Chapter 202 The Well
Tian Weilin froze for a moment, then nodded slowly: "If that's the case, that's the best." She suddenly couldn't remember the last time she saw Liu Xu.

"You go to deliver the wedding candy. I want to stay at your house for a while." She didn't want to go back and face Liu Yan.

"Hmm." Chen Shuhui gave her the keys, calligraphy and painting, necklace and her own backpack.

Tian Weilin was also very happy.She also has a clean place to live.


In the evening, when Tian Weichuan and Chen Shuhui came back, Tian Weilin left.She couldn't let her aunt face Liu Yan alone.So unfriendly.

She wanted to finish the meal made by Chen Shuhui before leaving.In the end, it was her younger brother who did the cooking.She raised her leg without saying a word.She has no confidence in Tian Weichuan's cooking skills.He may be the first man in the Tian family to cook.

Chen Shuhui used Tian Weichuan's cooking time to communicate with the vines in the yard, allowing their roots to grow and connect with the plants in Wei's house in the backyard.

In this way, she can easily communicate with the plants of the Wei family.

Because she primarily relies on unseen energies to communicate with plants, she can communicate "out of nothing", but she finds that communication is clearer and faster if there is direct contact.

For example, she wants a plant to grow.If she only uses the brain, it has a growth rate of 1, but if she reaches out and touches the plant, it might have a growth rate of 10
Suddenly, Chen Shuhui's mind was tied to the root of the vine for a meal, and it encountered an underground box.The box is huge, about 1 cubic meter.It gets buried under tree roots, which stunts its growth.

This may also be the reason why it has not been fruitful in recent years.

Chen Shuhui's eyes lit up.that's right.How can all eggs be put in one basket?Tian Weichuan's grandma should have scattered and buried her things back then.

Inspired, she spread the roots of the vines all over the yard.Sure enough, she found three small boxes in three places.One was buried shallowly, in an abandoned well in the southeast corner of the compound.

She really wants to know what's in those boxes!
It's not a good time to dig it out though, because no matter what's in there, the best way to dig it out right now is to turn it in.There is no second choice.

You can bury her first and then take her out

Tian Weichuan would definitely agree.If he'd been old-fashioned, he'd have reported it and sent someone to the house to dig it up.

Chen Shuhui left the vine and came to the well.

In the past, almost everyone had a well, but now there are few courtyard houses with running water.

The well at home was very high, higher than her knees, and it was shaped like a gossip, covered with a heavy stone slab.

Chen Shuhui greeted Tian Weichuan who had just finished cooking: "...Brother, why is this well closed properly?"

Tian Weichuan looked at her weakly.What did she call him?
He walked over and pinched the little girl's face with his hand.He whispered, "It's not dark yet. Don't bark."

This cute "brother" suddenly made him think of things he shouldn't think about.After all, she was just calling him that at the time...

Chen Shuhui was also very helpless: "Why can't I call you like that? Is it like they call Brother Tian? I don't want to. Outsiders can call like this. I want to use someone different from outsiders!"

Tian Weichuan compromised.just shout.In fact, he likes to listen
"When there are outsiders, you can't call like that. Just call my name." He whispered.This voice can only be heard by himself.

Chen Shuhui understood, blushed immediately, and glanced at him.

"elder brother……"

She deliberately let out a sweet cry, and the sound was like a little paw that instantly shocked him.

Tian Weichuan's eyes suddenly darkened.

His eyes made her feel like a rabbit being stared at by a wolf. "Why not use the well? Why seal it up?"

Tian Weichuan didn't speak, just stared at her.

She is naughty.Was he trying to teach her a lesson?
(End of this chapter)

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