Chen Shuhui met a young man sent by Wu Luo at home.He went to Shandong with Fang Haixing to find Fang Haixing's two younger sisters.

It has been a month since I came back.

The person has yet to be found, but there are some leads.

The other party did not lie.Indeed, a buyer from a seafood company went to City B and brought back a daughter-in-law a few months later.

But soon, the man was fired because of a big problem at work, and he returned to his hometown with his wife and children.

But it's been so long that no one remembers where their hometown is.They only know where it is in Yimeng Mountain, no one knows the exact location.

Yimeng Mountain is huge, and I haven't found it for a month.

Zhang Cuihua was still urging at home, with a look that she would die if she didn't come again.Fang Dahai had no choice but to come back.

He also discovered that he didn't know if he'd ever find it in his lifetime.He won't be able to find it for the rest of his life, so he has to come back and figure out what to do.

Everyone blames him.Fang Dahai's eyes turned red.If I had kept a secret at the time, I would have asked for more, or sent my sister to get married and meet his family, so I wouldn't have been cheated
Fang Haixing sighed: "I can't blame you when you are not at home as a soldier!"

She looked at Chen Shuhui eagerly and said, "Is there any other way now?"

It is unrealistic to send people to search the village.She didn't want to trouble Chen Shuhui so much, even if she did, she might not be able to find her.

You can't go door to door and ask, even if you do, they may not be willing to tell the truth, and even the person may not be in their hometown now, so they may have gone somewhere else.

I will find a way to obey fate as best as I can. "Chen Shuhui said.

Fang Haixing no longer asked for any solution, as if he insisted on forcing Chen Shuhui to find that person.

She took Fang Dahai home.

Siblings comfort each other.

Chen Shuhui thought for a while and called Tian Weisong.

Has the dust settled on the mineshaft?Chen Shuhui asked.

I think so," Tian Weisong said. The pair were sentenced to life in prison
Oh," Chen Shuhui said.

she thought there was a death penalty there
Are other Hong Kong companies still there?Do you think someone is wrong?Chen Shuhui asked.

Previously, she had planned to monitor everyone, but was hoodwinked several times and stopped monitoring.The focus is only on the two people mining.

Everyone else quit," Tian Weisong said with a smile.

They are scared.

The two XG businessmen played such a big game and dug such a big hole, and they also needed the cooperation of the mainlanders, otherwise the exploration results could not be fake.

Everyone did bad things together, but they were sentenced to life in prison, and those who accepted money to make false reports were punished lightly.

How terrible!The investment environment is too bad, so run away.

What about Chen Qiang?Chen Shuhui asked.

He has serious problems and is still being checked.It is estimated that he will remain there for several more years. "

So there is no business to talk about.

Chen Shuhui smiled and exchanged a few words before saying the right thing.

The heat of the last round of trafficking has passed a bit, so this kind of thing needs to be raised from time to time and dealt with severely in order to effectively combat human trafficking. "Chen Shuhui said.

At the same time, some modest measures, such as checking and registering the floating population in the village, need to be taken to obtain real data. "

Who in the village bought a daughter-in-law or bought a child, and the whole village knew it.

As the last reports passed, many women and children were rescued, but others left.

Those who remain are no longer considered human traffickers and either voluntarily knew they were being trafficked or were unwillingly unable to do so.

Some are sold by family members under the guise of receiving a dowry.

Some were sold as matchmakers and had no one at home.

Some were initially sold, but then gave up their lives after having several children.

Such people do not need to be saved anymore.My mother's family knew where they were and she couldn't go back.This is home.

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