80's Wedding Night: Fat Girl is Beautiful and Hot

Chapter 536 There is no need to find a reason.

Chapter 536 There is no need to find a reason.

The directors of the six workshops were called over.It is said that deputy factory director Zhang is in a bad mood, and everyone is very careful.What happened?This month's benefits are gone again?

Report on your latest production progress and employee performance.Make a list of advanced, backward and backward. "Deputy director Zhang said with a straight face.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.Of course, this benefit is not enough.Some people should be excluded.

Before, this kind of thing happened often.There are one hundred pears in the factory, but there are 200 people waiting to divide them.We divide them into ranks and ranks.

Six people have prepared and handed in attendance sheets for each workshop.

It has attendance and job evaluation for each employee.

Of course, Chen Xueqing is already counting down.She is a novice, and the workshop is a place where practice makes perfect.She is not familiar yet.She was sick and distraught.She's had a particularly bad month, going from last to last.

Deputy Factory Manager Zhang smiled.This time, there is no need to find a reason.

There are several other workshops that start from the bottom.Everyone has their own story.The newcomers don't, but they're all emotionally endowed thorns.He's lazy because of relationships.Although he doesn't work as well, his salary is the same.Who will do well?

Deputy Factory Manager Zhang nodded.Time to clean up the factory.

She gave the list to the deputy director in charge of the employees, and they talked in low voices for a long time.

In the afternoon, the factory posted a notice.

The last of the six workshop directors was transferred, and five were transferred to lower-paying positions.

Although the front line was tiring, they made a lot of money.An apprentice's salary is above thirty, which is still very popular.The wages of apprentices in other factories are only a dozen yuan.

Only Chen Xueqing was fired because she was not a regular employee, did not have an urban hukou, and had no redundant positions in the factory.

a bolt from the blue!

When Chen Xueqing heard the news from her colleagues, she was stunned.

The way the people in the dormitory looked at her also changed.They go to relatives more and are looked down upon, right?

Chen Xueqing always went to the movies afterwards, making excuses to visit relatives.

"Why don't you talk to your cousin anymore?" Someone kindly reminded me.

"Or do they want you to change jobs?" The female weaver was too tired. "

"Yes Yes."

All sincerely persuaded him.

I don't know what happened.I can't offend people to death. If people do go up high, they'll be embarrassed at that point.

They reminded Chen Xueqing.

It must be Chen Shuhui!She knew she was in City Y!She won't let the Tian family take her in!

She, she will find the Tian family!
She dared not go to Chen Shuhui.Compared with Chen Shuhui, she felt that the members of the Tian family were better at talking, so she couldn't bear to look down.At that time, she cried and begged, which might help.

But Chen Shuhui?Don't eat her.

At the door of the dormitory, Hua Yu thought about the idea of ​​a girl and led a girl in.

"She will leave soon. You can stay on her bed." The union member looked at Xueqing.

"Hey!" The girl replied loudly, looking directly at Chen Xueqing.

Chen Xueqing stared out the window stiffly.It is already night.They will drive her away!Don't let her stay here all night!
"Sister, can you save me? I want to go out and sleep on the street, I will freeze to death." She looked at the union staff with tears in her eyes.

"Don't you have any relatives in City Y? If you walk so hard every day, won't people pester you all night? Come on, stop talking nonsense. You can still go to people's houses before dark. If you It would be unwise for you to wake up when others are going to bed late." People in the trade union felt that Chen Xueqing was acting strangely.

She received a clear order to drive Chen Xueqing away.

(End of this chapter)

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