Chapter 222
Hushan tribe (should be the old, weak, sick and disabled branch of Hushan tribe)...

The haggard young man carried his father who was seriously injured on his back, glanced at the bewildered clansmen, and announced loudly that he wanted to leave.

"The patriarch and the others haven't come back, and the children haven't come back, why are we leaving!"

The elderly orcs with limited mobility retorted even with trembling voices.

Few orcs were willing to leave with him. After all, when Hu Xing took the strong young men of the clan out to explore the road, he never said he would not come back.

"The cold snap is coming, do you want to stay here and wait to die?" Lang Sen said expressionlessly.

"You child, even if you are young and timid, the news only said that the cold current has crossed the river. Why are you panicking!"

"That's right, son of a forest, let's talk about it after your father wakes up, don't panic when others leave."

The chattering voices made the young man rub his forehead with a headache.

He really didn't want to argue with this group of stubborn old orcs anymore, and he didn't want to warn them again and again about the fate of the Shui tribe.

After being silent for a while, he took a deep breath and carried the unconscious Lang Feng on his back.

Then he said indifferently: "If you really don't want to leave, then stay here and wait for them to come back."

Too bad they'll never come back.

After all, the boy walked out resolutely, and it seemed that he was really planning to abandon them, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

Seeing this, the orcs, who were still arguing blushingly, fell silent instantly.

After looking at each other in blank dismay, it seems that they suddenly reacted, and hurriedly stopped the boy who was walking out.

He blamed it irrationally and confidently: "Before Hu left, your father promised to take good care of the clansmen left behind."

"Now if your father dies, will you come to make random decisions for him?"

"You child, we all watched you grow up, how can you be so selfish?"

"Abba never promised." The boy kicked the orc who was blocking the way, regardless of whether the other party had wrinkled face and white hair.

Seeing their disbelief, Lang Sen just wanted to sneer.

At the beginning, Hu Xing and the others left, but they left a big hole for their father and son.

After Hu Meng's death, Langfeng's forbearance and surrender did not make that guy feel at ease at all.

This time, when the two of them went out, they threw the whole tribe's 'burden' to them.

When the two came back, they found that they had been 'promised' to take care of this group of orcs who couldn't even hunt for food.

Langsen believes that his father did not leave in a fit of anger, but chose to take over the mess because of his conscience.

If these tribesmen really can't figure it out, then they really don't need to be responsible.

He was not shaken by the chattering and condemnation of the crowd, and the boy insisted on leaving.

Suddenly, I ran into the old lady who had been smiling gently.

"Grandma Hu, don't you intend to leave?" Lang Sen frowned, he really couldn't do such a thing as kicking the respected bell receiver away.

Unexpectedly, Grandma Hu answered irrelevantly and said, "Son, I saw Xiaoyue yesterday."

Lang Sen's expected eyes lit up, and he almost grabbed Grandma Hu's old hands excitedly.

Restraining himself, the young man swallowed, and asked in disbelief: "Xiaoyue, is Xiaoyue still alive? Where is she? Is she okay?"

"Of course I'm still alive. It's a pity. That child doesn't seem to recognize me anymore. He ran so fast." Granny Hu shook her head earnestly, looking very regretful.

"Yeah, Xiaoyue forgot a lot of things, but she..." Because he was too excited, the boy almost blurted out what he shouldn't have said.

"What's up with her?"

"Ah, it's good that she's fine." The old lady's smiling face made him inexplicably wary, and he lowered his eyes and laughed.

"So, are you going to find Xiaoyue?" Granny Hu was not in a hurry when she didn't get the answer she wanted, she still smiled gently.

The young man is silent, there is no way, Xiaoyue is his weakness, they have lived together for 17 years, Huzi has lost those memories now, but he has no way to let them go.

Now Granny Hu's speech is unclear, and he doesn't even know what Xiaoyue's situation is now.

Is the black panther still protecting her? After the natural disaster, is she injured and can she have enough to eat?

She is only such a small one, and she has been tortured by natural disasters for so long, will she be afraid?

The tiger who is eating meat: Ang?Tigers can now eat and build, and they are accompanied by beautiful men, which is very good. (Suck the leopard)
Granny Hu seemed to see the boy's wavering, she opened her mouth, and was about to persuade him again, but was suddenly interrupted by a weak voice.

"Sen...go away...leave..." The man was so weak that he couldn't even raise his hand, but he still managed to spit out these words.

Langsen held the man's hands tightly, and he silently looked at the endless grassland, as if he was making an important decision.

"You're an adult, it's time for you to make your own decisions." The old lady said suddenly, interrupting the boy's thoughts.

"Me?" The boy asked in a daze.

"Yes, you..."

"Then let's go." Facing Grandma Hu's astonished gaze, the young man smiled slightly.

"It's impossible for Hu Xing to come back, but if you want to wait here to die, it has nothing to do with me."

Lang Sen's choice was already very clear. Before leaving, he turned his head again and dropped such a sentence coldly.

Finally, looking at the silent old lady standing in front of him, he continued to sneer and said, "Including you, Granny Hu."

The young man's stride away made the stubborn orcs panic, struggled a bit, and followed behind cursingly.

Although they still had hope for the leaders and young adults who had left, no one was foolish.

Now the only young and strong person who can hunt is leaving. If they don't keep up, won't they really stay here and wait to die?

Even Granny Hu just looked behind unwillingly, and followed eagerly.

The young man pursed his lips and walked forward in silence.

Suddenly, Langfeng moved his stiff jaw: "Don't worry."

A weak voice rang in his ears, and Lang Sen's walking movements also paused.

"Well, I know, Xiaoyue will be fine."

Of course he knew that since Xiaoyue had persisted until this point, even if she had encountered difficulties, she would definitely not need him to rush to help as an afterthought.

Since he separated from Xiaoyue that night, he has missed too much.

The Beast God, who is uncertain and uncertain, does not know how much suffering and natural disasters will be thrown on them.

He no longer expects to compete for Xiaoyue's 'custody rights' after becoming stronger, he only hopes to have another chance to meet her in the future, and to see her again.

Huzi: Me?custody? Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)
 Postpone Postpone

(End of this chapter)

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