I am Master Maoshan

Chapter 1693 Breakout and Raid

Not only Scannis and the others were wondering, in fact, no one in this Pantheon army except the leading general knew why they were sent here.

In their view, this is like a fight between two villages and the involvement of a provincial boss, which makes no sense.

At the front of the Pantheon army, stood two generals, one wearing gray armor with extraordinary bearing, and the other wearing dark red armor. There were some scratches on the armor, which looked like they had been battle-hardened for a long time.

One of these two people is Herman, a master of the Pantheon's sub-god level, and the other is Thorp, the commander of this army.

If Liu Jun were here, he would be able to recognize the general in gray armor at a glance.

Herman is Hepheus's uncle. He was the one who stood next to the old lady of the Pantheon on the Island of Death. This time he came here only after receiving the old lady's order.

After the old lady took people back to the Pantheon, she discussed it with several senior officials of the Pantheon, and finally decided to maintain a friendly relationship with Liu Jun.

Liu Jun's strength is not scary, but Liu Jun's growth speed is scary. Gil, who was caught by Liu Jun before, told everything about what happened after meeting Liu Jun, and also knows the changes in Liu Jun's strength. Then The terrifying growth rate silenced all the top leaders of the Pantheon.

As for the few Pantheon city members who were killed by Liu Jun before, to them, this is nothing and can be ignored completely. If Liu Jun is happy, they are willing to kill a few more, because once the relationship with Liu Jun breaks down or Hostility will result in more losses.

Later, when the Pantheon sent people to investigate Liu Jun's past affairs in the realm of Death, they discovered that Scannis was going to attack the Bai family. The old lady immediately decided to send troops to help the Bai family, and also showed her favor to Liu Jun.

"Do you have some doubts in your mind?" Herman suddenly said.

"No, I just need to follow orders," Thorpe replied without any hesitation.

Herman pointed to the city wall in the distance, "That one is a small person, but behind him, there is a big person who can compete with the entire Pantheon."

As soon as these words came out, Thorpe understood what was going on. Wasn't this just an attempt to sell the big man a favor?

But he really couldn't imagine the extent of the strength of a big man who could compete with the entire Pantheon.

At this time, in the camp of Skannis' army commander, a group of people were gloomy and their faces were not very good-looking.

What they thought was a sure thing turned out to be such a big change. Now let alone taking over the City of Thousand Corpses, whether they could save their lives was a question.

"Lord Skannis, what should we do now? Although we have the advantage in terms of strength, we will be very passive in a real fight." A city lord spoke first.

"If we capture the City of Thousand Corpses, will there be a turn for the better?" a skinny old man asked.

"What are you dreaming about? Keima and Butcher rushed up and failed to take down the city wall for so long. Now the Red Armor Knights have entered the city. With them here, how can you occupy it?" Another city lord said unceremoniously.

Other city lords also spoke one after another, but none of them had any particularly good ideas.

Because they were now surrounded, Mei Shizhen's red-armored knights were divided into two waves. One wave entered the city to assist in the defense, and the other wave stared at Scannis' camp on the left.

At the rear is the Pantheon army. Although there are only 10,000 people, they are the strongest force present.

On the right side of Skannis is an extremely beautiful lake embedded in the earth like a bright pearl.

Although the lake is as calm as a mirror, its name is very scary. It is called God-Eating Lake. As the name suggests, even if a god enters this lake, it will be swallowed up.

This is indeed the case. There is a special kind of monster living in the lake. It is extremely numerous and has a hard body. Its sharp teeth can easily bite through iron armor. As long as it falls into the lake, it can eat people clean in an instant. , not even a single bone is left.

They can't run away from all four sides. Even if a few people can burrow into the ground or fly into the sky, what will happen to these hundreds of thousands of troops?

"Keima, do you have any opinions?" Scannis suddenly turned to look at Keima sitting in the corner.

Kaima is the only one who has no qualifications to speak here. To put it bluntly, he is just a mercenary who gets paid to do things.

Originally, his mission was to help Scannis capture the City of Thousand Corpses, but the difficulty of the mission suddenly became more difficult. If he couldn't complete it, he couldn't be blamed.

As for whether they can save their lives, Kaiba has nothing to worry about. The Mercenary Alliance is no worse than other forces in the God Realm. Many people are unwilling to fight with these mercenaries, so it is common to let them live.

"The fortified city is difficult to break, the elite soldiers are guarding the danger, the strong troops have cut off the rear, and we are trapped in a desperate situation. I don't think there is any need for us to resist." After a few seconds of silence, Kaima explained the current situation in sixteen words.

If you want to survive, it is indeed best to surrender directly. Resistance or other things will only delay the time of death.

Everyone understood that Kaima was telling the truth, but they were unwilling to accept it. Surrender was not as simple as surrender. The other party might let their soldiers go, but they would never let them go.

Especially for people like Scannis, no matter which party he falls into, he is a dead man, and other city lords are not much better.

"Trapped animals eat them. Since they have forced us into a desperate situation, let's bite them hard. If the bite hurts, there may be a glimmer of hope." The skinny old man who spoke before suddenly spoke.

He is a die-hard loyalist to Scannis. If he loses this time, Scannis will die, and so will he. It means death anyway, so why not give it a try.

"What do you mean?" Scannis looked around.

"Then let's choose a direction to fight." Seeing that no one said anything, Scannis took it as the acquiescence.

