80's Wedding Night: Fat Girl is Beautiful and Hot

Chapter 2974 Is there any other way?

Chapter 2974 Is there any other way?
Chen Shuhui's face turned sour, and she said: "Those medicines are male hormones, and it is not good for boys and girls to take them. If a girl takes them, she will look like a boy, but it is all fake. She is still a person inside." Girl, in the end, she'll just turn the kid into a pseudo-hermaphrodite! Erjiazi, you know that!"

Li Hongzao rolled his eyes and passed out.

The hand on Ding Haiyan's shoulder was as strong as Tian Weishui, and she couldn't help shaking.

Ding Haiyan was stunned for a while, and then screamed: "Ah!!~~~ No children, no children! I said no children! How should I behave if I have a second child?"

Tian Weichuan asked, "Is there any other way?"

In fact, Chen Shuhui was not sure.She had never seen such a thing, never done an experiment, and didn't know if the things in her hand had a neutralizing effect on testosterone.

Moreover, Li Hongzao took the medicine earlier, causing fetal malformation within 3 months of pregnancy.

"Go to the hospital for a B-ultrasound examination to see if there is any abnormality."

Everyone was in no mood to eat anymore, Tian Weishui immediately took Ding Haiyan away.

Tian Xiaohua's family is not here, they are still in their hometown.This year, they are celebrating Chinese New Year at Qin's house.

Chen Shuhui accompanied her there, and that was the month when she saw the surgery most clearly. The b-ultrasound showed that she did see fetal abnormalities.

Ding Haiyan was about to beat the child on the spot.

Tian Weishui endured the pain in his heart and asked her to wait another two days.During the Spring Festival, he was not yet mentally prepared.He wanted to take a break and see more of the hospital.Maybe a miracle will happen?

you take a breakWhere shall I rest?If this thing stays in my stomach for another day, I'm going to suffer again!You only have children in your eyes, not me!Ding Haiyan shouted loudly.

Tian Weishui turned his head and asked Chen Shuhui: "Second sister-in-law, is there really no hope?"
There is already a deformity on the outside, and I can barely recover from surgery in the future, but internally, I cannot guarantee that the Chinese medicine treatment is effective. "

Premature medication, within 3 months, is the time when various organs develop and deform easily.Not only was the fetus malformed there, but it also had several other problems.

More importantly, Chen Shuhui cannot guarantee that she will recover after taking some plant essence.

So let's do it. "Tian Weishui said with a painful expression on his face.

No matter what happens during Chinese New Year.

Second sister-in-law, go home, I will take care of her here.Tian Weishui pushed Chen Shuhui away.

The whole family still needs her to do some busy work, so we shouldn't let Ding Xinyue's situation disturb everyone during the Spring Festival.

Although this year is definitely not a good year, there is no reason for Chen Shuhui to accompany her.

Even though the relationship between the two is very good, Tian Weishui also knows that their relationship is average, and he is even more embarrassed to let Chen Shuhui serve his wife here.

Chen Shuhui didn't intend to serve Ding Haiyan either.She went home to break the news.

At home, Li Hongzao has already woken up.When Chen Shuhui said that the child was hopeless, she suddenly rolled her eyes and passed out again.

Soon, she was woken up by Chen Shuhui who was massaging her acupuncture points. She opened her mouth and began to cry.

It's all my fault, it's all my fault.How can I mess around like this? "She punched herself in the face." My great-grandson

In fact, she is the granddaughter.If she were a grandson, she wouldn't notice anything unusual now.

You didn't mean to, you're just a drug dealer.Ge Hongmian comforted her at the side.

This easy-to-handle mother-in-law is her support in the Tian family, and she doesn't want her mother-in-law to have any problems.

Drug sellers are detestable, and I am even more detestable!Why should I believe it?Why didn't I ask Chen Shuhui before buying medicine!If I asked, I wouldn't be doing this now!Li Hongzao blamed herself.

Everyone eats a meal.

But no amount of reassurance could help the child.

Tian Lize was very angry and asked Chen Shuhui: "Can you tell me what's wrong with this medicine? What is the gene? What hormone!"

(End of this chapter)

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