80's Wedding Night: Fat Girl is Beautiful and Hot

Chapter 2957 Is there any other solution?

Chapter 2957 Is there any other solution?

"Is there any other solution?" Chen Shuhui asked.

"Yes," Tian Weisong smiled, "They plan to create an accident for you!"

This smile is cold, with a hint of ice.

Chen Shuhui smiled and said, "Okay!"

Tian Weisong smiled and said, "Okay!"

"Okay," Chen Shuhui smiled sweetly.How can I make them do things without accident?A person who does nothing does not commit a crime

Every day, I think in my heart, killing is not illegal, attempted is not serious.Only when something big happens, the other party will pay the price.

Tian Weisong shook his head and said simply: "Impossible. You have been to several factories and orchards recently, and they intend to cause a car accident. It is too dangerous to take the risk

I don't know what to say about these two XG businessmen, is ignorance all fearless?Do they know who Chen Shuhui is?How dare you have such an idea!

After hearing this, Chen Shuhui hesitated.

It's not even possible to use a substitute.

With no one in control of a car accident, she may not be able to make sure she doesn't get hurt, let alone protect the driver or bodyguard.

"Let them change their minds and publish a message saying that I have a large amount of cash, 5000 million! This is to prepare for mining." Chen Shuhui said.

So the person who kidnapped her is more appropriate.

Tian Weisong laughed, how could she have so many evil ideas.

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Tian Weisong said.

This isn't fake news either.Chen Shuhui immediately asked someone to send money to her from the capital.

With great fanfare, boxes of money were moved from the car to her guest room.

Because she was worried that others would not know, Chen Shuhui even called the bank staff to help her count the money.She was in the room, the door was open, and anyone who wanted to look could stand in the doorway and take a look.

The leader was stunned, 5000 million in cash, he had never seen it before!

It seems that he will envy him.If he had relatives like that, he wouldn't be retiring here!

Several XG businessmen also came to watch this exciting event.

For them, 5000 million yuan is a lot, and they even have 5000 million yuan in assets and very little cash.

A mainland businessman said that she would take it out, and even told them that 5000 million was not enough, and she could get another 5000 million right away.

Looking at the entire port city, very few people can do it now.

This changed their impression of mainland businessmen, and their high jaws lowered.

If I talk to Chen Shuhui again, I will no longer use English or Cantonese.

"It's not safe to put the money here, and I can't put it down. Please deposit it in the bank." Tian Weisong said to Chen Shuhui.

The bank president was right next to him, and immediately nodded like garlic, okay, okay!
"No," Chen Shuhui refused, "I have never lived in such a rich room before. These two days are rare. After the mining is completed, the money will belong to you. How do you want to keep it."

"Change me to a bigger room." Chen Shuhui said.

Tian Weisong thought about it, and recommended a small building for retired cadres only.

It's just that the place is a bit off center and of a recuperative nature, so it's out of town.

The environment outside the city is very good, and the air is also very good, I like it very much. "

Standing in the crowd, the two XG businessmen with sparkling eyes immediately changed their plans.

That night, Chen Shuhui moved to a place and lived in a nursing home.

In the wilderness, although the houses are nice, not many people live in them.

Thank you Tian Weisong for thinking of this place.

To be on the safe side, Tian Weisong also stayed overnight, but in order to avoid being suspected, he did not live in the building, but lived next door.

I also brought Chen Qiang here and lived with him to prevent him from causing trouble again.

He's really a local leader.If the two XG businessmen want to change their plans, they must entrust Chen Qiang to find someone.

Tian Weisong was afraid that Chen Qiang's road was too deep for him to understand, so he asked the two Hong Kong businessmen to find someone by themselves.

They were not familiar with each other and could not find powerful people, so it was easy to leave evidence.

Sure enough, two XG businessmen went to Chen Qiang that night, but they couldn't find anyone.

The next day, I found a nursing home, but Tian Weisong kept following them, watching them from the sidelines, not giving them a chance to speak alone.

(End of this chapter)

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