"Don't worry about the Pantheon. An army of ten thousand is enough to kill us all. And no one knows whether there are reinforcements behind them." A city lord said. "Yes, we can't afford to offend the Pantheon, but we definitely can't cross that lake. How about attacking the city with all our strength?" said another city lord.

"I think we should attack Mei Shizhen's side. There are at most 50,000 elite soldiers left there, so we still have the advantage."

"But what if the red-armored knights in the city come out and attack us from both sides?" A city lord raised an objection.

"Then leave them outside while they come out." Murderous intent flashed in Scannis's eyes.

He felt that the biggest reason for this setback was Mei Shizhen and Mei Shizhen's Red Armor Knights. Even if he couldn't win, he had to destroy the Red Armor Knights and Mei Shizhen to vent his anger.

After the discussion, each city lord also left the camp and began to gather his men, preparing to launch an attack on the hill outside Thousand Corpses City, where Mei Shizhen was.

"Is Scannis going to attack the city again?" Hundreds of thousands of troops suddenly moved. Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of people around them, who all thought Scannis was going to order an attack.

"It's not like attacking the city, but it's more like heading toward Lord Mei." Bai Shanyu analyzed calmly while standing on the city wall.

Although Bai Shanyu is not good at military affairs, he understands people's hearts. The cost of attacking the city is too high, and he dare not attack Pantheon Scannis, so it is very likely that he can attack the hill where Mei Shizhen is, and there is no need to kill Mei Shizhen's men. Everyone only needs to open a gap, and there is a high probability of rushing out to survive.

"Hit my eldest brother? How can that be done? I want to go out and beat them." The fat city lord was not happy when he heard this and shouted that he wanted to go out of the city to fight.

"Master Xuanyuan, have you forgotten the order from Lord Mei?" Hu Tou Mang couldn't help but remind him.

"Who are you with?" The fat city lord rolled his eyes.

"My subordinates have been following Lord Mei for many years and know that Lord Meimei is very strict in managing the army. Even if I say the truth, Lord Xuanyuan still tolerates it," Hu Tou Mang said with a hint of respect.

Of course, this respect is not for the fat city lord, but for Mei Shizhen. Only those who know Mei Shizhen know that Mei Shizhen is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Otherwise, he would not follow Mei Shizhen to the death. .

When the fat city lord heard this, he immediately became stunned. As Mei Shizhen's brother, the fat city lord also knew Mei Shizhen's character very well. Since he was told to defend the Thousand Corpses City, he was absolutely not allowed to step out of the city gate. step.

When Mei Shizhen on the hilltop outside the city saw the movements of Scannis' army, he couldn't help but sigh, "These guys really want to open a breakthrough from me."

"What should I do? Fight?" the thin city lord asked with a frown.

This fight is not about whether to fight, but how to fight. If it is just a show, Scannis' army will be let go, and their losses will be minimized. But if they really want to stop them Everyone, the price would be high.

"Beat, beat to death, keep as many of them as you can," Mei Shizhen said through gritted teeth.

"Listen, officers and men, although these bereaved dogs and defeated generals cannot be seen by us, they are indeed quite numerous. We are outnumbered and the enemy is outnumbered. There may be many brothers staying here today. Those who have a high court above have wives and children below. "You, please step back fifty steps, while the other brothers step forward ten steps and fight alongside me." Mei Shizhen turned around and ordered, although his voice was not loud, it resounded throughout the entire mountain.

But among the nearly 50,000-strong army, no one moved or even made a sound, just like a single unit.

"Lord City Lord, our Red Armor Knights have followed you through the battlefield for a long time, and no one has ever retreated. Today, no one will take a step back. Please Lord City Lord, please take back the order." A deputy general with a beard stood up and said.

Mei Shizhen's face showed a touch of emotion. He spent all the city's tax money to support these 100,000 red-armored knights. This loyalty was worthy of his efforts.

"Follow the city lord to the death and never take a step back," the bearded deputy general suddenly shouted.

"Swear to follow the city lord to the death and never take a step back."

All the soldiers shouted in unison, and the whole mountain trembled with their shouts.

The Skannis army gathered at the foot of the mountain naturally heard this thunderous sound, and their momentum instantly dropped.

"Soldiers, do you dare to charge with me!" Mei Shizhen suddenly shouted.

"Dare, dare" the uniform voice sounded again.

"Then follow me closely and don't fall behind!" Mei Shizhen rode a war horse and took the lead to rush down the mountain.

The 50,000 elite cavalry behind were divided into five columns and followed Mei Shizhen to kill down the mountain.

Although Mei Shizhen has a terrain advantage on the mountain, if they wait for the Skannis army to rush up, the advantage of the cavalry will be gone.

So when Mei Shizhen saw that his men's momentum had reached its peak, he immediately changed his mind and wanted to give Scannis a big surprise.


The scene of 50,000 war horses galloping down was very spectacular. The sound of horse hooves was like thunder, and the dust was raised like an avalanche.

Scannis rushed out of the camp and looked up at the top of the mountain. His face was gloomy and scary. If they rushed to the mountain to fight the Red Armor Knights, the Pantheon behind might not take action. But if they fought here, they would give him a few casual blows. It's enough for him to drink a pot.

"Enemy attack! Defense!" Scannis gave the order immediately without having time to think.

(End of this chapter)

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