I live in the game

Chapter 195 Immortal Parasitic Regeneration

Chapter 195 Immortal Parasitic Regeneration
Knowing that the Liangshan hero is a sealed item, Shao Dalong has some new guesses about the reason why Li Kui killed the soldier Ron again and again.

Li Kui may not be surprised that the player can be resurrected——

[Green Forest Hero] I can do it myself.

Maybe Li Kui thought that the soldier Ron was a sealed item just like them, so he tried to kill him a few more times to see if he had any magical effects!

It turned out that this guy was so weak that he had no power to resist, so Li Kui had no choice but to sink him into the water for the sake of seeing nothing.

Existences such as super magic props and sealed items cannot be destroyed. They have special attributes such as indestructibility, parasitism, and regeneration.

[Talking on paper] and [Read thousands of books, travel thousands of roads] are indestructible, no matter what method is used, they cannot be destroyed.

A certain generation of Athos in history once encountered a surprise attack, and in desperation used "army on paper" in front of him as a shield, which turned out to be more indestructible than a sword made by a master craftsman.

As for "read ten thousand volumes of books, travel ten thousand roads", Shao Dalong couldn't even scrape a small tile on the outer wall of the library.

The existence of parasitic super magic items depends on the host, and the death of the host is just a matter of changing the host, and it cannot be destroyed by itself.

Shao Dalong's [Chewing Words] is a typical parasitic type. It lives in the host's teeth. Its existence is actually just a concept. While allowing the host to acquire the ability to bite words, it can also keep the teeth white all the time, so you don't need to brush your teeth anymore.

[Green Forest Hero] is a regenerative type, it can be killed or destroyed, but it will reappear later, as if nothing happened.

The [Dark Chencang] that Shao Dalong mentioned to his secretary before is also a regenerative type.

In addition, there is a super magic item that Shao Dalong is very concerned about, which is also a regenerative type——

0-055 [Disgraceful].

[Disgraceful] is a young man dressed funny.

When someone falls into an extremely sad mood and cannot extricate himself, [Shame in the Eyes] may appear beside him, enlightening the other party, comforting the other party, and doing some embarrassing things to make the other party laugh.

When the other party is not so sad, [shame on others] will leave on its own.

[Disgraceful] When attacked, they will not resist or fight back. If they are killed, they will turn into white light and disappear, and then reappear beside other sad people.

Shao Dalong was very puzzled at the beginning, such a useless super magic item, with a combat power of only 5, why is it level 0?
However, when he was reading the books on the Cultivation Continent and the Martial Dao Continent, he discovered that in the past thousand years, both continents also had sightings of [disgraceful appearance].

This time when he started the server, he also found a record about [Shame] in the stacks of the Science and Technology Continent and the Ability Continent!

0-055 [Disgraceful] You can freely travel between the five continents without being bound by continent-level barriers!
Shao Dalong remembered that the standard for classifying super magic items does not depend on the specific destructive power, but on the extent to which they can distort the rules based on their influence.

Level 0 can affect the whole world, and level 1 can affect an entire country. This impact itself can be harmless. It does not have to be able to destroy the whole world or a country to be classified as level 0 or level 1.

[Disgraceful] The reason why it is level 0 is because it is like a human-shaped search engine that automatically searches for sad people. It can ignore the barriers that separate continents, locate any sad person in the world, and appear in their side.

For Shao Dalong, the existence of [Disgraceful] is good news, which means that cross-server games are theoretically feasible.

He even considered whether he should ask Song Tian to help him cry Feng Xishuai until he was heartbroken and broke down in despair, to see if he could lure [Disgrace] over and capture him?

It just so happened that this time when the server opened, I passed through Pure White City, and Feng Xishuai is in Pure White City...

However, this plan has been put on hold for the time being, because even if it really attracts [Shame], Shao Dalong has no way to keep him now.

As for the group of [Green Forest Heroes] in Liangshan, it is also a successful case of cross-server mobile.

However, they did not appear in the other three continents, they just moved from the Comprehension Continent to the Martial Dao Continent on the west coast of the ocean.

So it may not be that [Green Forest Hero] itself has the ability to move across servers, maybe there is some kind of special connection between the two continents, or maybe the barrier has loosened.

That's not out of the question, given how close the cultures of the two continents are.

After eating the perfectly served melon, Shao Dalong drank for a while again.

Ziji heard about the interviews of players in Crimson City and Pure White City, Aite Yinglin asked for details, but Yinglin was ordered by the number one player not to disclose what she saw and heard on the floating island to the outside world, so she had to hesitate and hesitate pass.

Fortunately, Nai Gao Mama helped to smooth things over and diverted the topic.

As for Zeng Zai, it seems that there is not much movement in the European server this time.

After all, the opening time of the server has been shortened to only two days. Under normal circumstances, the things players can do are very limited. Unlike a certain pandaren, they can do a lot of things in a short period of time.

Shao Dalong looked at the time and got up to help his aunt make dinner. After dinner, he went back to his room and wrote some guides, introducing the power system of the Technology Continent and the Superpower Continent.

However, he has not released it for the time being, because there is something wrong with the non-server and Australian servers corresponding to these two continents. The former obviously has a large number of players, but few players are bubbling online, and the latter has a thin population. players.

Therefore, even if these strategies are sent out, it will not do him any good. He will probably only be prostituted by those warlords in Africa. He wrote them just for his own archives, and at most he will send a copy to Mr. Secretary.

"It's Sunday today, let Mr. Secretary rest, and send it again on Monday tomorrow. I'm so nice!"

Shao Dalong thought so, turned off the computer screen, lay back on the bed again, and started eating books and playing games.

""Dark Magic Awakening", uninstall!"

After deleting the cheating krypton mobile game on the pig farm, Shao Dalong started looking for the next game he wanted to play.

"Speaking of which, I thought Caesar would contact me as soon as he returned. Did he fail? Or did he plan to cross the river and demolish the bridge after he succeeded?"

Shao Dalong pondered for a moment, shook his head, and put this matter behind him...


At this moment, Caesar was holding the mobile phone, staring at Shao Dalong's phone number, worrying about gains and losses.

This is what he was going to get when he asked for advice on the strategy this morning.

"What should I do, the number one player didn't come to ask me if I was going well in the game, should I take the initiative to contact him?
"But if I contact him now, will it disturb his rest, but if I don't contact him, will he be angry?
"Why don't I roll a dice, contact me if there is an odd number, and wait for the number one player to contact me if the number is even?"

Caesar had a headache. As the second son of the Medici family, he was always flattered by others. It was the first time he realized that there was so much knowledge in it?

(End of this chapter)

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