80's Wedding Night: Fat Girl is Beautiful and Hot

Chapter 633 Tian Weisong doesn't care.

Chapter 633 Tian Weisong doesn't care.

Tian Weisong didn't care.

Most women these days are shy.But why did the third uncle bring her here?

Although I heard that Tian Weixi had a date and planned to get married, they are neither married nor engaged.When New Year's is celebrated, will a woman go all the way to her future husband's family alone to visit relatives?
That's a little out of place.

However, this is all a private matter of the third uncle's family.If it was the past, he would ask, but now he doesn't care about it at all.

The house is buzzing.Everyone is divided into several parts.Some people circle around children, some circle around old people, and a few young people get together to eat melon seeds.

Qiu Ju was gagged by Tian Weichen with melon seeds.While eating, she felt that City Y was pretty good.Even melon seeds are delicious.

uncertain.Maybe the Tian family is fine.Eating such delicious melon seeds may be a special supply in China.

In fact, her family is not a small family.In M City, it can be regarded as a big family.Grandparents and uncles can occasionally buy special things, but the things that made her proud in the past are like leftovers compared to what she sees and eats today.

City M is indeed a village.

She bowed her head, her eyes darkened.It's just that Tian Weixi's family can only enjoy this kind of treatment during the Spring Festival.She better show it off to her relatives.

Now she can barely get by.After eating the melon seeds, Tian Weichen didn't catch them, so I was too embarrassed to reach out again
Chen Shuhui sat quietly beside Tian Weichuan, secretly watching a group of young people in the Tian family.They do have their own characteristics, but generally, they follow their parents.

"When you said it, I went to the kitchen to check. Lunch should be ready." Chen Shuhui said.

In the kitchen, Zhang Wenxiu and Tian Weilin were busy.

Although Tian Weilin has no talent, at least she is not a kitchen killer.Some simple dishes, such as a certain proportion of cold dishes, simple and easy-to-make braised pork, fried fish and shrimp, she can practice several times.She breaks more stuff and makes them decent.

Bringing it to someone's home is also a great way to cook.

Tian Weilin is very satisfied with herself and has a high enthusiasm for learning.

While she doesn't point out that her culinary skills are meant to please her future husband's family, she knows she has good luck too.Therefore, she is as good as her mother and daughter Zhang Wenxiu.

In addition, Tian Weilin has another advantage: good knife skills and fast movements.

Chen Shuhui entered the kitchen and prepared two servings of each of the 18 dishes.Of course, most of them are pre-prepared cold dishes and pickles.Still others are braised stews.Several stoves can work together to light a fire quickly.

"It smells so good." Chen Shuhui stood in the kitchen and took a deep breath: "Mom, after a while, after the reform and opening up, I will open a restaurant for you. I guarantee it will be popular!"

Zhang Wenxiu just smiled.Now that she has money on hand, she basically doesn't have to work by herself.She doesn't have much in the way of restaurants.

Tian Weilin asked: "What is reform and opening up?"

For a while, Chen Shuhui didn't know how to explain it!
"That said, times are changing. We should open up and let go of the past..."

"Okay, okay, I understand." Tian Weilin stopped quickly, listening to why there was an ideological and political class at the beginning?Not for Chinese New Year!

"Hurry up and have dinner! It's ready to serve!" Tian Weilin hurriedly waved.

Although she was born in such a family, what she fears most is taking political classes.

Chen Shuhui smiled happily: "I'll come." She was going to work.

"Put it down!" Tian Weilin hurriedly stopped her: "Let your mother-in-law see me waiting and let you work. You're going to scold me again!"

She held Zhang Wenxiu's arm affectionately and said, "Aunt Wenxiu, we ignore her. I will ask someone to take the plate."

Chen Shuhui robbed her mother, so she robbed Chen Shuhui's mother!

Chen Shuhui's mother-in-law said: "Turn around and take a look. You can't just stand there and be filial to your mother-in-law's family, but also pay more attention to your mother-in-law!"

(End of this chapter)

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