80's Wedding Night: Fat Girl is Beautiful and Hot

Chapter 2984 You asked him for money!

Chapter 2984 You asked him for money!
Ding Haiyan got angry, "He treats guests, you ask him for money!"

The nanny left without saying a word.

Where does Ding Yong have money?He makes some money, but once he makes it, he spends it.As the nanny said, it costs 500 yuan to buy two tables outside.He hasn't gone out to make money for more than a month, and the money he earned last time has been spent.

My sister is going too. "Ding Yong said.

The nanny complied and left immediately.

Ding Haiyan already knew what kind of person her younger brother was, and also guessed that he had no money.In the past, however, she had a legitimate reason to borrow money from her.Once, when she borrowed 30005000, she thought it was for her younger brother, not for outsiders, and she didn't feel sorry.

But now seeing him spending money to treat friends to dinner and drinks under her nose, she was very sad.

A meal costs her a month's salary, so what if she is Chen Shuhui?Do you have gold and silver at home?
I do not have money. "Ding Haiyan said.

Then I don't prepare these two tables, it's a waste of money.The nanny turned and left.

well!Ding Haiyan quickly stopped her.

She also knew her brother's temperament.If he loses face in front of his friends, he definitely has to do it.

You, ask my mother-in-law. "Ding Haiyan said.

The nanny immediately said, "Isn't that great?
Don't worry about it being good or bad!You just said that I borrowed her!Ding Haiyan said.

The nanny went right away, came back soon, and said: "The second lady said she has no money, and she never brings anything more than ten yuan every time she goes out, you know."

Second lady, why do you still need to borrow 300 yuan?Does your family save money?
This pierced Ding Haiyan's Achilles heel.

She didn't save much money
I dare not let my mother-in-law know.

She angrily took out 300 yuan and threw it at the nanny.

I didn't swing well and fell to the ground.

This nanny has been serving Chen Shuhui's family for several years, and this is the first time she has picked up money from the ground.

She is not angry, but more determined to get the job done!Must retire!
A good host is not easy to find!
Ding Yong's friends were very satisfied with the banquet that day.

The nanny of Chen Shuhui's family, among other things, cooking is definitely not a problem.Famous teachers are apprentices with superb skills, and Chen Shuhui usually does not hide it when cooking.They learned a lot.

Everyone praised him, and Ding Yong promised to invite him again tomorrow!
Anyway, he doesn't spend money, he's more generous.

Before the person left, the nanny asked Ding Haiyan: "I heard that the specifications of wine and dishes are relatively high, and there is no wine at home. This bottle of wine costs 300 yuan, what should I do?"

The drinks at Tian Weishui's house are all gifts from relatives and friends, and there are no cheap ones.

Ding Haiyan immediately began to feel sad about her drunkenness.

In the past, when the drinks were there, she didn't take them seriously.Counting the price now, she drank dozens of bottles of wine at home in the past few days after giving birth?

This is tens of thousands of dollars!

My heart is going to die of pain for her.

No money!He does not allow therapy!Please let him pay for it himself!Ding Haiyan covered her head and ignored everyone.

When Ding Yong heard this, he really started to make trouble.

Li Hongzao looked very good.

I am very lucky in my heart to have two wonderful sons.If someone like Ding Yong stood up, she would have to bang her head to death.

Unexpectedly, the fire quickly burned her body, and Mother Ding opened her mouth to ask for a drink.

It's not borrowing money, it's asking for wine.

Xiaoding's mother listened to the sound of the nanny counting wine bottles.How much is this bottle, how much is that bottle?Her eyes widened.

My daughter once brought home a few bottles of wine from the holidays, but they were things she had never seen before.Most shopping malls don't have it, so she didn't know if it was fake.

I think it's only tens of yuan a bottle at most, but it's not very serious.

Counting now, there are more than 100 bottles of each bottle, especially the bottles of Qianlizui and Hongjing given by Chen Shuhui.They are said to sell for thousands of dollars on the black market.

The expressions of several members of the Ding family changed.

When Ding Haiyan said that Li Hongzao still had wine at home, she was moved by her thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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