80's Wedding Night: Fat Girl is Beautiful and Hot

Chapter 697 Still need to make more money!

Chapter 697 Still need to make more money!

Wang Xiaoliang came to talk to Zhang Wenxiu again about the melon seeds.

Zhang Wenxiu couldn't say well, so she could only let Chen Shuhui talk to him.

"How many acres of land can your family take out?" Chen Shuhui asked.

Chen Shuhui didn't want to give up the melon seeds business.In fact, the money in her hands is not enough, and she cannot achieve financial freedom at all.

Give her a little more energy, really.

Now, gems are added.

She wanted to see if she could absorb the gem's energy and increase the power of her right hand.

These are luxuries.

So still have to make money.

After hearing what Chen Shuhui said, you will know that she has seeds in her hand!When Wang Xiaoliang planned to plant for their family, he was very excited. "We can get 100 acres! Much more!"

That's really a lot.Chen Shuhui was a little surprised.

Wang Xiaoliang explained: "We are all relatives in Wangjia Village. In addition to the immediate family members, seven aunts and eight aunts planted melon seeds together under our persuasion. There are more than 100 people in total, and each person in our village has two plots of private land, plus My own yard is almost 100 mu."

"What do you do when you eat?" Chen Shuhui asked.

Wang Xiaoliang smiled: "Our Wangjia Village is in the suburbs. This is a vegetable club, and the vegetable team is divided."

No food is grown on the food club land, only vegetables. The dishes of City Y are provided by the surrounding gourmet clubs.A huge capital requires too many dishes, so there are many food clubs around.

Vegetable farmers in the food club have a grain base.They can buy food like city people.The share is the same.The number of kilograms varies from month to month.For example, people in the city have 10 catties of rice and 5 catties of white flour a month, so they halve the rice and make up for it with coarse grains.

Don't ask why, that's it~
Eat more vegetables, diet social points.Potatoes, eggplants, peppers, you name it.

Therefore, their private plots and vegetable gardens are relatively free.Unlike other rural areas, they don't have to eat without growing vegetables.

Of course, points are not given in vain.You have to deduct work points, which is equivalent to spending money.Some people don't want to spend the money themselves.

But of course they are willing to grow cash crops when cash crops are more suitable than vegetables.

This year, the purchase price of melon seeds given by the Wang family is 1.2 yuan.A family's private land and yard add up to about 2 acres, and the harvest is hundreds of dollars.

And growing vegetables can save 30 yuan, so every family is willing to grow melon seeds.

Chen Shuhui believed in their strength and nodded.

"I give the seeds, and you give the labor. After deducting the cost of 1.2 yuan per kilogram, the remaining 3 yuan." Chen Shuhui said.

The lion opened his mouth.

That leaves only a 3.8 margin, and she eats most of it.

Wang Xiaoliang did not think of this.He thinks it should be fifty cents, 1.9 yuan for a family.

She can give them a profit of 2 yuan for popcorn, but for the same price, melon seeds only sell for 8 cents.

"Popcorn requires a lot of labor, and you pay a lot. You organize so many people to sell it every day, so I give you more." Chen Shuhui said: "But melon seeds are different. You can also wholesale. It does not require much Labor. Margins are thin, but turnover is quick.”

Even if they don't wholesale quickly.

100 mu of land, according to her melon seed yield, can reach 500-600 kg per mu. For 100 mu of land and one crop, the Wang family can get 4 to 5 yuan.

That's too much.

She is not stingy and does not want to make others rich, but what the Wang family did made her very dissatisfied and worried.

Let them earn too much at once.She's afraid they think more.

That's an 80-cent profit, and that's a lot of the family's share of the profit.Otherwise, she wants to donate 40 cents.

Chen Shuhui told Wang Xiaoliang about his production of melon seeds.

Facing Wang Xiaoliang, she did not say where in City Y she bought these melon seeds.She said it was a new variety bred in her hometown.

Wang Xiaoliang firmly believes that he is from City Y, and he is still selling melon seeds.He knows there are all kinds of things.

These melon seeds were indeed brought by Zhang Wenxiu's mother and daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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