80's Wedding Night: Fat Girl is Beautiful and Hot

Chapter 233 Is it an undercover agent?

Chapter 233 Is it an undercover agent?
"How are the children?" Tian Weichuan asked, pulling Chen Shuhui's arm.

There were a lot of people in the room, so he was too embarrassed to ask her directly.

"Everything is fine." Chen Shuhui asked with a smile: "Grandpa, Dad, why don't you come in?"

She doesn't care too much.She avoids suspicion much more than she does now.

"They want to stare at people outside." Tian Weichuan stroked her hair.She is such a little girl who doesn't understand anything.She does everything with her heart.

"Then you go and move the stove to the kitchen, and bring some ginger and vegetables. I'll make some soup to drive away the cold." Chen Shuhui said.

Tian Weichuan smiled and left immediately.

Soon, a pot of ginger soup was ready.

Chen Shuhui secretly added a piece of fingernail-long millennium ginseng to the ginger soup.

After drinking the hot ginger soup in his stomach, Tian Futong immediately felt warm all over, and his cold and fatigue seemed to disappear all at once.

"What a good boy, good boy." Tian Futong nodded repeatedly.He liked Chen Shuhui at first sight.Now he likes her more and more.

In the house, the women of the Tian family also drank ginger soup and ate a bowl of soup, and their fatigue disappeared.

Have the energy to say something else.

"What's going on here?" Li Lanying stared at the closed door and whispered to Tian Weichuan.

At around 1 o'clock in the middle of the night, Wei's house suddenly collapsed.I went to see them and kindly took them home for shelter from the rain.As a result, they stayed for a while and left, and then these people came. "Tian Weichuan said.

Today's "reckless disaster" was framed by the Wei family!
The room was silent.People bowed their heads and drank their soup without saying a word.Don't know if they believe it themselves.

Chen Xiao'e suddenly asked in a low voice: "Are these things hidden?"

Everyone's movements were stiff, but Tian Weichuan looked at her expressionlessly: "What?"

"Hey, we are all on our own! You know the third aunt very well. The third aunt can help you!" Chen Xiao'e said in a low voice: "If there is less, we will take it out for you. They won't search!"

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Chen Shuhui would laugh.Is she an undercover agent sent by Yang Jianshe?
Tian Weichuan didn't want to talk to her anymore.Turn around and say to Chen Shuhui: "We will go out together in a while and let them search the house." If you have something to bring, put it in your schoolbag. "

They don't really need to search.How much can a school bag hold? Even if the bag is full of valuables, that little is not enough to be a problem.

Chen Shuhui has already packed her bag.She was carrying her schoolbag, which contained three paintings and a set of emerald jewelry she had bought earlier.The gold and jade bracelets on her wrists were taken off by her and put on.

And the two wads of money she had brought.

When she came, she brought 2 yuan for a rainy day.

Now the maximum face value of money is 10 yuan, and 2 is two bundles.Although she has spent more than 2000 yuan, there is still a lot left.

And her underwear.She doesn't want to be touched by strange men.

Filled with things, stuffed a big bag.

Tian Weichuan picked it up: "Let's go."

Chen Shuhui was reluctant to move: "I'm going to make soup. It's almost dawn. Is everyone hungry?"

She didn't say yes.Everyone felt her chest pressed against her back when she said that.

This night, it was scary and it rained.Saved by a bowl of ginger soup now, but feeling hungry.

"Move the stove, move it to the wing room." Tian Weichuan said, seeing that Chen Shuhui was only wearing a dress, and her fat maternity clothes could not conceal her good figure.The boobs, in particular, seem to have gained another size in the last few days.Loose clothes are full.

(End of this chapter)

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