Chapter 106
Jiang Lin reported the actions of everyone present tonight, then thought about it, and added:

"Hashimoto didn't even eat a bite of food, only drank half a glass of red wine. Takeda Samurai has been graciously introducing the dishes to him, but he put them in a bowl and didn't eat them. This made me feel a little strange."

"Got it, be safe." The secretary replied.

Jiang Lin put away his mobile phone, pressed the flush button of the toilet, and waited for a while before opening the compartment door.

But the moment he opened the door, he suddenly froze there, because there was a person standing outside the door, looking straight at him.

"Mr. Jiang Lin, are you satisfied with today's dinner?" Han Ji'an asked with a smile on his face as he straightened his hands.

"Not bad." Jiang Lin replied coldly.

This is his current personality.

"It's good that you are satisfied. If there is nothing else, please go back to your room and rest early. There will be a press conference tomorrow." Han Ji'an said.

"Okay." Jiang Lin walked out of the cubicle and left the bathroom.

He didn't look back the whole time, but he could always feel that a pair of cold eyes were sticking to his back...


In the morning of the next day, the door of the presidential suite was opened, and the female college students of Richu University squeezed out in horror, and saw Han Ji'an standing outside the door.

If you look closely, you will find that there are marks on their necks that have been bitten by something.

"Everyone's family members should understand what can be said and what can't be said at the beginning of the day." He said with a smile, but this smile looked very sinister.

The female students nodded in fear and fled away.

Han Ji'an stood outside the door for another ten minutes before Hashimoto appeared out of bounds.

Unlike last night, when he saw Han Ji'an, his attitude changed slightly, and he nodded with the attitude of a superior.

Han Ji'an returned a flattering smile.

It can be seen from the door that the room is pitch black, with thick curtains drawn so that no light can come in.

"Master Hashimoto, the press conference is about to start. Don't worry, there are no windows in the meeting room. After the press conference, you can go back to your room and take a nap. At night, you will go to the airport and take the flight back to Yujing. I will make arrangements for you Already." Han Ji'an bowed.

"You did a good job," said Hashimoto out of bounds.

Han Ji'an led the way, and the two left the room.

A quarter of an hour later, the hotel staff pushed the sweeper and entered the presidential suite where Hashimoto was out of bounds.

She changed the messy sheets, cleaned the room, and while tidying up, she took out a miniature camera from various corners, put the camera away carefully, and left the room calmly...


At noon, the content captured by the camera had already appeared on Ying Zhirui's computer screen.

"This Hashimoto out of bounds is really obscene. He put his face on the female college student's neck. The camera can't capture whether he is biting or not. There is no conclusive evidence." The secretary stood beside Ying Zhirui, regretting.

Ying Zhirui didn't care too much and said:
"It doesn't matter. It can be seen from the video that after the ten female students from Richu Country entered Hashimoto's room last night, they all seemed to be enchanted, and their expressions became dazed, indicating that Hashimoto had mastered a certain A hypnotic ability.

"Facing the hypnotized girl, Hashimoto didn't do anything, just buried his head on everyone's neck for a while, if you say that he is not a vampire, I will be the first to believe it!
"As long as we can be sure of it, no evidence is needed at all."

"I just regret that I can't disclose his true face. No wonder he only buys night flights and the curtains in the room are tightly drawn. Our informant in Richu Kingdom sent back news that there were several incidents of middle school violence in Yujing in the past week. I suspect that this vampire is responsible for the disappearance of college girls," said the secretary.

"Finding ten female students at once is probably because they are afraid that if they suck all the blood, they will die, so everyone only sucks a few mouthfuls. After all, this is Xia Guo, not He Richu, and this ghost dare not do it blatantly." Ying Zhirui turned to look at the secretary and said, "Now that his identity as a vampire has been confirmed, we can proceed to the next step."

"According to Jiang Lin's report, during the meal last night, only Yoshida and Hitomi's sister left the box at the same time as Hashimoto. If anyone is first embraced as a vampire, it should be between these two." The secretary replied, "The soft gold group's press conference has just ended. I have arranged for people to track these two targets and control them at any time."

"Very good, close the Internet cafe." Ying Zhirui ordered decisively.

Although it is also possible to keep those two people and see what the hell the Soft Gold Group is up to, but for the sake of caution, it is better to eliminate such hidden dangers as soon as possible.

Don't let the dog run around, it's bad if it bites people.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, Shao Dalong was about to go out to have an interview with the manager selected by Zhu Xiaoli, but he received a call from Mr. Secretary.

"You guessed it right, Hashimoto is indeed a vampire. Among the group of players who had dinner with him last night, there were two elites who took the initiative to accept his first embrace. Now they have been controlled by my people. Let them All recruited." The secretary cut to the chase.

"Hashimoto spent so much time, what is his purpose?" Shao Dalong asked.

"According to Yoshida and Hitomi's younger sister, Hashimoto's task for them is to secretly kill civilians in the game world, create panic, and leave clues to make NPCs suspect the player, causing the aborigines to suspect the player. Thus destroying the cooperative relationship between players from the Xia Kingdom and the Three-Color Empire," said the secretary.

"There is one thing I don't understand. Players can see other people's races through the status bar. The two of them are active in the Three-color Empire. If they meet any player, they will immediately reveal their identity as a vampire. How can they do things secretly?" Shao Dalong wondered. .

"I also thought about this question. Hashimoto told them not to worry. Vampires can use the mimicry ability. In the mimicry state, the character's race will be displayed as the original race." The secretary explained.

"It's a bit tricky..." Shao Dalong frowned.

He was aware of the vampire's mimicry ability, but Shao Dalong didn't expect that even the information on the character's status bar could be changed at the same time.

This matter involves the player's game system, and there is no record in the collection of the Alexandria Library.

But there is one thing, he knows.

The secretary's tone was full of smiles, and continued:

"If we hadn't been reminded by you to speculate on the identity of Hashimoto's vampire, we would have monitored these players who signed contracts with Soft Gold at most, and we would not have been able to see through this conspiracy in time.

"After the server opens tomorrow, they will travel to the game world to do evil. It will be difficult for us to recover. You have contributed a lot!"

"Speaking of which, you really helped catch 50 yuan this time. The 50 yuan bonus I prepared for you is well deserved."

Shao Dalong didn't smile, he frowned, and said something that made the secretary feel like he was splashed with cold water——

"As far as I know, there are at least three vampires who can perform first embraces, not just two."

 [Editor's notice that it will be released next Friday, just enough to pave the way for me to finish writing this part of the plot. On the day of the release, I will kill the villain that everyone hates to sacrifice to heaven (ヮ)*:]

(End of this chapter)

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