Chapter 236 It's True!
"Red Date, I'm going home. Do you want to go back?" Li Lanying said.

"Go back." Li Hongzao said immediately, took Li Lanying's arm and left.

Although she also wondered if there was something and where it was, she knew this was not the time to ask, let alone take it out.

Tian Xiaohua looked at the back of the sister-in-law, but the sister-in-law didn't respond.She looked at Tian Weichuan and asked, "Why don't you live with me?"

Chen Shuhui shook her head first: "I'm afraid of fighting with Liu Yan." Why didn't she watch the fun last night?"

Tian Weilin laughed suddenly: "She fell asleep as if she was asleep." Unless she woke up by herself, no one would be able to wake her up.She doesn't wake up when the house collapses. "

Chen Shuhui felt that Liu Yan was also a ruthless person.

"Go home and live. Although my mother may...But I really can't live with my sister-in-law. Liu Yan snores when she sleeps. It's like thunder." Then she took Tian Xiaohua's arm and begged: "Sister-in-law, I really I'm sorry. When Kong Jie comes, I'll let him take her away immediately!"

Then she looked at Tian Weichuan.

Tian Weichuan said, "He will come in two days."

The smile on Tian Weilin's face disappeared and she nodded.

Chen Shuhui wants to deal with the roots of the vine.Tian Weichuan immediately stopped her.

"What do you want to do? Say it, and I'll do it," he said.

It's still raining outside.It's not good for his wife or kids.

Chen Shuhui smiled and sat down: "It's not easy for me to work in this dress!" Then, he instructed Tian Weichuan to wrap the roots of the vines in sacks to prevent them from being soaked and rotted by the heavy rain.

In fact, she was putting on a show.With her, the tree can be resurrected even if it dies.

Sitting aside, Chen Xiao'e gave Chen Shuhui a calm look.Young girl, not ashamed at all, not dignified at all! Tired of being with men in front of so many people.Not serious.

After Chen Shuhui wrapped the vines, she picked up a few pieces of Tian Weichuan's clothes.Several people were about to leave.Chen Xiao'e didn't want to go.

"I'll help you watch." It's a mess here.Everyone in the family is gone.Watch out for someone coming in and stealing!" she said.

"There is nothing valuable, and the rest is not afraid of stealing." Chen Shuhui said.

Chen Xiaoe immediately pointed to the quilts on the bed and the furniture in the room and said, "You are a child from the countryside, why can't you live a life? Isn't this money? Can't rural people earn this kind of money in their entire lives? You only got married for a few days, you see not on it?"

She looked at Chen Shuhui with connotations in her eyes.

Chen Shuhui immediately felt that hand tightly grasping his arm.

"Third aunt doesn't need to waste time here. You don't have what you want." Tian Weichuan looked at Chen Xiao'e: "Even if there is, it's mine, not yours."

One sentence made Chen Xiaoe angry and red-eyed.She opened her mouth, wanting to reason.

Tian Weichuan said: "If you take out the things, Yang Jianshe's people will be next door, let them catch the current one, so you can convict grandpa?"

The first thing Chen Xiaoe was happy about was that he admitted that it was true!
Another surprise.

"How did you offend Yang Jianshe? Is his target our family?" She immediately said with aggrieved face, "What did you do to offend him?"

The previous incident was manipulated by Yang Jianshe, which is the speculation of the Tian family.No one told Li Hongzao and Chen Xiaoe about this guess.

Li Lanying occasionally understands men.Li Hongzao let her know that she didn't want to hear it.Chen Xiaoe, this is futile.She always misses the point.

(End of this chapter)

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