I am Master Maoshan

Chapter 205 Wu Youcai

Chapter 205 Wu Youcai

The worst thing about this old man is that Wu You was only imprisoned for three full months until he was expelled.The reason is that it was the first time the old man made extra money, and Wu Youcai found out.

The old man kept smiling and being kind. This kind of thing can be big or small. If it’s big, it’s called violation, and if it’s small, it’s called making extra money after get off work.

Then, Wu Youcai babbled about the old man for three hours in the old man's office, and for three hours, the old man kept speaking in a harmonious and smiling manner.

Then, with a smile on his face, he beat Wu Youcai, sent him to a mental hospital, and greeted the hospital. This person is a mentally ill person pretending to be a leader. months.

For the first two weeks, Wu Youcai kept yelling that he was the Ninth Division Z Committee, and that he would clean up the mental hospital when he went out, and then he was locked in a single room.

After being locked up for two weeks, Wu Youcai became smarter. He talked to the doctor in a friendly voice and told them that he was really a member of the Nine Z Committee.

Then, with a sigh, the doctor increased the dose.At the beginning of the second month, this time Wu Youcai became smarter, and stopped calling himself a member of the Z Committee, but said that he was not sick.

The doctor did not embarrass him, but brought him to a mental patient.

The psychopath fished in an empty fish tank with no water, holding a fishing rod made of a branch.

The doctor asked Wu Youcai: "This patient has caught a few fish, and I will answer after I think about it."

Wu Youcai pondered for a moment: an empty fish tank, a mental illness, the answer seems obvious, but there must be a trap.

So Wu Youcai asked the mentally ill, how many times have you swung the fishing rod?
Then the mentally ill replied: "Five times to throw the fishing rod"

Wu Youcai is confident: "Five Fish"

Before the doctor could answer, the mentally ill fisherman replied: "You are sick. This is an empty fish tank. How can there be any fish?"

Wu Tema, Wu Youcai had [-] alpacas running past, knowing that there are no fish, you catch a hammer here.

The doctor looked at Wu Youcai with complicated eyes, sighed, patted Wu Youcai on the shoulder, and said, "Treat with peace of mind, you will be fine."

Then he left, leaving Wu Youcai in a mess.

At the end of the second month, it was still raining heavily outside, and the doctor came again.

On rainy days, many psychopaths struggle in the rain. Some act as trees, some act as flowers, some lie on the ground and use themselves as pools, and many clamor to take a bath.

Only Wu Youcai and another psychopath didn't rush into the rain.

This time Wu Youcai was full of confidence. He thought about it for a month, reflected on where his mistakes were, and finally decided to tell the truth. To be honest, he would definitely be able to go out.

As a result, the doctor didn't take the test this time, and asked Wu Youcai directly, asking him to analyze whether the mental illness next to him has recovered. If the analysis is correct, let him go.

So Wu Youcai asked that psycho: "Why don't you go out and take a shower like them?"

The neurotic rolled his eyes, "That's rain, and I'm not stupid, how could I go out to take a bath?"

Wu Youcai was overjoyed, hey, is this mental illness normal?However, he didn't make a conclusion right away, but asked the mentally ill again, "They all say that they are plants and need to receive rainwater. Why don't you go out and receive it?"

The neuropathy is a little impatient: "You are sick, they say they are plants, but I am not, why do you want to receive this annoying rainwater?"

This is very good, Wu Youcai immediately turned to the doctor and said, "After my analysis, this patient has basically recovered."

Before the doctor could speak, a psychopath rushed over, his whole body was wet. The psychopath who didn't want to get in the rain just now yelled anxiously: "I am a fire, don't come here, and put me out again."

What a fire, Wu Youcai felt that he couldn't get out again.Sure enough, the doctor patted Wu Youcai on the shoulder with complicated eyes, turned and left without saying anything.

After another half a month, Wu Youcai gave up all hope, but the doctor came again, this time with a problem.

Ask, a bathtub full of water, next to a cup, a bowl, how should you clean the water in the bathtub.

