80's Wedding Night: Fat Girl is Beautiful and Hot

Chapter 2955 This is a good thing for them.

Chapter 2955 This is a good thing for them.

Chen Shuhui "listened" to the voice next door while eating.

She will pay $50 million over 3000 years.

"Yes, I asked. That woman's name is Chen Shuhui, and she is the wife of Tian Weisong's younger brother!"

"Very good, up to 1000 million yuan, and the warranty period is 10 years. I understand." The other party hung up the phone.

Chen Shuhui didn't hear any useful information, just heard that they didn't want long bags.

This is normal.If it is a small mine, it will be dug out in a few years, and the remaining decades will be pits.


But she always felt that the female voice on the other end of the phone was a little familiar, but now the quality of the phone is poor, and the voice changes seriously, maybe she made a mistake.

She raised her head and said to Tian Weisong who was eating with her, "I heard you. They said that they can only provide 1000 million yuan at most, including 10 years."

"You really don't have anyone with ears like that," he laughed.

After dinner, the two of them came to the meeting room.

Someone has a contract ready, but they just need to fill in the name, time and money.

This shows how aggressive the other person is.

3000 million, including 50 years, is it ok?Chen Shuhui asked the person in charge of the conference room.

Mainly as the supreme leader.

If he makes a decision, he will make that decision.Who should let him be the leader.

"850 million, including 10 years." The Hong Kong businessman said, "The unit price is higher than hers."

Chen Shuhui said with a smile: "Do you think everyone is a fool? If you put 850 million for 10 years, dig a hole and leave a big hole, can they still hold 2150 million for 40 years?"

The face of the Hong Kong businessman immediately became ugly.

Mining pits are like this, and the damage to the environment is irreparable.After it was dug up, the place was abandoned.

So if it can sell 3000 million, who can sell 850 million?

The reason why Hong Kong businessmen have a bad face is because they did not expect that under such circumstances, 1000 million parcels will not be successful in 10 years.

Unless, this is a mine with abundant reserves.After 10 years of excavation, there is still value before continuing to contract.

The Hong Kong businessman immediately glanced at the third in command, Chen Qiang.

Chen Qiang immediately said: "I suggest that we re-survey this mine to see if there is anything we missed."

If this is a rich ore with high reserves, it will also lose 3000 million yuan.

So everyone is silent for a while, which is a good thing for them.

"Okay," Chen Shuhui said.But after the exploration is done, when we start contracting, I want to be able to open tenders instead of sneaking low prices behind closed doors.

I put it here.No matter how much he pays, I must pay a higher price than him
Chen Qiang's face was a bit ugly, as if he was rushing to sign a contract with a Hong Kong businessman and was selling land at a low price.

Originally, the price of 500 million was normal, but now Chen Shuhui asked for 800 million or 3000 million, which seemed to be a really good deal.

Everyone misunderstood him, as if he took advantage of Hong Kong businessmen!

The scariest thing is that he really took

Well, to get results sooner, I'm going to the prospector right now.Chen Qiang stood up, intending to end the meeting.

"Wait a minute," Tian Weisong said.For more accurate results, let's find several more exploration teams at the same time
I heard that the members of the expedition team had something to do with Chen Qiang.

He doesn't want to waste money.

The land had been explored at least seven or eight times before, so he didn't believe it would be explored again by mistake.

There's no harm in finding multiple teams to explore at the same time, as it's all about validating the true value of the land.Leaders certainly won't object.

He doesn't want to do anything or talk right now, just watch people say they are doing it.All he wanted was a few months to retire safely.

After leaving the office, Chen Shuhui was busy checking her other plots.

Most of them have fruit trees.

There is a vegetable base built with a greenhouse, half of which is planted with soil, combined with drip irrigation technology, and half is covered with a more advanced greenhouse for soilless cultivation.

The investment is huge, and the vegetable base has not yet recovered the funds, because the vegetables cannot be sold at a high price.A few cents per kilogram, a few cents per kilogram, and the last dollar will have to wait until the off-season.

(End of this chapter)

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