80's Wedding Night: Fat Girl is Beautiful and Hot

Chapter 140 is not very appropriate, is it?

Chapter 140 is not very appropriate, is it?

Maybe letters.They already know each other.

Maybe it was the closest thing he'd ever been to this stranger.

Perhaps the stranger still had his child in his belly.

The stranger could come and see him from afar.

The stranger could risk his life to save him.

How could he alienate her?
This is no stranger, this is his wife.

Tian Weichuan reluctantly put his hand on Chen Shuhui's stomach, touched the walls around him, and pushed gently, without moving.

He took a deep breath, smelling the fresh, plant-scented air.

"We are lucky. The broken wall is strong because it is strong and there is a big gap. It is still connected to the outside world!" Tian Weichuan was surprised.

This is very rare, because in the past ten years, the emphasis has been on "hardship and simplicity".We should work hard in all aspects.If you can't build a good house, you must be aboveboard, cut corners in work and materials, use inferior materials, and embody thrift and simplicity

The quality of the houses they built in the past few years was not very good, and it was rare for them to come across a good one.

"Section Chief! Section Chief!"

Tian Weichuan suddenly heard shouts outside.

very good.They seem to be connected, and they are not buried very deep.

"I'm here! Here!" he yelled back.

The people outside seemed to have heard it, and ran around in a hurry.

Many people know the location of Tian Weichuan before it descended.

Chen Shuhui is so beautiful that almost everyone's eyes are on her.She was talking with Tian Weichuan at close range, and many people saw it.

Help came quickly.

Two hours later, with the help of underground vines, Tian Weichuan and Chen Shuhui were quickly rescued.

"Great!" the crowd cheered.

They all respect the section chief and don't want anything to happen to him.

They didn't want anything to happen to that pretty little girl.

What a pity that such a beautiful person died so soon.

But soon, the cheers and applause slowly stopped, and the scene was surprisingly quiet.

They found that their chief had been holding the little girl's hand and not letting go.He helped her walk carefully down the ruins with a loving expression on his face.On the way, he asked if he wanted to carry her on his back!

What happened?

Before you fell into the pit, didn't you look disgusted and didn't want to look at others?

When you came out of the pit?
did you break your head

Besides, he's married!Everyone in the unit knows that sister-in-law cooks delicious meals!

Isn't it appropriate to hold a little girl's hand for a long time?

"Section Chief, it's getting dark. Should we withdraw the team or continue?" Someone made a little noise, breaking the silence.

They used two flashlights and several torches to light and dig people out.Flashlights and torches were running out.It's dark here again.It is too difficult to save people.

"Are there any casualties among us?" Tian Weichuan asked while holding Chen Shuhui's hand.

"Two people suffered minor injuries, but no serious injuries or deaths," the man replied.

The area has long been in ruins.The only tall buildings are two and a half stories.Shen Ye and Chen Shuhui fell and fell out of the team.

Others are fine because they're agile and there's no threat around them.

"That's good." Tian Weichuan sighed with relief, and ordered: "Continue to rescue!"

The best rescue time is only 72 hours.Every minute is precious.If you want to rest, there will be plenty of time in the future.

They found wood and cloth from the ruins, lit them, made various torches, and continued their search.

But people's eyes flickered like torches, and they had to look at Tian Weichuan from time to time.

He's still holding a little girl!

And repeatedly urged to carry people back!
The little girl finally couldn't refuse him, and asked him to carry her on his back!

(End of this chapter)

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