80's Wedding Night: Fat Girl is Beautiful and Hot

Chapter 2972 ​​Can there be fake ones?

Chapter 2972 ​​Can there be fake ones?

"Didn't you ask him about the authenticity of the information?" Chen Shuhui asked.

The two ships that came with him said without asking, "Can there be fake ones?"

Fang Haixing said in panic.

I didn't think such things would be fake before, but now that I've seen a lot, it's not hard to know that such things are fake.

How did your sister keep in touch with her family after she got married?Chen Shuhui asked.

It was my brother-in-law who wrote a letter saying nothing but reporting safety.A year later, he even said my sister had a son

"Where is the letter?" Chen Shuhui asked.

"Yes, letter!" Fang Haixing said.The letter is still in a box in my hometown
Even if there is a letter, it may not have an address.Recipients can still send mail without writing the return address, but at least there is hope.

Chen Shuhui asked Fang Haixing's sister again.

Fang Haixing's face turned paler.

My sister had a baby that year, and my brother-in-law wrote to say he had found a nice young man over there.He is a vegetable farmer and earns wages, but he also has good food and good people.This condition is quite good, and my mother accepted it as soon as she heard it.

A few days later, the brother-in-law brought someone, and a few days later, the younger sister was taken away

The more Fang Haixing talked, the paler his face became.

What seemed plausible in the past now seems like every word is a loophole.It's so cruel, how could he easily deceive the two daughters away!
You haven't seen them since they got married, have you?Chen Shuhui asked.

"No," Fang Haixing said with an ugly expression.My sister only replied one letter, also from her brother-in-law
Chen Shuhui stopped asking, and immediately sent someone back to Fang Haixing's hometown to find the old box and find the letter.

Fang Haixing hurried to find his younger brother and sister-in-law, and asked them if they lost the letter, and asked if their sister had contacted their family in recent years.

After listening to her analysis, Fang Dahai's face was also very unhappy.

Before, I just thought that the two sisters had difficulty or didn't want to contact their parents.He wrote several letters to this address but got no response, so he never wrote again.

Even when his parents died, he continued to write, but when the two sisters did not come, he never thought of them again.

Now let Fang Haixing say this, maybe my sister doesn't want her family, it's involuntary!
It was his brother who was wrong.

I'm going to find them together!We need to get them all back!Fang Dahai said intently.

The reason why the two sisters can get married so smoothly is also because the other party's dowry is slightly higher.

These dowries eventually fell into his hands.

Looking back now, I have no taste in my heart.

He had to get that man back!

Will you still be working while you're looking for a partner?Is the whole family still unable to eat?Zhang Cuihua said immediately.

Because of his status as a retired soldier, Fang Dahai found a job as a security guard. The salary was not much, not much, just enough for the whole family to eat and drink.

If he can't survive, he will lose his income, and it is not easy for someone his age to find a job.

Fang Haixing immediately said: "Let my brother go. I will pay for his lost time, and if he can't find a job, I will reintroduce him
Regardless of whether they are brothers or sisters, when it is time to contribute, when it is time to help, they are not bad for those three melons and two dates.

Fang Dahai wanted to say no, but Zhang Cuihua happily agreed.

In City B, someone had already searched for the letter, and they found it.The envelope also has the sender's address, which is commune-specific, but no name.

It is now known that the name is fake.

This is not easy to deal with.

However, someone personally delivered the two letters to the capital.

This matter cannot be urgent.

We still have to celebrate New Years first.

(End of this chapter)

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