Wu Youcai had heard of this stalk before, and his face was filled with joy: "The normal operation is to unplug the bathtub to let the water flow out."

The doctor nodded in satisfaction. Wu Youcai was in high spirits. He was finally going out, and he was about to regain his freedom and a new life. Damn Qingfeng, I must kill you.

Then the doctor called the bad old man, Liu Jun's master, Qing Fengzi, that the patient recovered and could be discharged.

Qingfengzi over there was silent for a while, and asked the doctor, what do you mental patients usually like to call.

Doctor: "I'm not mentally ill"

Qing Fengzi asked Wu Youcai to give the phone to Wu Youcai. As soon as Wu Youcai answered the phone, Qingfengzi over there said: "You are mentally ill, you need to be treated."

Wu Youcai shouted "I'm not mentally ill"

"No, you are!"

"I'm not mentally ill," shouted heartbreakingly, Wu Youcai felt that his voice was so loud that he could calm down Qingfengzi, but unexpectedly, Qingfengzi couldn't calm down, and he calmed down the doctor.

The doctor snatched the phone, and heard Qingfengzi over there say: "Doctor, I think you should understand the patient's current situation, goodbye."

Then, Wu Youcai was locked in the ward again, staring at the ceiling, his eyes glazed over, his whole body was decadent.

It wasn't until Qingfengzi, that is, the bad old man was dismissed, and Wu Youcai was rescued.After two months of psychotherapy, he welcomed the new Daoist Xu.

Daoist Xu's Taoism attainments are very strong. Although he is not as good as the bad old man, it's not like playing around with Wu Youcai.

On the first day Daoist Xu took office, Wu Youcai found fault. Then, Daoist Xu recruited five little ghosts to play with Wu Youcai for three days and three nights.

These are all written in the materials, Wu Youcai's unlucky incidents are written in such detail.It shows that Wu Youcai's popularity is indeed very bad, so the bad old man locked him up for three months, and no one was looking for him, which is understandable.

But Liu Jun originally thought that Wu Youcai and him were just bullying Daoist Xu, so he wanted to make trouble for him.After reading the information, Liu Jun felt that the hatred was serious.

The person who imprisoned Wu Youcai for three months was from Maoshan, Liu Jun's master.It was Daoist Xu who let the kid play with Wu Youcai for three days, and he was also from Maoshan.He is also from Maoshan, and the most important thing is that his master played Wu Youcai so hard that he almost became mentally ill. This old man must report his flaws.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wang Tiezhu brought Wu Youcai in. You read that right, he brought Wu Youcai in.Relying on his extraordinary height and formidable strength, Wang Tiezhu brought Wu Youcai in just like that.

Wu Youcai must have grown up, with a public face, wearing glasses, fair skin, and an angry face.

"Qianzi, are your subordinates going to rebel? Do it against your chief in public!"

"You're too noisy. First, this is my buddy. He doesn't count as a member of the Ninth Division. Second, even if he belongs to the Ninth Division, what happened? You can report it!"

"You have the ability to ask him to let me down in advance. I must explain your crimes to the superiors and remove you from your post. You don't have a good thing in Maoshan."

"I admire you. Tie Zhu, Fatty, here is the address of a hospital, try to find a way to stuff it in, so that he can't come out without my permission!"

Liu Jun showed them the documents on the table, and pointed to the address of the psychiatric hospital above.

Then, Wu Youcai was sent to the mental hospital again.Let's talk about enmity, Liu Jun and Wu Youcai really have no enmity, the main reason is that Liu Jun knows that with Wu Youcai here, he will definitely trip him up.

It's not Liu Jun's character to fight back after being cheated. He will be thrown directly into the mental hospital, out of sight and out of mind.

Over there, Wang Tiezhu and the fat man carried Wu Youcai to the hospital. They didn't show any documents, but just showed the director how to knead the steel pipe into twists with their bare hands.

The dean said that Wu Youcai was seriously ill and really needed to be hospitalized.

(End of this chapter)

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