Chapter 232 Do You Need Cooperation?
After all, he didn't order any clansmen to go forward, but walked up step by step carefully.

When he stood firmly on the raft, there was a sudden burst of cheers from the crowd.

Finally, they no longer need to be trapped here, and the onlookers immediately followed suit, and took out the wooden rafts from their own tribes to start researching.

In fact, any race will have rafts, it's just a matter of how much they divide.

Even if it is not enough, a few tribes cooperate a little bit, and they can make up the pieces together.

Of course, Funan led the elephants in the lead, and they transported the rafts piece by piece from the tail to the head, forming a wooden raft conveyor belt.

This easy-to-understand method made it easy for everyone to understand at a glance, and soon, long or short conveyor belts appeared on the open crack area.

In this helpless situation, if someone could come up with a reliable idea, no one would be so stupid as to not even try it, except the group of dutiful sons and grandchildren of the A clan who can't figure it out.

Faced with such a big predicament, they thought that the burden of helping everyone tide over the difficulties this time would just fall on them, the Jia clan.

But he didn't expect that before he could figure out a reliable solution, he would be taken first.

Seeing that everyone happily followed the group of orcs and left, they were a little depressed because they had embarrassed Jiazu again.

No one can understand the awkward brain circuits of the orcs of the A clan, because no one else has a living ancestor who has lived for thousands of years and is not old or dead.

Although no one knows what the secret of Jiazu's immortality is, his knowledge and wisdom are beyond doubt.

If you want to ask the orcs of Clan A, they will definitely roll their eyes and say, "Racial talent."

It is said that Ancestor Jia didn't call him this at first, but because of his status and status, it is not appropriate for an orc of any race to call him by his first name in front of his age.

There are too many people who call him Jia Zu, so he simply called it this. Even he himself seems to have forgotten his real name.

The existence of the thousand-year-old tortoise is a proper living sign for the Jia clan.

I don't know when the orcs of the A clan had a deformed relationship with their living ancestors.

They respected him and envied him. Everyone knew that Clan A had a long lifespan, but why was he the only one who lived so long?
At first they asked him the secret of longevity, but every time he just said with a smile: "Let it be, everyone has their own destiny, and it cannot be changed by force."

In the eyes of the orcs of the A clan, every word he said was full of hypocrisy and far-fetched.

If he really likes to let nature take its course, why should he accept advice and openly wake up so many orcs who came to ask for help.

The orcs of the A clan have gradually turned from admiration and longing for their living ancestors to indifference and disdain. They have brainwashed the next generation generation after generation.

It is said that if there is no major event that affects the life and death of the Jia family, then don't bother the Jia ancestors.

And the honor of Clan A can't be counted on his old man, if you always ask him for help, you will let him down blah blah blah
Regardless of how deformed it is now, in the beginning, the purpose of the orcs of the A clan was to put aside their relationship with him, but they were also reluctant to leave the benefits he brought.

The current Jia clan is like being bewitched by an evil spirit, they talk every day not to disappoint the Jia ancestors, and to carry forward the Jia clan, but in fact, they know who they are competing with secretly.

A large number of orcs are busily preparing the raft, only the A clan is still thinking about the unknown past of the clan in a calm manner.

At that time, the orc who took a piece of amethyst and let Fu Nan and the two of them go in to visit Jiazu had already regretted it to death. She thought she was the cause of all these bad things.

If she hadn't collected the crystal nucleus and let the two of them go to Jiazu, they wouldn't have come up with such an ingenious solution.

Yes, in her eyes, the method proposed by the purple-rank orcs, such as wooden rafts and rafts, must have just been consulted by their ancestor Jia.

She gritted her teeth and told the matter to her fellow clansmen with righteous indignation, but she didn't expect that this statement really made them explode.

If it wasn't for their efforts not to ask Ancestor Jia for advice, how could it be the outsiders' turn? Everyone comforted themselves, thinking that in this case, this honor still belongs to their A Clan.

An old thing who has lived for a thousand years, how can he not understand the little Jiujiu in the heart of these juniors, he didn't take it seriously before, this time it seems that they have taken some credit for himself again, and he is so embarrassed that he can't wait to see outsiders for the rest of his life up.

For this reason, he walked out of his small shabby house on purpose, and told them not to talk nonsense after a while.

After finishing speaking, he looked up at the sky, and suddenly shook his robe, changed his usual kindness, and said coolly: "I don't care what you think, now is the best time to leave, don't leave again"

He frowned and didn't say the latter words.

Although the orcs of the A race had a clear brain circuit, they still had a clear sense of priority at the critical moment.

Not to mention that Jiazu's expression had never been so serious, and he rarely took the initiative to talk to them.

So everyone knew that his change of attitude meant that something big was about to happen, and it was definitely not a good thing.

The Jia clan who were moaning here began to worry about the lack of rafts in the clan, and Yuyue and the others had already walked more than half of the distance.

The little girl had no space to help carry the raft, so she could only hug the owl and walk among the crowd with the big rabbit who was specialized in taking care of the cubs.

When he tripped over the frame on the raft for the third time, Yu Yue pulled him up and asked helplessly, "Are you afraid of heights?"

It's no wonder that Yuyue misunderstood, ever since the young man stepped onto this sloppy man-made raft bridge, he seemed to be in a trance, and the bastards hanging on him were almost thrown out by him several times.

Hearing the words, the young man shook his head embarrassingly: "No, I am. I'm a little stiff today."

After finishing speaking, Tu Mu raised his eyes and looked at her, looking a little hesitant to speak.

He actually wanted to say that the rabbit clan seems to have a slightly inaccurate sixth sense. Whenever the body becomes stiff for no reason, something bad may happen, and the muscles tense in advance. . .

He didn't dare to say it, because he was afraid that it would cause Hu to panic for no reason. After all, this sixth sense does not work from time to time, and it may happen to him even if he is fine.

However, he hesitated, and Yuyue was a big-hearted person. When he mustered up the courage to look up, he found that the little girl had already stuffed the huge owl on the elephant clan orc next to her.

That guy had a good temper and a naive smile, and even invited the little girl to sit on her, but Yuyue quickly shook her head and refused.

(Tiger: Sister, you are in human form now, don’t make such weird invitations...)
(End of this chapter)

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