Chapter 225 I don't care if you can explain!

"Deputy Director Liu, I didn't come yesterday!" Li Dajun hurriedly explained.

Liu Lianshun waved his hand, who cares if you come or not, if you want goods, you have to take cash!
"Are you ordering again?" Liu Lianshun said casually.

Li Dajun noticed that Liu Lianshun's attitude had changed, so he quickly flattered him and said, "Yes, order another 100 yuan for the defective product from last time."

Liu Lianshun put down the enamel cup, and said with a businesslike face: "There are no more ten-cent cups, only seven-cent ones, do you want it?"
Seven hairs?

When Li Dajun heard what Liu Lianshun said, his eyes almost popped out.

The factory gave him a total of 100 yuan to buy goods. He used to pay [-] cents per meter, and then sold them to the factory for [-] yuan, and he could earn [-] cents per meter.Now if it costs [-] cents per meter, he only earns [-] cents. A total of [-] meters of goods makes [-] or [-] cents per trip, which is more than half less than before!
As far as the benefits in the factory are concerned, this kind of work will definitely not be common in the future. What he earned this time is not enough for him to eat, drink and buy things!
"Deputy Director Liu, isn't the price too high, isn't it a dime, is it thirty-five cents?"

Liu Lianshun didn't even look him in the face, and waved his hands impatiently.

"No no."

Li Dajun looked at Liu Lianshun's appearance, and thought to himself, why did he seem to be a different person after not seeing him for a few days? Every time he came back before, he served tea and water, and served good wine and food. The factory received a big order, so you don't like the small order from their factory?

Certainly so.

"Deputy Director Liu, our factory has been getting goods from you. We are old acquaintances and regular customers. Can you give me a cheaper price? Qimao, I really can't explain it to our garment factory!"

I don't care if you can explain it!

Liu Lianshun had long disliked Li Jun, and when he heard him say that, he didn't even want to talk about it.

"It's only [-] cents, and you have to pay cash, or you can go to another place to buy!" Liu Lianshun doesn't have to worry about orders now. The Yongxing Garment Factory buys so much, and the money is so happy!

This Yongxing, tsk tsk, with such a career, the waiter will be finished sooner or later!
When Li Dajun saw Liu Lianshun like this, he immediately became anxious.

Where can I ask him to buy goods?The cloth factory closest to their clothing factory is this Huanong cloth factory.

"Deputy Factory Director Liu, where can I go to buy goods? I must buy from you. Seven cents is seven cents." At worst, when he quotes to the factory, he quotes a few cents more.

Liu Lianshun doesn't care what Li Dajun's idea is, he has already agreed with the accountant that no matter who buys goods in their cloth factory now, they have to give cash.

Those who do not give cash will not give goods!

Don't talk too much about this bum, he's going to Yongxing Garment Factory to sell the new patterns from the cloth factory today.

This is the big client he wants to hold tight to!
Li Dajun was dismissed by Liu Lianshun after a few words. He originally wanted to order the goods first and pay for the next trip.It's all right now, how could he dare to mention this matter, for fear that there will be another change in the cloth factory, and he will personally watch the matter of cloth!

Liu Lianshun did not come alone. He also brought Wang Hui, an accountant from the factory, with him.

Li Dajun, a shriveled calf, was willing to wait at the factory gate, so let him wait.

Now it's their turn to be the uncle of the cloth factory!

Liu Zhendong used a tractor to transport a truckload of goods yesterday, and came again early today!
"Sister Baozhu, good news, great news!" Liu Zhendong looked excited, and he wished he could grow two more legs when he ran!
Jin Baozhu just arranged for the machines, ten sewing machines, and ten more people.

She took it with Tianmei and taught her hand in hand.

The ten newcomers are all zero-based, running around first.

Understand the circle and then do other things!
(End of this chapter)

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