In the years, he brought his son-in-law to the house and raised his cubs and became rich

Chapter 238 So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So S

Chapter 238 So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So!

"I'll take it with me, our family is so busy, and no one plays with Bao'er, Bao'er is so bored and uncomfortable!" Papa Jin took care of Mama Jin with one sentence.

Take it away, take it away, take it away!
Children like to watch the excitement, and she can rest assured that Hu Hua is watching!

Hu Hua received unprecedented preferential treatment from Mrs. Jin, with a bag full of small water bottles, snacks, shrimp sticks, and fruits.

"Hua, eat when you're hungry on the way!"

Hu Hua couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. How long has it been since she just had breakfast?
After Jin's father learned to drive a tractor, he couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to go out for a walk. It happened that his daughter had assigned him a job, but he drove hard enough!

"I'm leaving, do you want to bring something?" Papa Jin was well equipped, with a cigarette lighter in his pocket and a straw hat on his head, shouting in a loud voice, what a proud spring breeze!

Mother Jin gave him a blank look, virtue!

"Go early and come back early, let's go!"

Got it!

Papa Jin stepped on the gas pedal and sprayed black smoke all over Mama Jin's body.The angry mother Jin chased him five or six meters away with cursing and cursing!
The short skirts are finished, and a batch of mid-range clothes has just been shipped out.Jin Baozhu decided to make the rest of the cloth ordinary.

Short-sleeved cropped pants, no style, just comfortable and not ugly!

There is no need to make samples, sixteen sewing machines, let's go together!

The ten people who had just run laps for two days were dumbfounded.

Can they start making money now?

Mother!Baozhu thinks highly of them too.

Can they do it?
The previous six people all cut and made their own clothes.For the next ten people, Jin Baozhu cut a set of clothes for them alone, and asked them to cut them according to the shape!

The hands of the ten people holding the scissors were shaking!

Really cut?
If the cutting is broken, then the good cloth will be discarded?

Jin Baozhu waved his hand and spoke boldly.

"Don't worry about cutting it boldly, if it breaks, you won't be forced to pay for it!"

Mother, it's okay if you don't say that, but once you say that, they will be even more scared.

Seeing that it was useless, Jin Baozhu immediately changed his strategy.

"If you can't do it, let others do it. Most people are willing to step on the sewing machine!"

What are you afraid of?
My hands don't shake anymore, and I feel refreshed.

What are you kidding, how can they give the work they have so hard to ask for to others?

Don't let me kill you!
Isn't it just cutting patterns?It's similar to cutting shoes.

They have already seen it!

Kakaka, the knife is fast and steady!

Jin Baozhu also noticed that everyone was hiding their abilities, and they were reluctant to show their abilities if they were not forced.

Very good, very good!
On the side of manual work, the fur goods stopped first.Half of them make shoes, and the other half make accessories for mosquito nets.

Bows, small balls, small parquet, all done!

The women in the yard, whatever Jin Baozhu said, do it right away without dragging your feet!

Baozhu arranged it properly, and they didn't stop, just to delay their earning money!

Liu Lianshun was shocked!

Want that gauze that no one wants?
Dear mother, it will take [-] meters, why, you want to use that cloth to build a marathon track?
Papa Jin pulled it now, and when the tractor came, he didn't need to ask the security guards for instructions, and let it go directly.

Looking at the old man getting off the tractor, the security guard couldn't help but click his tongue enviously.

People are more mad than people!
He also came wearing that straw hat in the morning.

They drive tractors and smoke cigarettes.He walks on two legs and smokes the tobacco leaves he grows himself!
Sour sour!

The eyeballs of Liu Zhendong's smile almost disappeared.

My old comrade, his ambition is Jinshan, the name is really good!Isn't it like a big golden mountain coming to him, old, comrade, and aspiring?

The best treats, do it now!

(End of this chapter)

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