Chapter 589 Blind Box 14
"Let's go first. I'll explain on the way."

Jiu hesitated, "But, can you go check on Shi first? He hasn't moved."

Qinuo had no patience anymore and said directly: "Give me the things and you stay at home."

"Okay..." Jiu hesitated, "Forget it, I'll go with you."

With that said, Jiu held the baby in both hands and went out.

Along the way, Qinuo kept urging Jiu to walk faster.

"But I agreed beforehand that I'm going there for you. If you encounter any danger, you must protect me first."

Qinuo nodded lightly.

When he walked to the building in front, Jiu suddenly thought, "Why don't we find San and go together?"

Qinuo's eyebrows curved, "Didn't she say in the group that there is something wrong with her doll? Why, are you not afraid now?"

Jiu shut up and stopped talking.

There are four households on the fourth floor. If he could not clearly smell the smell of blood coming from a certain household, Qinuo would have to open the locks one by one.

The door opened, and a gust of wind blew in, carrying a strong rusty smell.

Jiu was shocked: "He's not dead, is he?!"

The living room was empty, but there was a large pool of blood on the floor, and a long trail of blood from something dragged into the bedroom.

The bedroom door was ajar and everything was quiet.

Jiu pushed Qinuo's back with his arm, "Go in and take a look."

Qinuo walked straight over and opened the door. The bedroom was in a mess, and there were several bloody clothes scattered on the bed.

"no one."

Jiu hugged the doll tightly in his arms, which seemed to bring him a great sense of security. "Would it be eaten by the doll? Although he is gone, let's go first."

"Then you don't have to worry. As far as we know, a doll will only kill one person a day."

Jiu frowned. He didn't like to do such risky things. It was obvious that today could go by peacefully. "But you can't guarantee that today's rules will be the same as yesterday, right?" Qinuo didn't want to waste too much time with him, " You should also look around for it.”

"Looking for what?"

"Look for something you think is weird."

Jiu shrugged, "I think everything here is quite normal. You can go find it. We still have one day anyway."

As he said that, he sat on the sofa with the baby in his arms, carefully placed the baby on the coffee table, then lay back, and when he was about to lift his feet up and place them on the corner of the coffee table, his toes hit something.

Jiu immediately bent over to see what was under the coffee table, but strangely, there was nothing under it.

Just when Jiu was wondering if he had kicked the footrest of the coffee table, he looked up and saw a black box on the other side of the coffee table. It was square and about the size of a paper box.

"You didn't have this just now, right?"

Jiu brought the box over. It looked like it was made of iron or stainless steel, but it was also very light. It was about as heavy as a small paper box.

There is a white dotted line on the upper left side of the box.

Jiu was a little curious and reached out to poke the line. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, as if he remembered something, and the next second he threw the box in his hand violently.


Jiu shouted. He originally wanted to go find Qi, but when his eyes fell on the box, he couldn't make up his mind.

The box should have appeared out of thin air just now. What if he leaves and the box disappears?
So Jiu could only stare at the box on the coffee table while shouting: "Qi, come here quickly! We have made a major discovery."

After a while, Qinuo came out of the kitchen.

"what happened?"

But when Jiu looked at Qinuo, he was so frightened that all the hairs on his body stood up, and he couldn't say anything.

Qinuo's hands were covered with blood, and even his clothes were stained with a lot of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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