.

"Well, stick to your heart." Wang Tiezhu knew that Liu Jun had figured it out, and he was afraid that Liu Jun would lose himself. The master of ghost soldiers and ghost generals is not a ghost, but no matter where you look at it, Liu Jun doesn't look like a ghost. A real person.

Sitting on the sofa, Liu Jun fell asleep. He had a dream, dreaming that he was actually commanding hundreds of thousands of ghost soldiers, and also dreamed that a general who was full of killing spirit was his subordinate.I dreamed that I led a group of ghost soldiers to dig graves, dig treasures, dig a lot of valuables, and then suddenly a woman came and slapped me.

Liu Jun woke up startled, and saw himself lying on the sofa, squatting in front of a black cat, which was the one he abducted last time, got up and covered the little fox with a blanket, and went over to check on the baby tree.

Walking out of the villa, he took the phone to check the time. At four o'clock in the morning, he was in a hurry and called Aaron directly.

Unexpectedly, at four o'clock in the morning, Aaron picked up in seconds without sleeping.

"Brother, you have news. I heard from Bureau J that the location of my nightclub collapsed. I thought something happened to you. When I called you, it showed that you had no signal."

Liu Jun thought about it, when Aaron called, he probably was in a cave underground, fighting with the headless general.

"It's okay, I'm alive and kicking, you can drive to pick me up, go to your friend's house, and revive her"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Jun waited for about 10 minutes. Aaron drove up and kept looking at Liu Jun along the way to see if he was injured.

"Big brother, can you concentrate on driving? Have you ever heard of the tears of your loved ones when you drive irregularly? I'm fine fighting with monsters and ghosts. You have another car accident and send me away."

"No, are you really okay? If you have something to say, let's go to the hospital, your face is pale, as if you lost five catties of blood"

Taking a look at his face with the car mirror, Liu Jun found that his face was indeed a little pale, but he didn't care, probably because his spiritual power was exhausted.

After driving for half an hour, I arrived at Aaron's friend's house. What kind of person is this, and what kind of friends do he have.Aaron's friend's family is also quite rich, and they actually live in a villa above the sea, and their family is the only one on this mountain.

"Uncle and aunt, I brought a friend who can help Huihui wake up"

The door was opened by a middle-aged couple. The man was very imposing and seemed to have been in a high position for a long time. The woman was dressed in gorgeous and elegant clothes. They were not ordinary people.Aaron explained his intention as soon as he opened his mouth.

The man just frowned, looked at Aaron, and looked at Liu Jun again. She was too young, and the woman also looked embarrassed. Their family searched for a good doctor, but they were helpless. Later, someone told them that their daughter lost her soul up.

"Aaron, it's not that Auntie doesn't believe you, it's just that Huihui isn't sick, alas"

"I've lost my soul." Liu Jun knew what this woman meant, and explained the reason straight away.

"Who is this little brother?" After Liu Jun said that, the couple looked at Liu Jun in surprise, and then the majestic man spoke, but his tone was very polite.

"He's my best buddy, my brother, he knows a lot about this..." Aaron was still explaining patiently, Liu Jun was getting a little impatient.

"There is still an hour of dawn, you can chat for a while, and your daughter will really not be able to come back by then."

When the woman heard Liu Jun's words, she was unhappy at the time, and was about to say something when she was pulled by her man.The man stepped aside to open the door, and said: "Master, please save the little girl, if you save it well, I will be very grateful."

(End of this chapter)

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